Why do i sneeze in the shower

Common Questions and Answers about Why do i sneeze in the shower


Avatar f tn So I went to er. I have the lovely flu nd my shower is two days away at my house... anyone else gotten the flu nd been pregnant..?
2109901 tn?1344984276 It doesn't always happen to me, but once in awhile I do. That's why I wear liners!
Avatar f tn My boyfriend asked me how my day was the moment I got home and the first thing i said was let me shower first. He asked why I told him I peed myself during a sneeze and he laughed at me. It was so embarrassing....
Avatar m tn I will sneeze every time, and if I need to egg the sneeze on, I will look right at the light until I sneeze. If I feel a sneeze coming on, I will either look at the sun or a bright light in a room. I rarely sneeze in a low light situation. My doctor thinks I am nuts, as does my opthamologist. However, my Mom did this (but not my Dad) and both of my daughters do it too. My Mom says that her Mom did it as well. It's very strong reflex and completely uncontrollable.
6384874 tn?1385429806 Hey there, this happens to me too when I sneeze. But the "stars" are also accompanied by severe pain in the back of my head and neck. The pain is so bad that it leads to tears. Because of this I avoid sneezing as much as possible (I haven't sneezed in over a year because of this).
Avatar f tn Lol thank god i havent really had this problem yet. it actually happend the other day for the first time but good thing i was in the shower already lol!
1155261 tn?1266686517 I thought I was the only one sneezing my head off! I would wake up in the middle of the night sneezing lol.
Avatar m tn hello everyone Almost 5 days back I had flu and running nose. For this problem, I have taken medicine which I also use before sometime for the same problem. Each tablet contains 5mg Loratadine & 120mg Pseudoephedrine Sulfate. In past, it gives me good results but this time after taking this medicine my flu is batter but I can't sneeze. I have tried almost all methods like "Wiggle a tissue in the nose", "Look up toward a bright light", Sniff a spice etc but all waste.
Avatar f tn That used to happen to me all the time when I was younger, especially in the shower! Are you a young woman? My issue was that I was too thin, ate hardly any meat (and probably not enough calories), and I think had low blood pressure. Dehydration probably didn't help. Make sure your diet is balanced and that you're eating enough calories, check your blood pressure regularly, and consider visiting a doctor.
1394262 tn?1369625192 I am about 11 week now. Sometimes I find that when I sneeze, I have a sharp pain in my uterus, usually at the sides. When I asked my gynaecologist , he said it was normal & did not say why. Does any mummies here know the reason for the pain???
Avatar n tn This started two months ago, when I had a bad cold. I kept getting the strong urge to sneeze, and only was able to a few times ... I would say 1 out of 5-10 times I would be able to sneeze. But I recovered from my cold, and within about a week after my cold was gone, I was able to sneeze once again. So I was able to sneeze normally for about a month, but now for the past week and a half, I haven't been able to sneeze again. I'll get the urge to, but very rarely can I sneeze.
Avatar m tn I itch as soon as I turn the shower off and get ready to towel off. My legs, butt, chest, back. I have a rash that almost looks like pimples on my waist line where the elastic band on my boxers rub against that itches all the time. When i play around with my girlfriend or just slightly rough house with somebody i start itching all over my upper body. Sometimes i just get these sensations (like while im typing this) a spot on my stomach will itch.
Avatar m tn t take even a whole glass of ice water after the meal. I let myself start to sneeze, then I drink about three swallows of ice water, or I suck on an ice cube and it stops immediately. But I don't do that unless I start to sneeze because I don't sneeze after every meal, but often enough to drive me crazy! Good luck.
1017452 tn?1254904998 Everytime i go outside in the sun I sneeze 2 times. As soon as i set foot out. Only been like that since i started the taper and detox.
Avatar f tn I came across this thread because it is the same issue i currently have. I think the last time I sneezed was nearly a month ago in mid November and I dont know if i hit my eyeball too hard or if holding in a sneeze by accident a few weeks ago is what has triggered this issue. I read that the nerve that specializes in triggering your brain to make your respiratory system sneeze can get effected by either a brain issue so i'm wondering what is wrong and if it will ever come back to normal.
Avatar f tn /....I had to pee So I started walking across the place to the bathroom the more I walked the more I had to pee so I was now literally duck walking to the bathroom trying to hold it it...as soon as I got in the stale and got my pants down etc there was the river.....
Avatar f tn I had my baby shower on saturday and my mom is convinced that I need to wash all the clothes idk since Im first time mom but I put them all away I just feel like uhh all of it if I just put it all away and it was a lot of clothes
Avatar f tn im in methadone withdrawal and i sneeze 3-4 times at a time throughout the day. i thinks its a normal symptom.
Avatar f tn I always do it when I throw up or cough hard or sneeze hard I wear panty liners comes in handy
211940 tn?1267881266 Yes, I have a hypersensitive nose. Went through a lot of testing a year ago, and found I have minimal allergies, though I had a lot more when I was a child and into my twenties and thirties. The last allergist I went to was totally useless. He had me on up to 5 meds, and still I was a mess. There have been days I've sneezed 50 times, and used dozens of Kleenexes (Kleenices?
Avatar f tn How come everytime I sneeze I get this sharp pain thats unbearable in my abdomen right by my ovaries?