
Dangers of smoking clove cigarettes

Common Questions and Answers about Dangers of smoking clove cigarettes


168348 tn?1379357075 The ban, authorized by the new Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, is part of a national effort by the FDA to reduce smoking in America. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in America.
Avatar f tn Hi. I'm just curious in people's opinions of something. I am an ex smoker. No longer have the habit. My child's daycare have been taught that smoking kills people etc.. so move away from people if they're smoking. A lot of parents from the daycare have come in abusing the child care Centre as they're smokers and there young children keep telling them they're going to die.
Avatar f tn s so dangerous and harmful to my precious baby, everytime I craved a cigarette I looked up the danger of dangers of smoking whilst pregnant on the internet, the things that really made me not light up were that every cigarette smoked made my babys heart beat really fast, it said online that I might aswell just squeeze my babys umbilical cord for a while, resulting in my baby not having enough oxygen and struggling :( I quit cold turkey and haven't looked back, I'm now 37 weeks and it'
Avatar f tn I asked my doctor if I could smoke a vaporizer and he said no that you are better off smoking cigarettes because they have no actual proof that it is safe for a Pregnant woman to smoke. So I wouldn't smoke it.
Avatar f tn So, here I am, for the probably 4th time tapering off a 8-10/day hydro habit. I am this anything like quitting smoking? I smoked for 23 years, and could not imagine life without my "best friends", my cigarettes. I mean...what would I do when the phone rang, when I got in the car, after I was done eating, when I went out, sat next to the pool, etc etc. I remember thinking how will I EVER ENJOY life again without my cigarettes.
Avatar m tn There is more concentration on what kind of person you should feel like for smoking than the physical dangers of tobacco. Lastly, raising prices for something in terrible economic times is only causing crime to rise, and it continues every day. So these methods or ideas to stop smoking are not working to good. So comes the last attempt, make it illegal. This desperate idea will cause nothing but things to get worse.
Avatar f tn I am on holiday and my friend is smoking e cigarettes. Yesterday I came back to our room early to find the e cigarette making a strange noice so I put it on the balcony in doing so some fluid leaked on my hand. I have washed and washed my hands but still worried can any one help! 15 weeks pregnant.
Avatar m tn s more, the first time I got it came about a month after I was exposed to clove cigarettes. Had one out at a bar, and then proceeded to enjoy a pack of them over the course of a week or so. Now I realize that it does not seem logical that you can get scabies just from inhaling smoke, but I am not sure that 7 or 8 times can be a coincidence. And I know that the mind can play tricks on you, but it is not like I smell the smoke and immediately think I have scabies.
Avatar m tn Off the top of my head, Ill run off a few of the wonderful things that can happen because of smokeless tobacco. 1. Oral Cancer 2. Esophageal Cancer 3. Stomach Cancer 4. Tooth loss 5. Gum disease/erosion 6. Facial disfigurement because of cancer I mean, that is a pitiful list but the number of chemicals in that stuff is enough to make me want to quit... In fact, today was my quit date. I plan on making this quit for real. I quit before for a few years, then tripped up.
Avatar n tn Before I was pregnant I vaped instead of smoking, with nicotine. I was wondering if it was okay to vape with no nicotine while pregnant?
Avatar f tn I'm a bad mother already at 25 weeks. Health anxiety ripping my mind apart and now developed neck pains and im scared even more. I'm a crap mother to be. Literally. Only consolation are cigarettes but I cry each time because of my lil boy inside me. What can I do I'm all over the place.
736475 tn?1281259327 how many of you fine addicts have tried to quit smoking cigarettes too? almost all the addicts i know smoke. this is so hard. talk about relapse! plus its' legal.
Avatar f tn I was also smoking.. Like you said nothing to be proud of... I must say as soon as i found out i was pregnant, i stopped, after trying for long with patches and pills... I think you should have a bit more faith in yourself you will ne able to do it...
Avatar f tn Lower the amount of oxygen and nutrient available your growing baby. Increase your baby's heart rate. Increase the chances of miscarriage and stillbirth. Increase the risk that your baby is born prematurely and/or born with low birth weight. Increase your baby's risk of developing respiratory (lung) problems. Second hand smoke has been shown to be just as harmful.
Avatar f tn Hi, I used to smoke. I was highly addicted to cigarettes because I got to the point where packaged unfilters were not good enough: so in the end, I rolled my own. I also woke up several times in the middle of the night just to get my nicotine hit. If this is not the first time you quit, then you probably know that it gets harder to quit each time after, but it's not impossible. I quit by fake "cold turkey.
1107684 tn?1448828430 First and foremost, Congrats on you quit! It's amazing how our smell gets keener and yes, how we don't smell like smoke anymore! The bad things is everyone else that smokes smells so bad! I'm past the "hanging" stage but there were functions that I didn't go to because I knew that smoking was permitted. Today, 2 years later, I still can't stand the smell or the smell of those smoking friends, but I have become more tolerant.
Avatar f tn I've been feeling much better lately. I started smoking cigarettes again though, and I feel like a hypocrite for replacing one addiction with another. I know how bad they are for you, probably worse than vicodin. But they're obviously a lot easier to come by, and my husband said he'd rather have me smoking cigarettes than popping pills all day. What do you guys think? By no means am I trying to justify using vicodin over cigarettes.
Avatar f tn Lower the amount of oxygen and nutrient available your growing baby. Increase your baby's heart rate. Increase the chances of miscarriage and stillbirth. Increase the risk that your baby is born prematurely and/or born with low birth weight. Increase your baby's risk of developing respiratory (lung) problems. The more cigarettes you smoke per day, the greater your baby's chances of developing these and other health problems.
Avatar f tn Im 5 weeks pregnant now.. & I'm having a hard time quiting smoking cigarettes. What's every ones opinion on smoking while pregnant? Smoking 1-2 cigarettes per day!!
Avatar f tn i've answered a similar question before, and everyone ganged up on me, so i'll say that you should quit completely.. i've smoked about 1 to 10 ciggarettes a day with my baby, and he turned out perfectly healthy and normal weight... i read from a book that there's only 40% chance of something being wrong with a baby if the mother smokes like 2 packs a in my opinion, smoking half a pack has a little % of something being wrong...
Avatar f tn Next time you have a cigarette consciously think about the smell and the taste and ask yourself what enjoyment you are getting out of it. There is a book. The smoking book. Every single person I know who had read it quit. If you really want to quit you should read it. I will go look up the name. I was a casual smoker and it made me stop even that.
Avatar f tn reading that rude young ladies posts she has made herself she sounds like the one who needs help. I know quitting is hard, I was smoking for a few weeks after finding out I was pregnant because I was so stressed and couldn't eat (I was smoking pot) and I just felt terrible knowing I have a life inside of me so I quit cold turkey. it's easier when u have people supporting u and gave things to distract u. good luck mommy!
Avatar f tn You must already know the right answer. No smoking at all, not even a couple a day. And you should'nt be around other people that are smoking.
Avatar f tn So truth is I used to be a pack a day smoker. Once I found out I was pregnant I quit smoking immediatly. i'm 15w3d and past the everything makes me sick so i'm starting to crave a cigarette and finding it harder and harder to resist when I do crave one. I had stopped smoking by the pack and got an ecigarette which is just water vapor and nicotine. I'm trying terribly not to use it or smoke a real cigarette but i'm failing.
Avatar f tn I hate how some try to put all things that go wrong onto cigarettes. I hate smoking but I hate misleading info more. Yes smoking can CONTRIBUTE to miscarriage or premature baby, however you can be perfectly healthy and nothing you could have done could have stopped either one from happening. Pregnant women who smoke know the risk. My cousin smoked throughout her pregnancy and she now has a healthy 3 year old. I mean its like the whole you can only lay on your left side b.s.
Avatar f tn I smoked for 10 years myself, and oddly enough, i found out i was pregnant when the smell or even the thought of cigarettes made me nauseous. This went on until the end of my 2nd trimester. Every since then i've craved a cigarette stronger than anything else my whole pregnancy. Luckily my due date is next week, and im planning to smoke one immediately after delivery lol.
Avatar f tn I smoke cigarettes but recently found out I was pregnant. I have seen many smoking those vapor cigs and you can buy them with no nicotine in it. I was wnting your opinions if that would be dangerous or not. Or if you know people that smoke these while pregnant.