
Femara and trigger finger

Common Questions and Answers about Femara and trigger finger


534810 tn?1213327718 I have developed a trigger finger and dequervains tendonitis in bilateral wrist w/thumb pain. Had to go off med for a month and also have sites injected w/cortisone. Never had any of this before. Oncologist said she had seen trigger finger before no dequervains tendonitis? Wondering if anyone out there has had any of these side effects? And what do you think of this? I am miserable w/all this discomfort.
Avatar f tn Hi Everyone, After 3 months of Femara I suddenly developed carpel tunnel syndrome. My entire right arm became numb in the middle of the night; I thought I was having a stroke or heart attack. I called Novartis & they sent me the requested 9 pages of info about musculoskeletal side effects, the most common being carpel tunnel & trigger finger. I saw a hand specialist who provided hand braces and said I would eventually need the surgery.
1515688 tn?1328151024 Can I take Repronex and/or femara without using a trigger shot (by tracking ovulation with OPK instead)?
Avatar f tn I have been taking Femara since Dec 2009 and started having pain in my hands and trigger fingers two months ago (Feb, 2011) I had injections for the trigger fingers which seem to help and then not. The changes are making me crazy. I have an appt with another hand doc but am worried he will want to operate and it might be safe to stop the Femara. Any ideas out there? thanks.
Avatar f tn Hi there-I was on clomid 2 months with IUI and trigger-only had 2 follicles both times. I was on Femara this month, trigger and IUI and I had 6 follicles. I also took it on 4-8. So, for me, femara worked much better. I didn't do Menopur. I am in my 2ww and will find out on Tuesday. I wish you all the best!
Avatar f tn t normally post a lot but i wanted to let u know I got pregnant on my first cycle of femara and ovidrel. I think I took femara days 3-7 and then had a trigger when my follicles were ready. I had done 3 cycles of chlomid with no luck but got pregnant my first f/o cycle. I'm 26 weeks right now! So good luck ladies! I'm sure it will all work out!
Avatar f tn On the first try of iui with donor, they did it without femara and the trigger shot. But they informed me that they missed my ovulation and decided to put me on femara and on the trigger to avoid missing it again/ and having a better control of it. On the second try of iui +donor+femara+trigger shot: they informed that I might ovulated before the trigger shot because they notice that the follicules were too big .
Avatar f tn in the past i used clomid/menopur with a trigger shot. this month, he switched to femara/menopur with a trigger. what is different about femara? I got 3 follies first cycle, and 4 last cycle. what would the difference be with femara? any side effects?
Avatar f tn Where do I begin? I am a 29yr old female and I have never been pregnant. 3mths ago I found out that I have PCOS. I had all the blood work done and it confirmed it. I had an HSG to make sure my tubes are open and they are. I had my first round of femara 2.5mg and metformin 500mg last month. Went back to the doc and he said no luck PCOS still in the way. Did a progesterone test and my level was 8.7 some docs say I ovulated some say I didn't I have no clue.
405855 tn?1217100767 I wasted 5 previous IUI because my NP was using OPK and trigger shots to determine timing for IUI and I was shock to find out from my RE that this is not the standard practice for IUI with meds. good luck!
Avatar f tn I had femara or letrazole cd 3-7 and ultra sound cd 12 but It shows only one folicle 14mm so they didn't shot trigger and they told me I have to waite couple of days. I was wondering why my ov is so late and why this time my folicel is too small because I was on clomid and I had lot of folicle and all of them more than 17mm ,so is it possible with this small I get pregnant or not , polease let me your experience I'm really frustrated/.
708150 tn?1268273933 I am on the third cycle of Femara, trigger shot and back to back IUI - which I had done within 24 hours and then 36 hours. My doc likes to do two rounds of iui back to back for more success. I hope this helps. I find out tomorrow if I am preggers...
691236 tn?1311199974 I ovulate on Clomid - but did not on Femara. I will start Femara again, maybe a higher dose this time with trigger and IUI! Hoping it works this time - but that is pretty much all my RE is prescribing now, he loves it!
374593 tn?1257879950 So i just started femara yesterday (cd3) and AF is now totally gone it seems! is that normal? sometimes i'll get a little break for night on day three, but it alllways returns the next morning and now its nowhere to be found! Not sure if this is more likely from my recent lap (3 weeks ago) or from the femara? anyone have any ideas? Do you think that it will affect my uterine lining this month if AF was only around for a mild 2.5 days? Thanks!
391060 tn?1204749484 i took femara and i didnt have any mood swings, actaully i was really happy and relaxed when i took it. i guess everyone is different,also my dr told me that femara has a better sucess rate then clomid!! best of luck to you.
Avatar n tn I took one cycle of Femara with hcg trigger last month I have spotted and have not had no cycle and pt are negative, can anyone help?
506760 tn?1218044941 Thank You Candie! I have been looking for a forum just like this! Yeah, I am on 2.5 mg days 3-7. The first month I got two follies about 19 mm, and this month 1 at 16 and two at 8. RE didn't want to do the AI but did anyway and I am doing the TWW. If neg (which I am sure with such small follicles) then I will ask about increasing the dosage. Thank you!
629668 tn?1222914854 m on follistim +femara) and 3 ruptured... and we are again submitting and getting ready for IVF, in our last tww before officially moving on to that! SO it was almost a success story, but when we got preg there was a genetic abnormality.. so the good news is that it deifntley happens and sometimes without any help with a morph of 2% along with female issues too! GOOD LUCK! as far as side effects i really don't have any from the femara! keep us updated!
Avatar f tn yep, of course and I'm on my second cycle of Femara. I've caught a horrble bug and have been going to the Dr this afternoon. The good news is I've been resting alot and once I get the pos OPK, I will have my donor come over. It is AI anyways. Me being sick shouldn't affect my cycle will it?
1647475 tn?1363137097 I am 29 and we've been TTC for 3 years now without any positive results (no miscarriages either though). I took 6 rounds of Clomid (3 at 50 mg & 3 at 100mg) and nothing. I am seeing a fertility specialist now and this is my first month taking Femara at 5 mg and we'll combine it with IUI as soon as get positive ovulation.
Avatar f tn I would check with your doctor though and be sure. I was on Femara for 4 cycles and I requested an u/s during 1 cycle just for peace of mind, but otherwise I just monitored my temps and used OPK's. All the best to you! Hopefully the Femara will give you the boost you need!
Avatar n tn Trigger finger is quite common and cortisone injections are fast, easy and often work. Sometimes it may take 2 or 3 of them. Usually if 3 don't work then surgery is recommended. We do several of these in a day-very common.
Avatar f tn Literally overnight, I developed a hard nodule under my middle finger on the palm, and my finger started snapping into place and being stiff after waking in the morning. Some days the pain is pretty bad and other days it's hardly there. It is my right hand and I am right-handed. Is surgery the only option to correct this problem? I can't imagine being without my right hand. Thanks for your advice.
Avatar f tn Hello, i have a unique condition of trigger finger as i get it frequently and it's alternating between my hands and feet. I had three surgeries already on the two hands middle fingers. I saw many doctors but they don't know the reason for it or what causes it. it's not only a tendon lock, but i get it also with swelling and a lot of pain that i sometimes pass out because of it. i'm 35 yo and don't have diabetes.
1421938 tn?1318603558 I went for a utlrasound to c how big my fol were I had 3 of them 20,23,24 dr said they were great size... That was done on my 12th day of my cycle.. He did give me my trigger shot and told me that I would ovulate 36 hours from the time i had the shot... So he told me to have sex friday nite 12/1am and then again saturday morning...My question is how does he know i will not ovulate earlier.. And the other question is will all 3 eggs be released...
325477 tn?1250551309 I wonder if my clomid will develop few mature follicles so that we can do trigger shot and then intercourse and then IUI.. that way, I might get pregnant! God I wish! Im just scared that this Saturday, CD 11, I will not have developed follicles and then we will move to injectables.. Can you tell me more about injectables? Can you describe the whole process? You can email me that way we can talk offline and I will have your email in my records in case I need to ask my RE. THANKS!