Stroke recovery and age

Common Questions and Answers about Stroke recovery and age


Avatar f tn Other risk factors include smoking, high cholesterol and blood pressure, and age. Other stroke like symptoms can occur from seizure activity and migraine. The best approach to fully evaluate your symptoms is to be referred to a neurologist. He/she may want to obtain an updated MRI using a stroke protocol that includes DWI imaging. (This would evaluate for the prior stroke but also for other conditions such as a mass or demyelination from infection or autoimmune disorders).
Avatar f tn Hello Dear, There has been association between hyperthermia and stroke. Hyperthermia and fluctuations is usually not considered a good sign. It has to be also related with the time of onset of fever after the traumatic brain injury. Hope for the best. Miracles do happen. Best.
Avatar m tn My mother had a severe stroke due to blood clot in blood of vessel brain,at age 40 leaving her paralyzed on her left side.The stroke also affected her site on left side.after stroke we rich hospital in 1 hour.
Avatar m tn my father suffered a mild stroke at age 85 we beleive he was hit by the stroke between 5 am and 7am was in hospital by between 730 am and 8am .this is a healthy man who does have a arythmia problem and stopped his meds which was metropolol. in hospital he did a nuero exam came through with good results remembers all families first names and neices and girlfreinds all objects shown to him were correct .
Avatar n tn Vital Stim Therapy has been used to greatly improve swallowing, Zolpidem (Ambien) has for some reason helped stroke and coma patients, and hope, faith and prayers can work wonders too.
Avatar n tn My dad age 80 had a hemorrhagic stroke 2 years ago. We all rushed to the hospital because the doctors told us he didn't have long to live. Well, he made it through that. He left the hospital and went to a rehab facility. After 2 weeks they told us he had reached his potential and would not give him more rehab. We kept fighting and after about 2 months we got him into an acute rehab facility. They worked hard with him for 2 weeks and after that he was able to come home.
Avatar m tn My father, at the age of 65, went from COMPLETLY bordering at catatonic... he had a stroke 5/8...had complete loss of expressive language, and mild loss of receptive language...his major problem was in his mouth/tonge and throat...he was unable to swallow, talk clearly etc...but he was making improvments everyday...talking more, begining to try and eat etc... then 5 days ago (5/21) he had another stroke...this one was a "mini stroke.
Avatar f tn m not trying to put a damper on your parade, but I just wanted to share with you the reality of a stroke. I hope your friend makes a remarkable recovery and lives to be a ripe old age. Please keep us posted on her recovery.
Avatar f tn She had a heart attack and stroke, and I do believe she is fighting as she is still with us when we were told she would not survive one day. We are continuing to talk to her and play her favorite music. Has anyone heard of someone waking up but being unresponsive? I know no one can say if she can ghet better but I guess I'm just looking for someone to talk to and people who understand.
1226884 tn?1272081604 I can understand your worrying concerns about post-stroke recovery. Unfortunately, rehabilitation is the only effective way to help the patient regain function to the possible extent and prevent from permanent losses. If rehabilitation program is appropriately instituted, most of the stroke patients can regain maximum functions with appropriate therapy, training and support services.
Avatar m tn I am sorry for your boyfriend to have a stroke at a very young age. The younger the better for recovery but also depending on severity of damage by the stroke can delay the healing process. He will be very tired following a stroke and doing rehab, but stimulating him to relearn what he lost will be the best you can do for him so he can have a chance at a recovery.
Avatar f tn Things that can be helpful can be anti-depressants if they are called for, and anti-anxiety medications. Stroke recovery can be a very scary place to be and these illnesses are often attached to those who have had such a major life change happen without warning. Continued rehab sounds good, if he is getting the care he needs. There is nothing as important than your support, so try to see him as much as possible. Don't give up, and take care of yourself too...
Avatar m tn t get a NDT therapist(neuro development treatment) and look up information on neuroplasticity, which is what your recovery will entail. Look up other stroke forums and you will find lots of success stories, but they all required a lot of work, the easy recovery would have occurred by now. I received tPA within the hour but still ended up paralyzed. The doctor said I missed the fast miracle recovery and would have to settle for the slow miracle recovery.
Avatar m tn I'm 62 and was physically fit before my May19 2009 stroke. Left arm and side weak.Veery limited control in shoulder. can anyone suggest good exercises to reconnect arn to brain?
Avatar f tn My brother had a massive stroke with a bleed on the brain and brain swelling, he was on a ventilator he can't eat or talk he has nothing on his right side but his left side is functional and he is very alert holds and kisses my hand and he acts like he's trying to tell me something what r his chances of being able to eat and talk again...
Avatar m tn My 60 year old mother is recovering from her 3rd stroke . This current stroke was a massive one & she can not Talk or Walk or respond to commands... Her right side is paralyzed. All she can do at the moment is open her eyes and look to the Left and stare. The Doctors told me that this is how she might be for the rest of her life. Im scared to death because she is so young and i cant picture my life without her in it .
Avatar m tn My 59 yrs Mom had stroke due to hypertension. CT Scan says "Large left thalamic hematoma extending to ganglio capsular region & corona radiata along with intraventricular extension". Doctors drained lot of blood/fluid and finally they put a stunt. Initially she showed some response on her left side but while she was still in the hospital she had a seizure and then she completely lost all responses.
1821865 tn?1317522031 My mother had a stroke back on 11/15/2012 at work. She had suffered a schemic stroke on her right side which paralyze her left side completely. She was given tpa a week later she had a cranial bleed. They removed her right skull a few days later she had a second stroke where she lost her ability of speaking. Since she has not said a word. Now she is at a nursing home rehab where she makes 5 steps behind then forward now the place told us they are going to drop her because she is not improving.
Avatar f tn The entire left side of his body became paralyzed. After stroke rehabiliation, and lots of after treatment, he has made some progress. He is still unable to move the entire left arm and fingers, and his left leg. His personality has changed, although he appears to have recovered about 90% of his previous cognitive ability. Depression after the stroke has been severe. Does anyone know of treatment that might help my son reecover the use of the paralyzed limbs? He is only 31 yrs.
1821865 tn?1317522031 My mother had a major stroke on november 15, 2011. She has left sided paralysis and aphasic. Due to her lack of improvement her therapy had cut short it has been over 3months with no therapy. She has a gtube which had infected with heavy grow of mrsa. She was put on antibiotic for 15 days now it still look like it has drainage. For those of you whose been experience this type of stroke can you help me. I am afraid i may lose her.
Avatar m tn Hi callingallangels, My guess is that a TIA recovery period has some common characteristics akin to a major stroke recovery process. Two months ago, I suffered a TIA out of the blue. Three days in the hospital with all the necessary tests (MRI, CT-scan, catorids, etc.) showed no pre-existing conditions. But the aftermath of the TIA has been an up and down experience, largely dependent on whether I've had a good night of sleep.
Avatar n tn Neither you nor your parents can do the work for him. Progress can continue years after the stroke. Passively waiting for stroke recovery will not accomplish anything. Your parents are now enablers of his passivity. Read Peter Levines blog on cavemen and strokes. Good luck.
Avatar n tn and you should know that symptoms after a stroke are severe at the beginning and first months but they get better after some months by therapy and medications. this is more visible in hemorrhagic cases because the bleeding will be absorbed. the golden time for therapy and improvement after stroke is the first 6 months so follow the treatment exactly especially at this time.
Avatar n tn I would very like to help your grandma, please can you tell me more about her state and since how long she has the stroke... and in which state she is now, if coma or speaking, and some info about her previous disease... if something more than hypertension.
241234 tn?1220980556 Cause was ischemic stroke on right side, Main problem with spasticity is finger flexors, biceps, latissimus, all on left side. Lower limbs are able to be worked thru. Age at stroke 50, currently 52, was in excellent shape which allowed me to fight thru baclofen and zanaflex and still move. By knocking out my biceps with botox, I was able to engage my triceps, however spasticity came back to the biceps even after 3 rounds of botox.