
Deviated septum surgery and recovery

Common Questions and Answers about Deviated septum surgery and recovery


Avatar f tn while im on the subject, how much bleeding post surgery. and how long is recovery. everyone is different. but maybe just an idea how long.
Avatar n tn I would not recommend snorting any more coke tho
Avatar m tn I'am planning to have sinus surgery (septopasty) to correct a deviated septum and deciding between surgeons. One of the surgeons attaches splints with breathing tubes to each side of the repaired septum, the other surgeon just stitches the 2 sides of the septum together in a procedure called "quilting".
538090 tn?1213808112 Truth be told, laaz, I am not too sure how serious my condition is - whether I have swollen turbinates from vasomotor rhinitis or not. All I can tell you is I was diagnosed with deviated septum and needs surgery to correct them along with turbinate reduction. I definitely know that I don't have any allergies or sinuses that I am aware of nor do I take medications for any sickness.
1329703 tn?1275158081 I have a deviated septum that was found when my allergy shots started working but I still couldn't breathe through my nose. I also have mild sinus issues with them clogging and a mild infection (normally my immune system gets it under control within a week or so). I have the surgery in a couple of weeks so I can't comment on the long term affects yet but I'm hopeful it will help!
Avatar f tn About 3 weeks ago I had Endo surgery. They repaired a deviated septum, left ethmoidectomy, bilateral reduction of all turbinates, and sphenoidotomy. My doctor said that recovery time (return to work) would be about a week. I'm now 3 days short of 3 weeks and still have huge parts of the day that I'm in pain. The worst part is the weekly debriding. It knock me down to bedridden for at least 48hours.
Avatar m tn My dietary advice still stands, but there is nothing about the diet that can fix a deviated septum. If the deviated septum is preventing you from breathing properly during sleep, then I think you should do what you need to do to get it fixed. Then you can ALSO address systemic inflammation, if you are still having symptoms. Again, best of luck.
Avatar f tn There is absolutely no evidence that a deviated septum leads to oxygenation problems and problems with the heart and lungs. The only reasons to fix your deviated septum would be 1) you are finding it difficult to breathe through your nose 2) you have sleep apnea and fixing your septum may help with CPAP compliance 3) you are having severe, difficult to treat nosebleeds 4) you are looking for cosmetic rhinoplasty (of which a septoplasty may be a part).
Avatar m tn I have noticed that the sit of my nose where my deviated septum had been seems to still be significantly inflamed and that the generalized area around where the maxillary sinus would be hurts as well. Perhaps the most annoying, is the fact that my upper left molars kill. is this likely just residual inflammation from the surgery itself? i do know there was a good amount of infection in the left maxillary prior to my surgery, so wondering if this is just aggravated by the surgery.
Avatar f tn Everyone here has deviated septum and had sudden profound hearing loss? Yes?
Avatar f tn The headaches were also on the left side due to pressure from the clogged nostril. He told me I had a deviated septum. I scheduled surgery that day because he said he could fix my problem and make it easier to breathe. Well he did make it easier to breathe out of the clogged side, but he moved the septum too far and now I cannot breathe out of what was my "good" side. My headaches are worse than they were before the surgery.
Avatar f tn Hi, a deviated nasal septum can cause an obstruction to breathing and correction will ensure that your symptoms will improve. But this may not help correct the post nasal drip. Post nasal drip could be due to a sinus infection, a cold or a chronic allergy. These can lead to a post nasal drip and lead to an irritation in the throat. It could be sinusitis, if it is accompanied by nasal stuffiness and facial pain or pressure. Post nasal drip could also be due to allergens.
Avatar n tn So I went to the ENT today and had them stick that scope up my nose and apparently I have a pretty bad deviated septum ... he gave me a script for a nasal spray and an antibiotic but I'm not sure what the antibiotic is for, I don't like taking antibiotics if I don't have to so I'm hesitant to take that. He mentioned surgery but for the possible future ... I'm hoping the nasal spray will help the allergies and the post nasal drip ...
1452978 tn?1285110262 Has anyone had the sinus surgery and it helped the dizziness, off balance, and lightheaded feeling. I am have a deviated septum that is being correct. I am nervous I have never had surgery before but I am praying this takes care of the issues. Could someone please share their experiences with me, my surgery is Thursday. Thanks so much!
Avatar m tn I've been diagnost with a deviated septum and excercised induced astma and was wondering if any one had septum fixed? Would it help with sinus infections and breathing for asthma? Any deviated septum repair stories out there?
Avatar m tn I finally saw an ENT and he saw I have a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates and concha bellus. My ENT wants to correct the septum and reduce turbinates and remove concha belluse sinuses.. I chose to only have my turbinates reduces with local anesthetic, I think it still puts me to sleep and he's going to reduce turbinates using heated catherisation.. I'm a little nervous to have this down because I've heard of empty nose syndrome and also potential sideffects..
Avatar m tn i began to worry about my health i started researching about my problem in the internet and found out that i have deviated septum. but still not 100% sure about it so i also consulted an ENT. it took me almost half of my life to determine the problem in my nose that had altered my life. I had my deviated septum fix but didnt fix it 100% as they informed me that it may take 2 operation to entirely fix it as it was completely deviated to the left and its all crooked up to the back of my nose.
4556201 tn?1356445652 It could be a combined procedure, surgery for the deviated septum and the bump. Consult your primary care physician, who may then refer you to an ENT surgeon. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn I got in to see the ENT dr a week ahead of schedule. I have chronic sinusitis, scars on both ears from past infections, and "fairly severe deviated septum,". He had trouble getting the scope up my nose, had to go to a smaller one. He put me on a "push" of prednisone, antibiotics, and Nasonex. Also scheduled a CT scan of sinus's in a month to see if infection is gone. Then he said we would decide what to do. My sx were a constant drippy nose, pressure in ears, headaches.
Avatar m tn it revealed several polyps through out my sinuses,pus in my left cheek sinus,and airpocket in another sinus,deviated septum and my turbinates are 4x larger then they should be .im on xyzyal which is like zyrtec,veramyst,singular and i take claritin every day...
Avatar f tn Just read your posting from six months ago as I explore why I had a severely deviated septum and it struck a chord. I had septoplasty, sinus surgery and turbinate reduction two years ago and it was the best thing I had done for myself in years. Unfortunately, I did not realize my problem until I was in my early 50s after suffering countless sinus infections while dealing with severe environmental allergies that were all diminishing my quality of life.
Avatar m tn I get like this from time to time. After many scans found out I do have a slight bone spur and deviated nasal septum-means its crooked- but, alas it does not STAY blocked up because I alternate out of each side blowing junk out of it and my ENT actually said if it were 100% blocked I'd never breath out of the side thats blocked not blow a bunch of stuff out and then (temporarily) feel better. Hope this helps!
382218 tn?1341181487 Hi, I mentioned this probably a couple of years ago now, and am only now getting around to dealing with it. I'm awating an appt for a CT scan to check out my deviated septum and find out whether surgery will correct it. I'm not so concerned about getting the procedure if it will help. Just wondering if any of you have had this done, how was the recovery and do you notice a big difference afterwords? Any bad experiences with this?