Thyroid pills

Common Questions and Answers about Thyroid pills


Avatar n tn All kinds of nasal problems can develop - including holes completely through the septum - many of these nose problems develop more rapidly and become much more sinister snorting coke..... its much more caustic than most pills - but the pills also cause the problems. When a substance drains and flows down your throat you are constantly bathing some valuable body parts in narcotics......... the thyroid suffers dramatically from this ... and its not good for any part of you.....
Avatar m tn My cat has been diagnosed with a hyper thyroid. I have to give her a pill daily and she fights me terrible about it. My question is over time will she adjust to it or will the fight get worse? I guess she thinks I'm abusing her.
3210078 tn?1345661059 I am Hypothyroid i was diagnosed with this a year and a half ago and they still havnt regulated my thyroid level with Levothyroxine so i switched to these pills thet my dad bought for my at a health food store named Raw Thyroid by Natural Souces Co. Has anybody tried these?...They seem to be working for me and i only taken them for 3 days..
5443289 tn?1368045716 first pill thyroid at 5am eat at 6am pills at 7am then at 10am 1pm eat 2pm pills 8pm eat 9pm pills. those these sound about right????
Avatar f tn You can take 2 doses daily -- if you are on thyroid med, make sure you separate the calcium doses from your thyroid dose by at least 4 hours. I take my thyroid med in the morning, then one 600 mg calcium at noon and another in the evening about 6:00 or before bedtime. I've been told that your body can only absorb about 600 mg at a time, so taking the whole 1200 at once isn't doing you any good anyway.
Avatar f tn i see where many of you split Armour or np thyroid. How do you split such a tiny pill? When I tried it just crumbled. Thanks for tips.
Avatar n tn Im feeling better,but nothing has really gave me tons of energy or made my sex life much better,Just seems like alot of pills and I worry about the herbs...hoping someone can share simalar experience..
219609 tn?1210348114 While this is reported in the handout on HCTZ, there is not much published in the clinical thyroid literature about an effect on thyroid levels and I have not noted in practice that HCTZ alters thyroid levels in any significant way. So it is unclear if it had an effect in your case. An US could be done to see if there is any significant thyroid tissue -- that would not prove it is active tissue, but be a starting point to see how much is there.
5285867 tn?1365993292 I have never had so much trouble with my thyroid. I am not taking pills tomorrow. I will call the doctor monday. I heard that taking thyroid pills is better at night. Any ideas what could be going on.
Avatar m tn my doctor thinks it is all anexity and gave me anexity pills. When I take the pills I dont feel any better so Please help I am 19 and this is very hard.
Avatar f tn among doctors that i know only one of them pressurized me to start to take pills now.he told me its better to prevent your further thyroid problem from now cause it can effect ur heart health later on if u take pills that much came rational to me and i started to take lyothyronine first instead of levothyroxine cause levothyroxines side effect was intolerable for me.high heart beats at nights..etc.i took lyothyroine for 3 months then 3 more months i took levothyroxine.
1144849 tn?1395455166 Iodine deficiency can be a cause of hypo since the thyroid must have iodine to produce T3 and T4. However, no further iodine is required in the conversion of T4 to T3. In fact, that extra molecule is eliminated.
Avatar f tn Taking birth control pills are one of the biggest misnomers in modern history! They are notorious for causing health issues, even with the low doses. The artiifical hormones trick the body into thinking it is pregnant all the time..which when you think about it, can't be a good thing to have excess hormones when they are not required. This is just me, but have you tried Evening Primrose Oil tablets? They are fantastic in regulating the PMS (believe me I know ALL about that!
949250 tn?1245962941 Interesting that you should ask that question! I personally believe that thyroid issues(whether it be hyper or hypo) and/or endocrine issues can cause this. Now, my primary care doc, endocrinologist, surgeon and dermatologist disagree - but the patches I have on my upper lip came at the same time that I started gaining weight and eventually found out I had hashimotos and thyroid cancer. Coincidence? I don't think so. But then again, I'm not a doctor.
Avatar m tn I increased my dosage of Armour Thyroid to 90 mg per day about a week ago. Now my thyroid is swollen and my heart rate is 90. My normal heart rate is 70-72. Has this happended to anyone else? I used to take Levoxyl and Cytomol and never had this problems.
Avatar f tn But , I really just wanted to let you know that I have also ran out of my meds and let the pharmacist know that you dont have any at all and usually they will from thyroid meds a few pills until you can get it. Most understand that it is a pill we cant afford to miss and will accomodate you. Best of luck and feel better.
Avatar n tn Thyroid meds and HBC pills have to be taken hours apart, or you could consider the patch, ring, or IUD.
Avatar n tn If you have stable thyroid disease there is no contra-indication to most medications - but most of these pills offer only short term results and most everyone gains the weight back w/ stopping the program.
Avatar n tn They are GNC brand called WATEREX. The salesgirl recommended them to me. it has 60 capsules in the bottle and it cost me $11.99. She said take one after breakfast&lunch or lunch&dinner. I am taking the synthroid in the morning, so I am doing it lunch&dinner. Not everday though. Bottle says it's all natural. Not like the synthetic thyroid pills we have to take.
Avatar m tn I'm not lecturing you, and I know you didn't want comment on "harming your body", but I have to warn you that taking levo when you are already hyper can cause thyrotoxicosis or thyroid storm. Thyroid storm doesn't just "harm your body", it is a life threatening crisis, i.e. it can kill you. Thyroid hormones are very powerful little substances, and if you don't know what you're doing, you can get yourself into hot water real fast.
Avatar f tn So my thyroid levels are abnormally high and they want me to take medicine for it which I hate doing. Does anyone know what high thyroid levels can do as far as harming you or your baby? I'm almost 38 weeks.
Avatar n tn I don't think diet pills are ever called for. I don't know how long you've been on thyroid med, but many people begin to lose weight after they get on med and get stabilized. While you may lose weight with diet pills, it's very seldom a "lasting" thing, because, for many/most people, they gain the weight back as soon as they go off the diet pills; however, keep in mind that many diet pills don't work at all, or only if you restrict your diet too much.