Yeast infection yogurt helps

Common Questions and Answers about Yeast infection yogurt helps


Avatar f tn Eating yogurt helps balance ur pH levels. As well as apple cider vinegar. I've never heard of putting it in ur vagina tho.
Avatar f tn I was just told to use the over the counter creams and such but you can also try to eat more yogurt, it has good bacteria in it that helps combat yeast infections. I have one now and it is so annoying!
Avatar f tn You can try eating a good bit of yogurt I've heard it helps a lot! And people also put yogurt around your lady parts and its supposed to help. Sounds kinda weird I know but I've hears it many times. I would think you could definitely take antibiotics though...
Avatar m tn A week ago my doctor gave me doxycycline hydrate to fight off an infection that is causing me to have a itchy urethra. My doctor did not do a swap test or anything but thought i had a bacterial infection. Present day ( a week of the medication) I still feel the itchiness and am thinking that I have a yeast infection. I've heard eating yogurt can help fight it, but what about dairy free yogurt? Would eating one container of dairy free yogurt help?
Avatar f tn oh, and NEVER ever ever ever put yogurt in your vagina! some people say/think plain yogurt helps, but you can make it wayyyyyy worse.. just in case you come across that on google!!! lol Fluconazole & yogurt.. worked for me! good luck!!
Avatar f tn sorry guys if tmi. i got a yeast infection from a antibiotic just before i fell pregnant and fell pregnant while treating it with canestan 7 day cream. it didnt go away and it keeps getting worse. i have used the 7 day cream about 5 times now with no help only relief from the itching and painful sex for about 2 days after i finished the treatment. i have had it my entire pregnancy and im 18 weeks now.
12182312 tn?1427683956 Hi guys. I'm suffering so bad here. I have a horrible yeast infection. I went to my doctor and she prescribed diflucan and also clomitozole?? (Sp)...I am so itchy and sore I want to cry. Should I try monistat 7. Or wait out the diflucan?. What works for you?
Avatar f tn So I think I have a yeast infection is it okay to take over the counter meds for it? Not the pill but the cream? I know it's tmi sorry :/ 13 weeks and 3 days btw.
Avatar f tn I been having yeast infection on and off and haven't been treating it cause it only last a day or two. Now I have a yeast infection and it last over 2 days. I need to call my doctor tm sap.
Avatar f tn I feel your pain! I'm struggling with a yeast infection right now, and it's so uncomfortable. Are you drinking lots of water? Staying away from sugar? Sugar can actually make it worse. The above poster is correct about yogurt too. If it doesn't clear it up, it will at least help the itching. I get an empty douche bottle, fill it 1/5 or 1/4 of the way with hot water, and the rest of the way with yogurt. You might need to mix it in a measuring cup, then pour it in.
Avatar f tn ve always just used plain Greek yogurt for yeast infections. My doctor is absolutely useless for things like that. If I call for an appointment she won't ever see me for something like a yeast infection...well, I mean she will bit they will schedule my appointment 30 days from when I need it. So, instead of shoving medications into my vagina I rub cold Greek yogurt around the outside labia and it cools really well and instantly stops the itching. I also put it inside my vagina...
Avatar f tn t wash up in there or anything. But some do believe a salt bath helps with things like a yeast infection. I used Monistat one day which takes about two days to work. Ugh, yeast infections are uncomfortable. You can eat some probiotic yogurt (such as Dannon Activia) or tae a supplement which helps too.
2181422 tn?1400511380 Eating yogurt helps with yeast infections. Anytime your on an antibiotic pregnant or not you want to eat alot of yogurt. Acidophulus pills also help.
Avatar f tn s this info about how to cure yeast infection. But it has to be apple cider vinegar. I am really suffering yeast infection badly it already got swollen cause of super duper itchy.
Avatar f tn Plain yogurt helps if you cant get the monistat right away. It cools it down and the bacteria in the yogurt helps even out the yeast.
Avatar f tn I will of course eat yogurt and drink cranberry juice while I take them. However, that never really helps me prevent a yeast infection. So any ideas for after the fact?
Avatar f tn I am now 36 weeks and have my 3rd yeast infection and have had one uti since I hit my 3rd trimester. I am so tired of getting infections. It just want to cry about it but I know it won't change anything.
Avatar f tn Monistat 3 worked for me. It has 3 applications. My yeast infection was gone in 2 days.
Avatar f tn Just don't have sexual intercourse. Wash your genital area frequently with a nonscented gel , like summers eve.