
Anorexia pictures of people anorexia photos

Common Questions and Answers about Anorexia pictures of people anorexia photos


Avatar f tn Then you sure as hell will not be able to stick with eating nothing. Your looking for the easy way out. Looking at pictures of skinny girls and striving. Stop striving and do something and People will have no respect for you if you do manage to go down that mental ride where naive girls have gone down before you. You think you'll be the same person?
Avatar f tn I've always had times where I'd hear internal thoughts going through my mind that I would never actually think, but they've never been this bad. It happens every day now. It mostly occurs when I think about it. I'll be looking at photos of friends that I love and it'll just say "Oh she's fat." "Oh he's ugly." "Oh she's annoying." "I hope something bad happens to her." "I hope this horrible things happens him." etc.
918035 tn?1274644533 ( ive kinda had anorexia for the past 4 years... ive never had it properly diagnosed but ive got most of the symptoms and quite alot of people have said i am e.g.
Avatar f tn Anyone with a resting heart rate over 100 should be checked by a doctor, if just over 100, say even 120, I'd say in most cases it can be done on a non-emergency scheduled basis - depending on other symptoms. In your case and in the absence of any specific knowledge about anorexia I can't make a connection, but I suspect anorexia puts stress on one's body and that could be at least part of the driver for the above normal HR.
179856 tn?1333547362 Cessation of menstruation, cold intolerance, lethargy, Osteoporosis (weakening of the bones), Petechiae (bleeding) on the arms and legs, development of lanugo, fine, downy body hair, severe dehydration and electrolyte depletion that is potentially fatal.
Avatar f tn t eat because you think you are fat, or you have a strong fear of gaining weight. Though technically, part of the clinical diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa is losing 15 percent or more of what your normal body weight should be, you do not need to be super thin in order to have an eating disorder. Most of what an eating disorder, such as Anorexia, consists of is the emotional/mental aspect..
918035 tn?1274644533 You have many symptoms of anorexia. Anorexia is not about the food, it's about underlying issues that causes a person to go away from food. I will advise you to speak to an adult. Hopefully, you could talk to your mom or dad. You need to get some professional help and support. You need to see a medical doctor just to check on your overall medical condition and growth.
Avatar f tn However, in my 28 year of clinical experience, I understand it as a subset of Anorexia Nervosa. This is my professional opinion. The underlying dynamics are quite similar to what we have seen in anorexia for years. It's only in the recent years as our society has focused on pure, organic, and raw foods has this new obessive compulsive form of restriction emerged and is has now been coined orthorexia.
Avatar m tn t mention your weight, you do mention severely restricting your food which is a hallmark sign of Anorexia as well as your fear of gaining any weight. Please understand that Anorexia can be very serious and lead to eventual death if not dealt with. This information may be helpful for you to understand all Anorexia entails
918035 tn?1274644533 I myself have 15 years recovery from an Eating Disorder; not Anorexia, but I have spoken with many people who have longterm recovery from that as well. Over time, your symptoms will get less and less frequent and when you are in recovery if something upsets you you will think about restricting, but will have other tools to handle your feelings. I think it is very much important for you to receive treatment for your Anorexia because it is very very hard to do it on your own.
918035 tn?1274644533 Hey, To answer your question... You see, it's not necesarily how much you weigh that determines the's your frame of mind. Judging by your symptoms and the way you described your feelings towards eating and the sense of loss of control...I'd say that you are likely still suffering from an ED and i think that you might benefit from talking to someone...perhaps somebody to keep you accountable. Counseling is typically a good plan too..
Avatar f tn So I'm a 16 year old girl, about 5'5' and 110lbs. I'm on a calorie restricting diet and exercising a lot to lose weight. My family doesn't know and I can't talk to them about it due to circumstances i cannot discuss. My one friend who knows about this tells me I'm on the verge of anorexia and people at school are talking about me saying how skinny I'm getting. When people originally told me this I took it as a compliment, now I find it embarrassing.
Avatar n tn When you say that she displays many symptoms of anorexia (in spite of eating three meals/day), what do you mean? What are the symptoms you are noticing?
Avatar f tn first of all your periods stop because you are starving your body, and messing up all your hormone levels and plus you have no body fat. i have had an ed for almost 12 years and i didnt get my period i think till i was 18 it is not healthy to do. i have tremendous amounts of knowledge of this disease and if you ever need someone to talk to please just leave a message for me.
2215229 tn?1339342648 I'm sorry but that's horrible advice! I've had anorexia since I was 14 (and disordered eating since I was 7), I'm now 20. I've seen many friends manage their anorexia and one die from it. Keeping a food diary with everything you eat is a bad idea because it reinforces the obsessive relationship with food, you'll be counting calories and trying to eat smaller portions so it looks better on your log, and feeling horrible about how "much" you've had.
5061022 tn?1363018223 Hey girl! I also have an eating disorder and have since I was a child at the age of 6 I started counting calories. I'm finally doing better with it. You just need to have faith and have the support. Keeping a positive frame of mind is very important. You got this! Try getting back on schedule with your eating habits. That's #1 concern right now. When you start doing better with that than you can start worrying about exercising. Your a beautiful girl. I'm here for you.
1158511 tn?1262554942 At 5'4" and 87.4 pounds, your body weight would qualify for anorexia. Low body weight is one of the criteria for anorexia. By visiting the bella vita website you could take our free eating disorder survey and also read more about anorexia to help you understand more.
Avatar f tn ( i starve myself. I'm 5'3 and 100 pounds and i'm scared that i'll become anorexic, When i don't eat i get headaches, I always carry Ibuprofen with me, i take atleast 2 or 3 a day, I just really need help ..:( I feel so much pressure, i don't know what to do, i almost collapsed yesterday, i hadn't eaten in a day, And i just feel like i'm so disgusting all the time, Please, someone help me.
Avatar f tn Proper nutrition is the goal in treating Anorexia. Food is medicine. To learn more about anorexia and treatment options, visit the bella vita website.
Avatar f tn she wears lots of make up, tight clothes and to her any male attention she enjoys, maybe this is partly the cause? If you're still reading this could you please tell me if this is anorexia or not, because she doesn't even realise the way some people look at her like she's a walking skeleton.
Avatar n tn The main ethics involved here is doing your best to save the life of patient. However, if the degree of anorexia is mild then usually counseling and medications help the person realize his problem and the person starts eating. In such cases force feeding is not required. However, yes, constant effort of the medical team and support of friends and relatives goes a long way in helping a person recover.