Yoga for life

Common Questions and Answers about Yoga for life


Avatar f tn for all you guys that do yoga does your doctor recommend it or do you find it and do it on your own were would I look
Avatar f tn Omg it's a life saver. I've been doing yoga for years & it's so good for your body but most importantly your mental state. I'm only 9 weeks but plan to keep practicing throughout my pregnancy. Just tell the teacher you are pregnant if its not obvious & they will give you options if there is anything you should avoid. Stick with it you won't regret it.
1900942 tn?1462421460 I have a very small pelvis I mean it doesnt even feel like i have ever had sex in my life yet I have a nearly 3 year was born at 6lbs 15oz and they already say my daughter will be bigger since i will be carrying her over (I was induced at 38wks with my son) and im so scared that my pelvis wont do what it needs to...
Avatar m tn a well rounded, basic yoga practice for beginners or for those wishing to review the fundamentals. Emphasis on breathing and healthy alignment. L2 -Moderate: an intermediate, moderately paced class which builds strength, flexibility, and concentration. Emphasis on breathing and healthy alignment.
Avatar n tn I do basic yoga asana (asana means that it is less cardio more posture and stretching) since the beginning of my pregnancy. I will be 35 weeks on Tuesday and it relieve my minor pains (hips, pelvic, lower back, buttocks and thighs). It also help to have a good posture and strengthen your core muscles for birth and baby position. It is great to take that time for you to relax. Sincerely, yoga is a revelation for me.
Avatar f tn I do some yoga. I tend not to do an entire program but I do use some poses and occasionally pop on my prenatal yoga CD for a bit. I enjoy cat/cow and tree pose and downward facing dog and child's pose a lot. Hip rolls and torso twists. Also do some modified planks now. I really fell off of my exercise regimen after getting pregnant but I do try to at least stretch every day, do a touch of yoga, and do some leg and arm lifts and curls with light weights.
Avatar f tn Is beginner yoga safe while pregnant? Or would I have to do yoga for pregnant women?
Avatar f tn Im 34+2 is it okay for me to be doing yoga ? My babies prefectly healthy and i am to, does anyone know ?
Avatar n tn i want to ask that if [url=]yoga therapy[/url] is the best way of losing weight.
Avatar f tn im tring yoga, but after a couple days i am ready to quit from the pain. does it get better or should i quit.
1477811 tn?1321386453 I remember taking my first Riba - hands shaking and tears rolling down my face, wondering how I got to this place where for the first time I am taking serious drugs and am embarking on a life changing experience. Now, I have to really try to remember to take them as if it's no big deal. Progress and hopefully your days will get better and better.
Avatar n tn s neurologist said aerobic exercise is better than yoga for tension headaches. But my daughter never feels well enough for aerobic exercise.
Avatar m tn Now many of you thought how controlling your mind can help you in weight losing. Yoga for weight loss, It is a sufficient for everyone.
649848 tn?1534633700 Well, Ranaesheart suggested the other day that I do a post about yoga, since I suggest it whenever someone new comes into the community, so I'm going to give it a shot. I must confess, I am definitely a novice with yoga myself, but I learn more as I go along. I know there are several different kinds of yoga, ranging from what I do, which is slow and deliberate to another type that is very physical. Each kind of yoga has its own name and no, I don't know them all.
Avatar m tn but in between excercise my ulcer pain growth very high. very painful life... I ask you if I joint swimming classes or yoga or aerobics classes.
Avatar n tn Well, the big thing for me is that I joined this forum and have learned so much while making many wonderful friends I never would have known otherwise. That's all I can think of, but it's sure a biggie.
Avatar n tn Oh, and remember, if you've sedentary for awhile, just eating healthfully and increasing your energy output will show faster results than if you were already doing these things.
Avatar m tn Maybe the present job is making you unhappy. I would suggest you to look for a job change, wake up early in the morning, do yoga. All these will make you happy. Do consult doctor, but medication wont help. A short course of antidepressants along with yoga will help you definitely.