
Zetia and muscle pain

Common Questions and Answers about Zetia and muscle pain


Avatar n tn The side effects from Zetia....muscle weakness, joint pain, upper respiratory infectikns resemble the symptoms of malabsorption of Vitamin A,D, E and K. Our bodies need cholestorol to help coat our nerves and help with brain function and it naturally increases as we get older, so why are we trying to lower it, could this be why we are seeing so many people with dementia?
Avatar n tn I was on Lipitor, then on Pravachol and lastly on Crestor. None of them had problems loweting the Choesterol levels, but muscle and joint pain even with Vit D and Co Q10 as prescribed my physician. However, I came off crestor yesterday as I started feeling Dizzy. I am normally a "healthy", active energetic person. Now my doc thinks we should try Zetia which is in a different family of drugs. Has anyone experienced difficulties with this? Any thoughts?
Avatar n tn Ever since I started taking Zetia and Fenofibrate together as recommended by my DR, I have put on pounds, am more bloated around the belly,a nd have persistent chest pains. I noticed this has occurred ever since I have been on cholesterol lowering meds, but is more noticeable in the past year with the new combination of drugs. I mentioned this to my DR and he said I need the drugs because of my High Cholesterol. What do you think?
Avatar m tn I am almost convinced that it is all about inflamation and that if I take garlic, turmeric, blueberries, bromelain and quercetin and aspirin, I might be just as well off and without pain. Have the $5 copay card on Repatha (wife is on too and has no problems and had less but still too many problems on statins) but we go on medicare in a year and then the $5 copay card turns into $150-$400 per month.
Avatar n tn If you are looking for alternative methods to try, benecol chews (you can get them on amazon) work to inhibit cholesterol from forming. I was using plant sterols, and they brought my cholesterol from 245 to 205 with an ldl of 131. However, my endocrinologist was at a lipids conference, and they said that for menopausal and post menopausal women (don't know if you are there yet), plant STANOLS are better. They lowered my ldl to 109 after 3 months, and I am going to be tested again.
Avatar n tn t find the right medicine...Lipitor caused severe muscle weakness, Zetia caused all kind of digestive problems and Pravachol zapped my count actually went up 30 points while taking WelChol! My doctor is telling me that I have no other choices of medicine to lower my count (total 285, HDL 106 VLDL 21, LDL 188, Triglycerids 106.) My sister is having the same problem so I guess this problem is a family thing. I am really troubled by my doctor's lack of concern.
Avatar n tn Remember, your statin has a half life of about 14 hours which means after 14 hours you have eliminated half of the medication. You will then eliminate half of the remaining have after the next 14 hours and so on and so on.
Avatar f tn After electrograms, changes in cholestrol medication,( lipitor, crestor,), now on zetia my tests keep coming in high.Outside of my lower extremities aches, which I credit to arthritis, I feel fine. Both doctors, arthritis and cardiologist, keep drawing blood with these rates still climbing. After a year of this circle, and being a believer in preventive mediciene, my concern is should I be concerne?
Avatar m tn Statins work in the liver and every commercial I have seen advises not to take if you have liver problems. Zetia works in the intestines. Was the Zetia working? If my memory serves me correctly, MikeS is taking statins and he had a TP. He is far more knowledgeable on the subject than I am and hopefully he will see this post and give his input. Zetia is part of a class of drugs called cholesterol absorption inhibitors.
Avatar m tn Anyone here know anything about zetia and its affect on the thyroid and or levo absorption? I have read it may affect absorption and the rx monograph says talk tp your doctor if you have thyroid disorders. He knows I am on synthroid, but I am curious how this drug affects it.
Avatar f tn AST on upper end of normal at 40. The doctor said to stop the Lipitor...but stay on the Zetia...... and retest in 1-1/2 weeks which he did this past Sept. 30th. His ALP came down to normal at 91, his ALT stayed the same at 79, his AST stayed relatively the same at 42, but his GGTP went quite high at 240. The doctor's office called and told him to come in next week.
950978 tn?1246129559 I was diagnosed in having a fatty liver. I take Zocor 40mg and Zetia 10mg. My ALT level is 120 and AST is 52. My question is should I control how much I drink or not drink at all?
Avatar f tn Vytorin is a combination of Simvastatin and Zetia so you are taking the same thing without the Zetia so you should not see any changes in how your body reacts.
Avatar n tn I finally went to a specialist in Baltimore who read my history which showed all the meds I was taking and he noticed that I was taking Zetia and told me that he believed Zetia caused chronic coughing in some people; so he looked it up on his computer and sure enough, that was one of the warnings. I stopped the Zetia and the coughing disappeared completely within a couple of weeks. The point here is that medicines, while helping one problem, frequently can cause another.
Avatar m tn Since I felt great I thought reading on ejection fraction had to be wrong, went for second opinion at Mayo Clinic, did cardiac mri, showed major damage to heart muscle on left and bottom of heart that was through entire depth of muscle, right and top of heart seemed to be unaffected.Estimated ejection fraction was 25. Now am scheduled for ICD implant, and aggressive coreg/lisinopril combo with previous meds. scared to death any opinion on prognosis & treatment?
Avatar m tn Calcium channel blockers prevent calcium from entering into the heart muscle, and also from entering into the smooth muscle cells that cause blood vessels to constrict. By reducing calcium influx into muscle cells, calcium channel blockers cause the muscle cells to "relax." This relaxing effect results in the dilation of blood vessels, and a reduced force of contraction of the heart muscle. Some calcium channel blockers also slow the heart rate.
Avatar m tn I then noticed pain in my center right portion of my back. I continued for about a minute and then stopped my workout early. The pain became positional (meaning I could excacerbate or relieve the pain by getting in certain positions). It was like this all day and then the next day everything was fine. Heart? Or just maybe nerve pinched? I take metoprolol,pravastatin,nexium,zetia, and one baby aspirin per day.
Avatar m tn now on the 25mg coreg, 30mg lisinopril, 325 asprin, 75 plavix, 40 lipitor and 5 zetia. Supplements are 100 mg co-q10 bid, 2500 fish oil bid, HDL RX 2 tabs BID, vitamin E 400mg daily, My question is why does it seem my ejection fraction is getting worse since heart attack on 8/7/2010? This progression is getting me worried that there is a blockage in artery to heart thus damage to the heart muscle is continuing.
Avatar n tn I think it's more of which one your body will tolerate the best. Different brands seem to show different side effects in many people. Lipitor in some women have produced breast pains or enlargement and even the manufacturers cannot explain that one. Still, I suppose it's cheaper than plastic surgery. Some statins cause abdominal pains in some people, or nausea or serious muscle cramps and even damage.
Avatar f tn also be aware that the big decline will be at 48-72 weeks with your hbv mutations and hbeag negative the difference of fibroscan between 4 and 6 is meanless, you have nothing to worry you may try to see if intf response can be increased by ezetimibe (zetia) or smvastatin.
Avatar f tn I had a bad reaction to the statins- ended up in the hospital with very high liver enzymes. Recently, I have been getting very lightheaded and experiencing pain in my upper arms. My doctor refered me to a cardiologist who performed the heart ultrasound and the holter which came back normal. The stress test however was abnormal- 1 millimeter st segment depression. My cardiologist would like to a heart cathetrization and possibly insert stents.
Avatar f tn Vytorin is a statin that lowers LDL and raises HDL. I believe Vytorin is a combination of Zetia and Zocor. I am not sure if the Vytorin will go with the Niaspam so you will need to ask your doctor that.
Avatar n tn I evidently had a lot of covascularization, for there was little pain and no real decrease in my high activity level. My last nuclear stress test, a yr ago, I went 17 minutes on the treadmill and everything checked out. I have a 55% ejection fraction, which is marginal, but I have an athletic heart that overcomes this evidently. However I have had a hard time controlling my LDL level.
Avatar n tn How are you? Glomerular filtration rate or its approximation of the creatinine clearance are measured whenever renal disease is suspected or careful dosing of nephrotoxic drugs is required. The normal ranges of GFR, adjusted for body surface area for males is 70 ± 14 mL/min/m2 (56-84) . Risk factors for kidney disease include diabetes, high blood pressure, family history and older age. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar f tn The only FDA approved drug that has had clinical trails is Crestor. It is a statin drug so you have to watch for muscle pain , fatigue with it. If you get any tell you doctor right away. Have they done a full lipid panel on you too? Diet only lowers your cholesterol by about 10%. So, it helps to not eat any extra cholestrol as your liver is what genetically controls the amount of receptors you are born with that break down cholesterol.
Avatar n tn I have been on motiprolol for several years and my liver enzymes are elevated. Not sure which one ALT AST is 95.
Avatar m tn I'm a 34 year woman who has been chronically ill for 13 years and have been on disability for 6 years. December 2008 I was diagnosed with a serve damaged liver - Fatty Liver. With my treatment I have found that one of the causes of a damaged liver is alcohol, certain medications, not eating, high sugars, and over weight. From my 13 years of being sick I have found that medications can be a huge factor of being Really sick.
Avatar n tn Early January after EKG change 1 bms placed into 70% blocked branch off lcx. 3 days later it closed with a clot and balloon angioplasty was performed on branch and lcx. Pressure intensified after that even though on heparin drip and nitro drip and enzymes went up. 2 Taxus 2 stents placed after that to lcx across the branch closing the branch off.