When you sneeze you lose brain cells

Common Questions and Answers about When you sneeze you lose brain cells


620923 tn?1452915648 You know you have Chiari . . . when you get excited to find out that you're going to have brain surgery - at long last!
Avatar f tn No you don't have to do anything like that. However as you get further along you may find that you do it automatically to reduce aching. You will also end up probably having to squeeze when you sneeze or cough so as not to pee yourself but that's later on too.
Avatar f tn re wondering why hot flashes might have appeared, when you went through menopause long ago. But you mentioned needing to lose some weight, and there is also research out there that points out that fat cells themselves store hormones. If you were releasing some of those by dieting, possibly there is a connection, and you could ask your doctor about that.
Avatar m tn When you eat your fat cells grow in size untill they grow too large and then they spilt (Mitosis). So when you lose weight, the cells just shrink. It is physically impossible to lose fat cells. Well, besides plastic surgery. Also, this is why if you gain a large amount of weight it is extremely hard seemingly impossible to go back to the orginal size. And to the question about calories, I believe that you are just burning the fat in your cells shinking.
Avatar f tn Hi allegra_dl, I believe that Ms. Paderla is right. You might be suffering from allergic rhinitis and so as your mother and grandmother. This is a condition wherein sometimes people inherit the disease and may pass to other generations. This kind of allergy does not only concern weather changes but also other allergens like dust mites, pollens, etc.
611254 tn?1223914841 ) It states that among other things, my MNG shows atypical follicular cells and atypical stromal cells. However, when i do a search on stromal cells, I almost always come up with breast and ovarian issues. Does anyone know if finding stromal cells is unusual in thyroid goiters? I realize atypical isn't necessarily good news and neither are the calcifications they found in my nodule but I can't shake the whole stromal cell thing.
6918915 tn?1395932871 Omg I was craving KFC so badly and when you satisfied your cravings you feel so good
Avatar n tn You know your pregnant when.......
620923 tn?1452915648 You have chiari when you tell people you had brain surgery, of course you get the "Oh My God, are you Ok?" reaction. Then you tell them that basically your brain was too big for your head, and they needed to make room.
1491755 tn?1333201362 It is an important update regarding HCV and infection in the BRAIN!!! And you wondered why you were fatigued, and had brainfog!!!!!!! Here is another link: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-01-scientists-brain-vulnerable-hepatitis-virus.html?
7891009 tn?1395689851 When u cough or sneeze and pee comes out lol
Avatar f tn It will not cause damage or cause significant loss of brain cells at all. Try to talk to this person not to hit you or anybody else's head because it is not a good practice.
Avatar m tn Did you find a solution Vishal? I am in the same boat as you..
6384874 tn?1385429806 Bending the neck forward or back will cause more of a blockage of CSF flow, and could be why you see "stars" as your head will shift positions when we cough, sneeze and laugh.... Most Drs will advise us to hold a book at eye level...(as if I could hold my arms up like that to read..) or move a computer monitor to eye level to avoid looking up or down at it to help keep the head on an even level....
Avatar f tn Cough or sneeze = pee in pants. I have to hold myself sometimes when I sneeze.
Avatar f tn No. Point is no one knows how many brain cells you lose by what. Even by drinking alcohol you can lose brain cells. Why people suffer after concussion may not be just because they lost brain cells. It could be various other reasons. Brain is the most complex machine in the world. For peace of mind consult a doctor/get an MRI if needed. If you have no symptoms they won't do any scanning probably and you are fine and you move on.
Avatar m tn Hide the concrete blocks.
Avatar f tn You know your pregnant when you sneeze and fart at the same time lol or I bend down to tie my shoe and fart. I've never been so gassy im just glad my hubby thinks its funny or else I'd be crying from embarrassment.
Avatar f tn You know you pregnant when your husband have to give you medication in your butt for hemorrhoids and you don't care cause all you want is the pain to stop. Lol..