
Ciprofloxacin and meningitis

Common Questions and Answers about Ciprofloxacin and meningitis


Avatar f tn first i wake up and i feel dizzy like a mild dull headache at the back of my eyes and a stiff neck at the back of my neck and head , making me feel quite dizzy and unbalanced , also if noticed that im getting like leg cramps and sometimes joint pain in my knees , also sometimes when im still or lying down i notice i get muscle spams and jerking , also my jaw can at times ( but i have braces and could have something to do with that) also my tongue can feel quite heavy , and my chest feels tight
Avatar f tn I don't know if I have Trich or not but I was wondering if taking Ciprofloxacin 500mg 2x daily would cure it?
Avatar m tn I read online that the combination of Ciprofloxacin and Azithromycin can be dangerous. Is this still the case, if the last Ciprodose was one week before the 2g Azithromycin dose?
Avatar m tn Ciprofloxacin has been linked to rare but occasionally severe and even fatal cases of acute liver injury..... i m not a doctor but this is not assuring, our doctor always used agumentin, check with your doctor if that is suitable for your problem.
Avatar m tn So you can see how I suspected meningitis and reading about how HSV-2 induced meningitis was common and got really worried. Cause if it was meningitis I was sure it would be herpes. But this has been going on for 30 days now (yes, till today). GP did not think it was so with clinical tests and the neurologist appointment was a referral on my request - scheduled two days later which I think is indicative they did not think it was meningitis.
Avatar n tn Well with the discharge gone and not returning as of yet (knock on wood) it does mean it is getting better.
Avatar m tn They did do a spinal tap and said it was negative. Monday the hospital called me back and said someone else read it and it was positive for Viral Meningitis. I was admitted on Monday and was discharged on Friday. I also had Mono in October of 87. One neurologist seen me and believed I had MS based on several MRI's of my brain and spine over several years, but never confirmed it.
Avatar n tn However as time goes by and as your level of stress decreases and your headaches and other symptoms improve you should be able to get your memory back. I would also suggest you to try alternate therapy like acupuncture for your symptoms. A good rehab specialist may also help. Take care!
Avatar m tn Please bear with me as I ask this question, as I am somewhat freaked out. I had already posted about this before, but things have happened to get me anxious again. Basic story: I had protected (with a condom) oral and vaginal intercourse with a sex worker a little over three weeks ago. As far as I know, the condom did not break. I know that your standard answer is that there is no need for testing since it was protected.
Avatar f tn If I were you I would go to the hospital and be checked for meningitis. Once bacteria or other organisms have found their way to the brain, they are somewhat isolated from the immune system and can spread. However, when the body eventually begins to fight the infection, the problem can worsen. As the body tries to fight the infection, blood vessels become leaky and allow fluid, white blood cells, and other infection-fighting particles to enter the meninges and the brain.
Avatar f tn t even stand without losing my balance, I had diahrrea and gases for the whole day and my neck and lower back was hurting and it was giving me a headache, I didn't eat anything the whole day, just drank plenty of Gatorade and ate 1 Apple. Today I woke up feeling a lot better and less nauseous than yesterday, I can stand and walk around but now I have this horrible horrible pain where my neck ends and my shoulder starts, and it hurts almost down to my hand on the right side.
Avatar m tn Since the toliet incident, I have noticed my throat feels strange and sore muscles in the back of my neck and my back feels tight and a bit sore. I do not have a fever or headache, nor sensitivity to light. But, is it possible that I contracted meningitis from the toliet water after using the pipe and handling the keys? Last Sunday, I started the gym again and did vigorous ab exercises (sit ups and crunches) after a year-long haitus. I also did arm exercises with weights.
Avatar f tn Usually, conservative treatments like hot and cold compress, stretching exercises, back low impact exercises, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, specially designed corsets, spinal manipulation and traction and epidural injections are tried. If everything fails then laminectomy and other spine surgeries may be contemplated. Please consult your doctor regarding this.Take care!
Avatar f tn i picked her up and took her to her pedi and they couldnt find anything wrong with her but they gave her a shot of rocephin and sent her home! from 5 to 7 she slept and at 7 i woke her up to eat and she was screaming her head hurt! i took her to er right away and with in a hour she could not move her neck so we decided on spinal tap! i was so scared but we did it anyways!
Avatar n tn can a person have herpes and never pass it on to the mate of 22yrs. and never have an outbreak.
Avatar m tn Have you been exposed to meningitis? I understand you are a college student, and meningitis can be more prevalent in close quarters such as when living in a dorm. My honest thoughts are that you have a flu virus rather than meningitis, however, if you have been exposed to meningitis, you most definitely need to be checked. If you have been exposed to meningitis, by all means go to the ER and tell them you have been exposed and have been feeling somewhat sick.
Avatar f tn but my main concern about the meningitis is that i just got the shot and looked up some symptoms and some of what i have are symptoms of meningitis. help??
Avatar f tn ) A recent upper respiratory infection (for example, cold, sore throat) Less common symptoms Localized weakness or loss of strength or sensation, especially in the face Joint swelling and pain in one or more joints A new rash that often looks like a bruise Because meningitis can be so serious, seeking immediate medical care is essential if you experience the symptoms described above and think that meningitis could be the cause.
1936550 tn?1348360208 My baby girl has meningitis. They are finding out if its viral or bacterial. Please pray for my baby that its just viral. She will be one month on the 14th. I'm scared for her and have been crying non stop. Its hard waiting for the results. Please everyone pray for my baby.
Avatar f tn You should get ahold of your doctor if you're sick and that early, especially with a fever.
Avatar f tn Yesterday I found three bruise like marks on the left side of my chest and I can’t recollect where they could have come from. They don’t fade when pressed under a glass. As they are three separate bruises around the same area I am starting to wonder if they are bruises at all and if it could be something more sinister. I had a stiff neck yesterday morning but that is nothing out of the ordinary as it is usually like that after I had a muscle spasm around 6 months ago.
Avatar f tn m a healthy 24 year old female who has been suffering from this since Spring 2007 (came down with meningitis 3x in 3 months - acyclovir and Valtrex treatments did not work and resulted in renal failure). All 3 times, my spinal tap came back positive for HSV II. I am currently (and have been since August 2007) taking 500mg of Famciclovir per day. For the first year, I took 500mg 3x per day. The second year I reduced it to 500mg 2x per day because it was really hard on my body.