
Complaining on your boss

Common Questions and Answers about Complaining on your boss


952564 tn?1268368647 Okay, so I work full time and I can't lose my job. However I struggle with concentrating and memory. I forget to do things often and very suddenly. I can tellt his really annoys my co-worker who does not know about my bipolar. This co-worker is above me in importance, not a boss but sort of a supervisor. I don't really want her to know about my bipolar, but I also don't want her to go stomping off to my actual boss complaining.
Avatar f tn I guess it depends on your job. I had to tell mine early because I work in law enforcement, so taking hits is a bad idea. If you don't work in a job that can be physically harmful, you can probably tell them when you want.
Avatar f tn When you use the yoga ball lean forward as you bounce or rotate on it...
1002030 tn?1292534036 m not sure that it is an obligation to tell your boss unless you will have extra restrictions for your job in which case they should know. However, with a twin pregnancy anything can happen, or nothing. Sometimes it would be nice to let your boss know that there is a chance you will be put on leave early and talk to them about the process and get the paperwork sooner than later. I'm sure it's a personal choice though. Well, good luck with your twins!
Avatar f tn I told my boss around my 8 weeks cuz I was so sick which was a mistake. He ended up firing me and never gave me a reason why so I assumed it was because of it.
Avatar f tn When and how did you tell your employer that you were expecting.....and what was there reactions? ????
Avatar f tn Hi ladies, at what point of your pregnancy did you tell your boss you are/were pregnant? This is my first pregnancy and I just don't know what the appropriate/expected way of doing things is. Thanks :) also at what point did you tell family?
541196 tn?1293552936 The blood work came back indicating I needed to have a MRI of pituitary gland with and without contrast, but she wanted me to check with insurance on it first. My insurance only covers it if the $2000 deductible has been met first!!!! So, I have to pay out of pocket pricing which will likely be better than help from insurance knocking the price down for them being "in network".
382594 tn?1266610613 Is there a boss over your boss that will listen? Also, you could contact OSHA (is that in every state?) about the beer at work...that is a violation I am sure. Sorry I wasn't helpful..but a huge congratulations on your 4 months! I would like to know how this turns out...and I will keep you and the people involved in my prayers!
Avatar f tn I wish people stop complaining about what questions other people post... Either read it or don't! answer it or don't! I know this may seem hypocritical cuz i am doing the same thing right more but whatever! Don't read mine either!
Avatar f tn Does anyone have any thoughts on when is the best time to tell your boss you're pregnant? I've read the general rule about waiting until the end of the first trimester. However, given I'm considered high risk I will have to be leaving early for appointments on a regualr basis. Considering I generally don't miss work this will seem unusual. I am newly married (10 months) so I doubt it will shock anyone. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!!
Avatar f tn I'm 32 weeks and I work at landfill, my boss is complaining I'm lazy because I don't have the get up and as I did before. Its really starting to make me mad because he'll just sit in office and complain about all the work he has to do. I'd like to think that hes just sad guy who life is bad, but at same time he's a daddy and I'm sure if someone where to treat his wife this way there would be a problem.
382218 tn?1341181487 As of today, I'm imposing on myself a one-month moratorium on complaining about my symptoms. Actually, not just complaining about them, but even mentioning them. Don't get me wrong, this is not an attempt to be a more 'positive'person. That would be trying to be something I'm not. The absence of negative does not = positive. I just want to *be*, with less dwelling on discomfort, but no pressure to be cheery.
Avatar f tn When is a good time to tell your boss you're pregnant? I've only been at my job for 5 weeks and recently found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant. How long should I wait before I tell her?
Avatar f tn I told my superviser upon being hored at 4 weeks pregnant and told my boss at 12 weeks. I work in homecare and lifting people becomes a regular thing as well as furnature and working alone.
Avatar f tn I work at macys and still had to stand all day. Your boss might be nice and let u sit often but not likely. Gotta suck it up .
1722607 tn?1335747858 Is it a good idea to tell your boss about treatment in case of bad side effects? Or better to not say anything? Also is there a way to say it without saying you have hep c? Just wondering what you chose to do? Please share! Thank you?
Avatar f tn I agree. I told my boss right away at 6 weeks. That way, she could work with me And how i was feeling. I didn't have to lift heavy things and i got breaks when i needed them (i was a server).
Avatar n tn You can tell them anytime because your already hired they can't fire you because of you being pregnant I got hired at a restaurant on Monday and just told them I'm pregnant so you'll be fine
Avatar f tn Its so funny how you get pregnant, but it doesn't seem like your the one who's pregnant....your other half has all the symptoms. The food cravings, sickness, tired, my back hurts, will you rub me, you don't understand. Lol I laugh at my husband. I didn't know you could be pregnant, maybe I should be the man. Men, always complaining. Anyone else can relate?
427279 tn?1210919821 I can relate both to your day and the furkid. I had a very bad day yesterday and I could only depend on my furkids to bring me back up. off subject a little, but a funny story I thought that you might like.... The other day I decided that I would do laundry. My legs were numb and my back was killing me, so I decided that it would be easier to sit on the floor in front of the machines to load the washer. Everything went pretty good until it came time for me to get up. I could not.
Avatar f tn Every state has a civil rights department you can call and they can advise you on this, even put you in touch with a free or affordable lawyer. That is wrong. And if he straight up said its because you're pregnant, then he is liable for a lawsuit against not only him but the company you work for. I had the same issue with my job. They tried to tell me after 12 weeks of unpaid leave I won't have a job, they can't do that.