Teeth grinding splint

Common Questions and Answers about Teeth grinding splint


Avatar n tn I am a long term teeth grinder and don't know what to do to about it. I wear a splint, supplied by my dentist. Unfortunately I take this out every night while I'm asleep and every morning I still waken up with pains in my jaws. I have tried EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) and acupuncture but they haven't worked. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Avatar n tn sounds like your problem may be due to grinding. let me tell you from a hardcore grinder, it can make your teeth sens. hurt and shift. talk to your dentist about this and if it is the problem a splint, or nightgaurd can help. bad thing is it is usually covered by medical ins, and hmo's dont cover it . but if you can get one it will save your teeth!
Avatar f tn Even without the headaches I feel a constant dull ache. I feel a grinding sound every time I open and close my mouth - and even when I talk, and sometimes the jaw locks out of joint. I can also hear the grinding sound and it feels like there is grit in the joint. The first attempt to address it was to remove my wisdom teeth in case they were causing the jaw issues, that didn't help.
Avatar dr m tn I have also had TMJ issues, grinding of teeth and wore a night splint for many years. They re-aligned my jaws, but they have since moved back since I quit wearing the splint. I no longer grind, but am careful about not clenching my jaws and sleeping with my mouth relaxed and slightly open. I don't have chronic upper respitory issues.
Avatar n tn My hard, flat-planed splint is not the same as those softer night splints they provide for teeth grinders. My splint cost $900.00 (American), which included f/up for adjustments. Hope you are helped by your treatment!
Avatar f tn I am in a pickle now!! My front teeth are already worn away inside due to teeth grinding over decades and worndown back teeth. Now the back teeth do not really meet anymore and my lower teeth grind into the upper ones. I had orthodonture at age 13 and two incisors were removed from the upper teeth, now there is not enough space in my mouth to crown these sensitive front teeth. The dentine is already exposed, I have chewed through the hard enamel without knowing it.
4494800 tn?1355440491 ve made a bad habit of always grinding my teeth when doing anything tedious... i.e. playing video games, taking a hard test, solving a difficult puzzle.. whatever. Is it possible to develop a TMJ issue from doing this all those years? Two weeks ago i started experiencing a lot of pressure in my left ear accompanied by a pain that i thought to be in the inner portion of my ear. I went to the doctor thinking that I had an ear infection of some sort..
Avatar f tn can a headgear help with chronic tmj disorder or a splint if i don't want to do tmj n jaw surgery ??
Avatar f tn You should go to your General Dentist (or a dentist specialising in TMD) and get fitted with an occlusal splint. This stops clenching and grinding. Prolonged clenching and grinding can actually cause TMD, cause it displaces the joints. Muscle relaxants. such as Valium, may aslo help the muscle spasms. You may also have a back problem, because the muscle that leads to your jaw joint originates at the middle of your back.
Avatar f tn I sometimes have pain at the top of my jaw joint. I have a long history of grinding my teeth at night but cannot wear a guard as I pull them out at night in my sleep. Does this sound like TMJ? I also notice that when I am anxious or angry the pain REALLY gets bad even tho I make a conscience effort not to let my teeth touch. I gritted my teeth so badly that I cracked my teeth from my bicuspids to my next to the last molars on top on both sides and had to have them pulled.
1364770 tn?1277881546 i had this i had to go to the dentist for a mould of my teeth,i had toomany teeth so ihad to have some removed,does it happen when you eat aswell?
Avatar m tn Hi, It appears you are having problems with the Temporomandibular joint secondary to ?Bruxism (grinding of the teeth). Night guard would prevent the same but in certain occasions you might not benefit from that. Please do consult your Dentist/Faciomaxillary surgeon and your physiotherapist. Few Tips: 1. Reduce stress if any 2. Avoid foods and drinks that contain caffeine, such as colas, chocolate, and coffee. 3. Avoid alcohol. Grinding tends to intensify after alcohol consumption. 4.
Avatar n tn He says there is not decay, he says my teeth are very small and there is ample evidence to suggest that I grind/clench. He made a splint for me to ware at night to reduce damage from grinding/clenching. I ware this every night now but it seems there i still damage occuring. I don't believe that I do or did grind at night I know that I clench when I'm working on something very physical.
Avatar n tn I have been to my dentist for sensitive teeth and am getting a nighttime occlusion splint to prevent teeth grinding/clenching. I also have a sore jaw, mild neck pain and headaches, occasional blocked ears (As if they need to pop). The dentist did this thing called a "parachute test" thats supposed to test reflexes or something and thought i seemed weak.
Avatar m tn I agree with Lorigirl. Meds can have strange side effects and this may be the problem. So can anxiety. Many of us on this forum have aches and pains from anxiety. I know that I also get the jaw pain at times. My dentist said I'm grinding my teeth at night and I also have TMJ. I would recommend calling either your Dr or pharmacist to ask if the law pain is a possible symptom of you med. I been on a couple of meds that made the jaw pain and teeth clenching worse.
Avatar n tn There was more pressure on my right side. Then, I noticed one night that I was grinding my teeth in my sleep. Not sure if this has reoccurred. Since then, I've been waking up with a dull head ache, and the feeling of misalignment has been constantly bothering me. I would clench my teeth during the day. I'm not sure if my teeth were shifting or not, but my bottom molars and bottom incisors would often feel as if there was food stuck between them when there wasn't.
Avatar f tnGrinding or clenching your teeth, which puts a lot of pressure on the joint •Movement of the soft cushion or disc between the ball and socket of the joint • Arthritis in the joint •Stress, which can cause you to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench the teeth the Symptoms? TMD often causes severe pain and discomfort. It can be temporary or last many years. It might affect one or both sides of your face.
644083 tn?1282604175 Hi there, back, head and shoulder pain can all be symptoms of the TMJ. We're all connected from head to to and if one is out of line, they all go out! I know how that feels. TMJ can happen for a lot of reason, but if your teeth are very crooked or the don't fit straight, it puts a lot of pressure on the jaw. It can happen if you've had an accident too, or from stress, or grinding at night. Uneven teeth can touch and make it very sore.
Avatar n tn - I don’t have a bite or a natural bite at that - I can’t chew like I used to and I can’t close my mouth while I chew - Can’t use a straw to drink because it causes discomfort - Can’t use my front teeth and bottom front teeth at all meaning I can’t bite into anything. - Can’t put my teeth together.
Avatar f tn I have used these for years. Definitely good if you're getting a nighttime clenching headache (worked for me, anyway). They are great for clenchers who haven't yet overwhelmed the reflex the NTI is designed to trigger. If you've already ground off your front teeth (as I have) it may be too late for this device. Even though they're made of Lexan I grind through them pretty quickly, but they're still better than any I had tried previously. http://www.nti-tss.
Avatar n tn I went through a very severe TMJ-like experience for many months. I could hardly talk, it was so bad - my bite was off kilter, I had a bit of popping in the jaw joint on one side, my tongue seemed swollen, and it all just ached. It all started when I got a new job, and I came to the conclusion that I was clenching my teeth during the day while I was concentrating on work. I was sure I wasn't grinding my teeth at night, and I was resistant to plunk down thousands for a splint.
Avatar f tn For 5 days now I have terrible pain in my jaw radiating to my ear(ear is fine teeth are fine)..I ve had it before but not for so long and not with it affecting my speech. Others say I dont talk any different but sometimes it feels funny like my teeth touch my tongue or as if my tongue is swollen. Whats going on? Is this permanent?
Avatar f tn Grinding would be evident because of wear to the teeth, so that's something the dentist can find evidence of if you were grinding. But with clenching, not so. I've been told my teeth have all the anatomy of textbook teeth. Perhaps it would be worth a try to wear your guard in the afternoon, starting prior to the time the pain usually starts up? I found out from my dentist that even swallowing can cause many, many pounds worth equivalent in pressure on the tiny jaw joint.
Avatar n tn I've not heard of a splint just for the bottom teeth. They make impressions for the top and the bottom. I have a flat-planed hard splint. It is not pleasant getting the impression on top, but I've live through that experience on more than one occasion. It's worth it in the long run for me.
Avatar f tn You might want to look into a new splint, and see whether that might help the symptoms. If you are grinding or clenching, the tooth can still ache and be sore due to occlusal trauma. There can be also other causes of continued problems such as referred pain, a hairline fracture in the molar, or trigeminal neuralgia.