Stress test imaging

Common Questions and Answers about Stress test imaging


Avatar n tn I do not understand the results of my cardiolite stress test & my doctor is out of town for 2 weeks can you help? 1- Borderline electrocardiographic changes suspicious of myocardial ischemia but not diagnostic.
212161 tn?1599427282 Hi, we'll I had my stress test done, just the exercise one with no dye or pictures, I ran it about 7 mins got my heart to 104 percent, could of keep going if I needed to, had no chest pains, or sob. They said you passed sent me on my way. Good news My question is , without pics how much can they tell about the heart, if I had a blockage would it had shown up? Should I feel good about my heart? Thank you so much for all your time.
Avatar n tn Imaging portion of the stress test normal mean there was no induced ischemia during the perfusion phase of the test? Does previous ischemia mean there had been occlusions with intervional treatment?
Avatar f tn I had a Perfusion Imaging stress test after an ekg showed something different. I am now loosing my hair. What went wrong? or is this normal?
Avatar m tn I recently had a nuclear stress test with imaging and while recovering and resting on the the table my HR was coming down from 180 during Bruce level 5 to 110 and that is when my symptoms appeared. I started having PVC's here and there then bigeminy,trigeminy, couplets and as many as four to five PVC's in a row. Of course I could feel them and this lasted for 10 minutes. No intervention done at the time. No change in BP either.
Avatar n tn This was the findings from a stress test and mycocardial perfusion test that were done. Please explain to me in laymen terms, am I okay? I just wanna make sure. Postress SPECT images demonstrate a small zone of mildly diminished activity in the distal anteroseptal wall. A mild defect persists in the distal anterior wall on the rest examination.
Avatar m tn Did you have a stress test with imaging? If so these things are about 97% accurate in finding heart disease. The next test would be an angiogram which carries a very real risk of complication and I doubt anyone would do one without additional symptoms. You may be best served by getting a second opinion.
1491262 tn?1288413065 my husband just had a nuclear stress test he has to go back to the dr. Wednesday , they said he had some blockage and they saw a place on his heart they want to check out he has had triple bypass and had a heart attack last year . they want to do some kind of dye test now what could this mean ? and what might the dr. do im trying to understand all of this .
Avatar f tn Can someone please help me understand my recent Stress test findings: Images show mild intensity small-sized defect, located in the distal anterior and apical wall. Rest images show no change of the defect compared to the stress images. This defect suggests infarction vs. artifact in the wall. Gated SPECT imaging demonstates abnormal septal motion of the distal anterior and apical wall. The left ventricular ejection fraction was calculated to be 56%.
Avatar m tn Hi, a nuclear stress test provides information regarding the coronary artery blood flow to the heart muscle. A "perfusion defect" is a way of saying that there is the appearance of reduced blood flow to a part of the heart muscle. When images return to normal at rest, this indicates there is no permanent injury to the heart muscle.
Avatar f tn I recently had an abnormal EKG that showed a LBBB. I was sent for a Lexiscan stress test and this was the conclusion: Calculated post stress LVEF 51%. There was a medium sized mild to moderate, fixed defect in the basal anteroseptal, mid anteroseptal, apical anterior, apical septal, apex segments.
Avatar f tn test with myocardial perfusion imaging revealed mild to moderate ischemia involving the basal anterior septum and mid anterior septal walls. He is status post recent (4/7/08) four-vessel bypass graft with a LIMA to the LAD. My husband has been labeled a walking piece of plaque by his cardiologist. With his open-heart surgery being so recent, with him being diabetic, and he has never had any symptoms of his illness - should this recent test be looked into further by your opinion?
Avatar f tn Myocardial perfusion imaging shows normal tracer uptake on the resting images. Stress images show a new small midly revesible defect in teh anterior wall. This appears consistent with a small amount of anterior reversible ischemia. However, shifting soft tissue/breast attenuation cannot be excluded. Gated analysis shows normal systolic function and wall motion with ejection fraction of 66%.
Avatar f tn I wonder why you had a stress test, some symptom trigger it? In my case I asked for a stress test to get a better number on what my maximum exercise HR should be. This lead to lots of additional nuclear and other tests because I couldn't pass the stress test when I in fact didn't have the main problem it checks for. Sorry if I wander... bottom line, see a cardiologist but if you don't have any serious symptoms I think you should think positive, nothing is wrong.
Avatar m tn the dubotomine stress test prior to the stenting said it showed positive for ischemia affecting heart wall in three places. EF was 70.19%. What was notable about this test was that I am perfectly normal at low and medium dose of the dubotamine. Maybe I should lust live like that - low and medium pulse? All the grim looking stats came at high dose with pulse at 120. That's high for an 81-year-old? It would take me a fair sprint along the road to get it up to that level.
Avatar f tn My husband is 66 and recently had a SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Study (stress test). It was essentially normal, with the exception of the following: "there is a moderate sized reversible defect of the inferior and apical walls". The left ventricle was normal in size and the ejection fractions were 57% at rest and 63% post stress. The internet resources suggest that such a defect could be indicative of a prior silent heart attack. Is this true?
Avatar f tn My husband just received his results from recent stress test. (He is 36 y/o. Father had first double bypass at 37 and died at 56, so there is a family history of heart issues.) Stress spect cardiolite images decreased cardiolite uptake in anterior and inferior walls. Spect cardiolite scan was positive for moderate amount of ischemia of anterior and inferior walls. Comments: 1. Anterior defect/possible soft tissue/breast attenuation artifact, 2.
Avatar m tn Hi, new to MedHelp. I just got my results on a patient portal from a stress test that I just had done a few days ago. I don't see my doctor for 2 weeks, but my anxiety just makes me want to know what is going on. Does anyone know how to interpret these results? Thank you for any input you can give. Findings: Patient was pharmacologically stressed with adenosine at a dose of 48 milligrams. No chest pain occurred during stress.
Avatar n tn Can anybody explain the differences between ejection fraction results form an echo and a stress tess? I had an echo in October that was 35% and a nuclear stress test in November that was 16%? I have a defib/pacer if that helps.
Avatar n tn t agree on why I did so well on the stress test. Q. Can some one do this well on a stress test, ie 13.5 minutes and still have major heart problems? What's next?
907729 tn?1244174363 I have been having chest pains and shortness of breath and the feeling that I am full. I am on many meds. I had another stress test and I am just not real sure of what the results all mean. Tried talking to my doctor, but he didn't explain it real well. he just said he wants to do another catherization. I was wondering if you can explain my results for the nuclear Spect Imaging Study? Findings: 1. Left ventricle appears at least borderline enlarged.
Avatar f tn Comparing these images of the heart before and after the stress test helps to show if ischemia is reversible. “Reversible” ischemia on imaging means the imaging portion of the stress test had a change in appearance from before and after the stress test indicating stress induced ischemia. Imaging studies may show ischemia before and after the stress test, but if it does not change, then that ischemia may be due to a scar on the heart from a prior heart attack.