
Gastroenteritis treatment over counter

Common Questions and Answers about Gastroenteritis treatment over counter


Avatar n tn Eat light, do not stay hungry but eat simple things like toast, porridge, cereals, crackers etc. Take ORS. Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Take something for fever like acetaminophen. Watch out for a day or two with this treatment. If it does not help, consult a doctor. Take care!
Avatar n tn Eat light, do not stay hungry but eat simple things like toast, porridge, cereals, crackers etc. Take ORS. Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Watch out for a day or two with this treatment. If still the symptoms persist, then you may need an antibiotic for the gut and would need to see a doctor. If after the antibiotic course too the symptoms persist, then there is a chance that you have developed either IBS or some food intolerance.
Avatar m tn Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Watch out for a day or two with this treatment. Get complete HIV testing done to ease your mind, and rule it out completely. Please consult your PCP. Take care!
993134 tn?1284921772 Take ORS. Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Watch out for a day or two with this treatment. If still the symptoms persist, then you may need an antibiotic for the gut and would need to see a doctor. Please go through as advised. In all probability things will settle down. At any time you feel that symptoms are worsening (more than 8-10 loose stools in 24 hrs, vomiting, feeling faint, high fever etc) please go to the ER.
Avatar m tn Eat light, do not stay hungry but eat simple things like toast, porridge, cereals, crackers, banana, rice, peeled apple, etc. Take ORS. Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Watch out for a day or two with this treatment. If it does not help consult a doctor to rule out other causes like infection, food intolerance, IBS etc. Take care!
475300 tn?1312423126 org/health_pages/Hepatitis/Members-Comment-on-Side-Effects-of-the-Treatment-Drugs-During--After-Treatment-/show/530?cid=64 Hope you feel better soon.
Avatar n tn Eat light, do not stay hungry but eat simple things like toast, porridge, cereals, crackers etc. Take ORS. Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Watch out for a day or two with this treatment. If still the symptoms persist, then you may need an antibiotic for the gut and would need to see a doctor. If after the antibiotic course too the symptoms persist, then there is a chance that you have developed either IBS or some food intolerance.
Avatar f tn Take ORS. Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Watch out for a day or two with this treatment. If still the symptoms persist, then you may need an antibiotic for the gut and would need to see a doctor. If after the antibiotic course too the symptoms persist, then there is a chance that you have developed either IBS or some food intolerance. In that case you would need to consult a gastroenterologist. Please go through as advised.
Avatar n tn Hi, How are you? I think you have a condition called over active bladder which causes, urge to urinate frequently, urgency and urge incontinence. The usual treatments for this condition are pelvic muscle strengthening exercises, behavioural therapy and medication( detrol la) etc. Also, if you are urinating very frequently check the amount of fluid intake, check blood sugars and get a urine analysis with culture done.
Avatar f tn An over the counter medication is any medication that can be purchased without a prescription "over the counter", but does not make the medication safer and needs to be taken according to the directions on the package and there is a need to be more vigilent and take into consideration individual health, the benefits versus the risks and potential interactions with any prescribed meidcations.
Avatar n tn Peptic ulcer disease causes upper left quadrant pain that usually begins 2 hours after a meal. It gets better with over the counter antacids. Stomach flu can cause indigestion and abdominal discomfort. Viral gastroenteritis can lead to nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The exact location of pain and other details will help in determining the accurate cause .Take light meals. Avoid spicy fried foods. If the symptoms are severe consult a gastroenterologist. Best of luck and regards!
Avatar f tn Anyone have experience with any over the counter depression medicine that works well?
Avatar n tn t do anything either but occasionally give an antiemetic which helps stop vomiting. They really use these sparingly though. The do sell over the counter things like emetrol which is supposed to help with vomiting and also things like pepto bismal. I know that I keep tums close by when sick like this too. Time tested favorite for vomiting and nausea is ginger ale or 7 up. If it continues or you do become dehydrated, you'll have to bite the bullet and see a doctor.
1418633 tn?1314546745 Bill is right - Atarax/Vistaril/Hyrdroxyzine works wonders with the itching, but you need a prescription for it. Another over the counter med is Benadryl - readily available over here but not sure in India. In another thread some of us had commented on applying ice packs/cool towels which help in a pinch. Hope is subsides soon because it's really bothersome.
Avatar f tn r n they did blood work n a ultrasound which came back normal. I was think gallbladder stones idk.. So doctor diagnose me with gastroenteritis prescribe me pain killers. N next morning with the dull pain that comes n goes. Ouch! Is it normal???? Im scared im praying to god to please let it not be nothing else..
Avatar n tn My daughter is 14 months old and she has has watery diarrhea and vomitting. When she was born she was perfectly healthy, but once I had to return to work I began to give her formula and that's when she began to have these complications. She began to have watery diarrhea and vomit. I took her to the doctor and they said she had gastroenteritis, but it's been a while now and she is still the same? Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong? Thank you.
Avatar n tn I went up there and took her to the doctor and she was basically told is was a stomach virus (gastroenteritis) drink plenty of fluids and it should go away in a couple of days but when I look up Gastroenteritis it says that it's common in people with weaken immune system caused by HIV. She took her 3 month birth control shot the morning before but I'm sure that didn't cause Gastroenteritis. My question is should I be concerned about HIV at this point.
Avatar n tn Hello! I seem to have unfortunately caught gastroenteritis. I was given Ondansentron and it helped immensely. However, I can't sleep. I'm so wired and my stomach still hurts but luckily, no side effects. Is this normal? Is it the gastroenteritis or the drug?
Avatar f tn Fungal infections also come up whenever there is moisture or temperature difference and Tinea versicolor can cause whole body itch. Over the counter antihistamines help and should be taken immediately. Calamine lotions and other over the counter preparations with camphor/menthol do help to reduce the itch. Try a soft cotton ball dipped in cool water applied over the itchy areas instead.
Avatar m tn There are also several topicals that you can get over the counter. Some of these are Abreva, Releev, and Dermoplast. In addition some people use natural remedies such as honey, which has been found to have antiviral properties. However, these have not been formulated, and have had no clinical trials, specifically to treat HSV.
Avatar f tn Eat light, do not stay hungry but eat simple things like toast, porridge, cereals, crackers, banana, rice, peeled apple, etc. Take ORS. Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Watch out for a day or two with this treatment. However, its important to rule out appendicitis as the cause of pain and fever, as this can be dangerous. Hence it is important to get un ultrasound or CT of the abdomen if appendicitis is suspected. Ask your doctor about it. Take care!
Avatar n tn Since nerve tissue can take many days to regenerate, it is likely that your pain will improve over time or might reduce completely. Simple over the counter painkillers like non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, B12 injections may be helpful in reducing your symptoms. Other commonly prescribed is amitriptyline, an anti-depressant and carbamazepine that can help in relieving nerve pain when given in relatively small doses.
Avatar f tn I have a cold an taking no medicine is killing me. Is there Any over the counter meds I can take?