Stress reduction children

Common Questions and Answers about Stress reduction children


915119 tn?1341948989 Now they are telling me that I have to get a selective reduction and reduce the pregnancy to a twin pregnancy. I am so sad and scared. Has anyone ever been through a selective reduction? What was it like and how painful was it?
Avatar n tn // If you stick to one post the community members can follow you easier and help you.
Avatar f tn s any cream I have the same problem so I feel ya but I decided a long time ago I wanted a reduction after I was done with babies and bfing good luck momma
Avatar f tn Your breasts are still healing. Its a huge surgery. They suture you from the inside out. The inner sutures are disolvable but may take a while to completely disolve. A year after is still fairly new and still healing. I have the most sore tender breasts right now with this pregnancy. But I've breast fed all 3 of the children I've had since my reduction with no issues. One for a year, anither for 22 mos, and 3rd for 14mos. You guys shouldn't have any issues either.
Avatar f tn If he's not willing to be there the best you can do is work hard for you and your children . my mom was the single parent of four children for a while until she met her fiance and they have been together for 9 years now and getting married next year .
Avatar f tn I had a myocardial profusion scan awhile back but did not complete the resting part due to very bad reaction to radioactive tracer.It said" there was a reduction in the tracer uptake within the septum proximally and also within the anterior wall in the region of mid ventricle.gated acquisition shows no thickening or motion abnormality.
Avatar n tn So, at your age I was always a petite, five foot, SINGLE mom, two children, gotta do it all w/o family around to help....but now over 40yrs of age I spent the the last 9 years being physically DISABLED from lower back surgery, which I did not recover from well! With that said and being so immobile I got FAT, depressed, and feared my fate was carved in stone. I could have had my Insurance pay for Gastric Bypass, but that's not the kind of person I am.
948349 tn?1294380237 Rancid fats, hydrogenated fats, and fats that have been heated to high temperatures as in cooking are known to create dietary stress due to the oxidative stress they place on the human system. DMAE eliminates the free-radicals resulting from these fats. * Prevent and/or treat cardiovascular problems. Scientific studies have documented DMAE's ability to deal with degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular problems. * Increase ability of the immune system.
Avatar m tn 5 per unit in height, weight, and BMI z scores (standard deviation scores), discovering that 33% of children in the 48-week treatment group had a reduction of ≥ 0.5 in their height-for-age z score. The findings demonstrated that the average height-for-age z scores were slower to rebound compared with those in weight and BMI.
Avatar f tn Im very stressed out because of my situation im so scare i might go in labor early than my due date can any1 tell me what stress does to the baby im tryn to stop stressing but my situation not letting me im 16 weeks
Avatar f tn My son is kind of a harder child will do anything bad to get attention so im yelling and stressing a lot. Will this hurt my baby in my tummy? the stress is what im worried about when my husband is home my son is an angle but he doesnt respect me at all or listen to me. Im worried about miscarriage? How many ppl actually miscarry is it a high risk?
Avatar m tn These tests look at completely different things, so yes. Its alot to break down but basically.. Stress tests look at electricity and wall motion. Ct angiograms look at blood flow. Contrast mri and nuclear medicine looks at perfusion (how well muscles soak up blood). So you can have a 48% reduction in blood flow, resulting in a 68% reduction in pumping action/wall motion and a 20% loss of perfusion all in 1, yes.
Avatar f tn Before I has my two children, I had c cup breasts. I breast fed for a year and now my breasts are back to a c cup but with d cup skin. My areolas are huge! My husband has admitted that they "aren't as nice as they used to be." I'm interested in a breast lift and areola reduction, and wanted to hear some of your experiences. How bad is the scarring and healing process? How much does this typically cost?
Avatar f tn Hi ladies I had a breast reduction 1 year and got pregnant my baby was a surprise I'm due in 2 weeks I have no sign of milk coming in so I don't know if I can even breast-feed anyone have the same surgery and could feed their baby after having that type of surgery.
Avatar f tn I still have a full time job and left me little tome to actually do this side job after looking after 2 children too. I felt like being strangled by the neck, throwing up once a day, stiff shoulder and heart race. Everything we thought about growing the business and good ideas we have on it suddenly down the drain. I felt like jumping off bridge sometimes. I have over committed and this stress didnt help me feeling strong to do a lot of work in the evening.
Avatar n tn reducing the amount of reaction to stress is usually accomplished by meditation or stress reduction in the individual, but for a pharmeceutical treatment, most doctors turn to SSRI's. These drugs increase the amount of seratonin in the brain, and this reaction has the side effect of making you less emotive and therefore less "stressable." Again....very good question.
410475 tn?1262942367 Personally I would risk 75mg/day reduction while above 150mg/day, but stick to 37.5mg/day reduction for each step down from 150mg/day. When it comes to antidepressants, always get doctor advice before implementing a reduction program. As always, my comments do not constitute doctor's advice --- always see a doctor before changing any medication for stress or depression.
10131590 tn?1408165341 Well actually no matter how well you handle stress, it does effect your baby...studies have shown that high stress during pregnancy translates to children who have a higher tendency to develop anxiety and depressive disorders later...when your stressed, your body kicks into fight/flight mode, which in turn is passed to the baby...which then when they ate put into stressful situations as they grow older, their bodies don't adjust as well and they are likely to exist severe anxiety.
Avatar n tn My son had a gasping tic when he was 2 and did it when he was trying to speak, but it only lasted a few months. I have heard of children developing temporary tics like this. How long should I wait to have her seen by a Dr.? Let me add that she is thrilled to be back in school, she's a straight A student and is very happy. She doesn't seem to be stressed out at all.
Avatar f tn How do you handle the stress of divorce with 3 kids and one on the way? Im in and out of court, Ive been diagnosed with complex migraine disorder which causes complete paralysis on my left side, my ex is trying to have my license suspended, I havent been able to work and ive lost my home. How does everyone else deal with their stress? I feel like im falling into a hole.
Avatar f tn Hi, Good point.I am currently 26 weeks pregnant and stressed like hell. With me is physical stress. Me and my husband just don't get along anymore, his not helping me with anything and his main concern are his 2 other children, while I stress myself out for the one I'm carrying. Been having BH since I hit 24 weeks and now this wired shaky moving of my tummy. Baby doesn't stop moving either. Can go on and on 24/7.
419158 tn?1316571604 I have no doubt in my mind that she will love all her children, but the reality is the stress of daily living with 8 premuture babies and 6 other children all under 8. Besides who is going to be supporting these children??
Avatar f tn Hi everyone. I'm 27 and a half weeks and going through a lot of stress. My 15 year old ran away and is using drugs, my job has demoted me with pay cut and reduced hours, my husband is talking about divorce, and my step son who's 20 has no respect for my rulesand I think both of the children are jealous of the baby. I'm not able to make all my bills, and my job is not sympathetic to my difficult pregnancy.
1906097 tn?1321874071 It's up to you if you keep the baby. Your family, although you love them, do not make this decision for you. Also of your life is theorem away of your decision as well. Honestly I am 21 and 11 weeks and still have my life ahead of me. I'm excited for my busker of joy! I just think of my ancestors and how they've lived with less. With more children and no birth control after a pregnancy.