Stress test results heart disease

Common Questions and Answers about Stress test results heart disease


Avatar m tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Heart-Disease/Nuclear-stress-test-results/show/2897305">Nuclear stress test results</a> was started.
Avatar m tn the dubotomine stress test prior to the stenting said it showed positive for ischemia affecting heart wall in three places. EF was 70.19%. What was notable about this test was that I am perfectly normal at low and medium dose of the dubotamine. Maybe I should lust live like that - low and medium pulse? All the grim looking stats came at high dose with pulse at 120. That's high for an 81-year-old? It would take me a fair sprint along the road to get it up to that level.
1491262 tn?1288413065 The value of stress tests has always been recognized as limited in assessing heart disease such as atherosclerosis, a condition which mainly produces wall thickening and enlargement of the arteries.
Avatar n tn You do need to get back with the cardio and get an explanation of a one minute stress test terminated at heart rate of 144. You do not state how you felt at the time of the test termination.You are still not out very far from your heart attack; I'd go back and get some guidance.Let us know. Joan.
Avatar m tn It means that the supply of blood (and thus oxygen) is not sufficient during the maximum stress test, but that during rest it is (so the effect is reversible). The position where the heart blood supply is sometimes not sufficient is part of the wall of the left ventricle. The left ventricle is the part of the heart that queezes out the blood from the heart to the whole body. The pumping efficiency of the left ventricle may suffer from the lack of blood supply.
Avatar m tn My results say, moderate decreased perfusion involving the inferior wall with stress and rest. Secondary decrease perfusion involving mid to distal anterior and anterlateral wall. Ejection fraction 59% .left ventrical thickening normal Perfusion scan evidence of diaphagamatic attenuation artifact. However reversable ischemia involving anterlateral and lateral wall beginning in the mid and distal ventrical and extends out to apex. What does all this mean.
Avatar m tn An EKG is not a very good test for any condition other than arrhythmia and an Echo does not include blood flow to tissues. Stress test abnormalities (positive results) are an indication of imbalances of relative blood flow to the left ventricular muscle tissue. This is important because the left ventricle of the heart performs the greatest amount of work involved in pumping blood around the body.
Avatar m tn Each test is progressivly more accurate. An EKG is about 50% accurate, a normal stress test is about 65% accurate and a nuclear stress test is about 85% accurate overall but if you back out the false positives, it will find significant heart disease 97% of the time. Having said that, are you working with your doctor to find a cause other than heart disease?
Avatar f tn Does having a 45% ejection fraction on the stress test means one has a heart disease? Other symptoms includes chest pain, SOB when climbing upstairs, nearly syncopal event every time SOB and tachycardia happens. Stress test showed severely tachycardic, nearly syncopal episode on exertion and 45% ejection fraction. Ecg showed Borderline left atrial abnormality and the echo, according to the readiologist, showed increased in bulk. (Which was neglected on the final report).
Avatar f tn I am getting a nuclear stress test done on Monday. I wish that they could have done more testing at the time however the cardiologist seemed frustrated and angry, maybe not with me. I am really unsure why, actually. I'm very concerned and it will be good to get to that bottom of it. I have increased my fluid intake.Thanks for your response.
Avatar n tn An Echo Stress Test or a Nuclear Stress Test, if the doctor is suspecting coronary artery disease. However, a regular stress may be sufficient in stable patients or those with a low suspicion of coronary artery disease who are being assessed for exercise tolerance (for example, prior to undergoing a structured exercise or rehab program). If you are/were experiencing chest pains an EKG Stress test is not reliable and probably should have had a Nuclear Stress Test.
Avatar m tn I just completed a tread mill stress test and a nuclear stress test. Briefly, the results are: 1) attained 100% target heart rate, no chest pains, no arrhythmia 2) LVEF is 56% 3) Moderate size infereior ischemia 4.) ECG is positive for ischemia at good workload (reached heart rate of 143). I've formed a preliminary impression from my research on the Internet, but I would appreciate professional feedback. I am scheduled for a heart catheterization. Thank you.
Avatar f tn test with myocardial perfusion imaging revealed mild to moderate ischemia involving the basal anterior septum and mid anterior septal walls. He is status post recent (4/7/08) four-vessel bypass graft with a LIMA to the LAD. My husband has been labeled a walking piece of plaque by his cardiologist. With his open-heart surgery being so recent, with him being diabetic, and he has never had any symptoms of his illness - should this recent test be looked into further by your opinion?
Avatar m tn Hi, new to MedHelp. I just got my results on a patient portal from a stress test that I just had done a few days ago. I don't see my doctor for 2 weeks, but my anxiety just makes me want to know what is going on. Does anyone know how to interpret these results? Thank you for any input you can give. Findings: Patient was pharmacologically stressed with adenosine at a dose of 48 milligrams. No chest pain occurred during stress.
Avatar m tn I recently took a treadmill stress test and nuclear stress test. Basically, the conclusions are that I have: 1) moderate size inferior ischemia 2) LVEF is 56% 3) ECG is positive for ischemia at a good workload. No chest pains, no arrhythmia. I've research the Internet and have reached a tentative first impression, but would appreciate any professional feedback on the above three conclusions. I am being scheduled for a heart catheterization. Thank you.
Avatar m tn I had a tread mill stress test and a nuclear stress test. Briefly, the results were: 1) reached 100% target heart rate, no chest pains, no arrhythmia 2) LVEF is 56% 3) moderate size inferior ischemia 4) ECG is positive for ischemia at a good workload (143 heart rate). I have formed a preliminary impression from my research on the Internet, but would appreciate feedback on the above 4 items. I havel scheduled a heart catherterization. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I am new here. I am 44 and overweight, never smoked. Have had a lot of brain surgeries for Chiari Malformation/Hydrochepalus. Recently I have had shortness of breath...and so test showed low oxygen saturation upon exherstion. Test of lung were unremarkable...except for a "floppy" trachea that collapse by 50% on exhaling. Just has a chemical stress test done and am waiting to see a cardiologist on Friday.
Avatar n tn t agree on why I did so well on the stress test. Q. Can some one do this well on a stress test, ie 13.5 minutes and still have major heart problems? What's next?
1076228 tn?1256348980 However, comparing the trace elements injected at rest at during the high heart rate period of the stress test may show that there is a blockage of an artery and during exercise, your heart is not getting enough blood in parts of it. The cath will give the doctor specific answers. I'd try to stress about it, but the period of time after a stress test and before a cath is always a worrisome time, I've gone through that a number of times.