
Small bumps under skin surface

Common Questions and Answers about Small bumps under skin surface


Avatar f tn A couple of years ago I started developing these small painful bumps on my fingers/palm under the thick part of the skin. I might have 1-3 at a time - typically in different places/hands. After a few weeks they go away and aren't necessarily visible unless pressing the skin around them (skin goes white). They aren't surface blisters and feel more like a splinter.
Avatar n tn It is possible that these are pearly penile papules which are bumps seen at the rim of the head of the penis .These bumps can be the color of the skin, translucent, white, yellow, or pink. They are completely normal and not a sign of infection or uncleanliness. Fordyce’s spots are small, painless, raised, pale, red or white spots or bumps 1 to 3 mm in diameter. It is possible that these bumps could be due to any boils or folliculitis.
Avatar n tn I also have similar issues. I have small skin colored bumps on the side of my feet.I am not sure what they are and would like some answers. What are they? How did I get them? How can I get rid of them?
Avatar n tn For the last year my pores have enlarged and I have many white bumps under the skin on my right side of my face around the chin, jaw and top of the cheek bone down to the jaw with a few a couple in the middle of my right cheek. They arent hard bumps and most if squeezed while produce a white string substance and it never goes away. I wash my face morninng & night and have tried every type of face wash hoping to find my cure. Can you please tell me what this is and how do I get rid of them.
Avatar n tn Under these bumps, there are oil glands that produce sebum. This sebum is supposed to get on the skin surface and lubricate it but because there are no openings that would lead to the skin, the sebum starts accumulating under the skin causing these bumps. They are usually left in place and never removed because they are harmless. However, they can be removed at the doctor’s office by removing the thick membrane and getting out the collected sebum. your welcome...
Avatar m tn Hi, thats not a symtpom of std's like gono or chlamydia and under the skin bumps that youve mentioned do not herpes related. Herpes sores are not under the skin bumps but topical open blister or razor type sores with clear liquid. Other topical sores could be syphilis related but what your describing dont appear at that either. If your anxious and concerned or have a long term partner, see a doc.
Avatar m tn They are raised a lillte bit but they seem to be mostlt under the skin but near the surface. They dont itch or scale or contain fluid within. I havent had any change in urinary patterns lately at all.
Avatar n tn For the past 3 motnths I've noticed 2 small bumps underneath the skin of my penis. They are about an inch from the tip on the underside of the penis. If I stretch the skin tight I can clearly see it's white underneath, and if I try to squeeze them sometimes a bit of pasty white stuff comes out, but not always. If I break the skin surface I cannot squeeze the white stuff out, and the result leaves a flaky scab that doesn't really quite heal.
Avatar m tn The next day, the bump had become a hard, red, round bump on the surface of the skin. I applied rubbing alcohol and neosporin, and waited for it to subside. It has been a week, and now I notice it has slightly grown in size from a round bump, to an oblong one -- 1/5cm wide by 1/3 cm long. It does not hurt, is hard, and appears to be under the surface of the skin, although it moves with the skin. After masturbation, it can become a darker purplish color.
Avatar m tn I have had a few small bumps for a long time now on my lips, that are whitish like very tiny pimples, that you could really only see if you stretched the skin. About 5 days ago, I noticed a quite few more start coming in but they're under the skin and lip -skin colored, and appear to be a little more raised up than before but still under the skin. They are hard to notice unless you're really looking for them in the mirror. Immediately I feared the worst - like herpes.
Avatar n tn well they are Flat, rough surface and they kind of Geryish color.
Avatar f tn Pearly penile papules are small dome-shaped to filiform skin-colored papules that typically are located on the sulcus or corona of the glans penis. Ablation using carbon dioxide laser, electrodesiccation with curettage, and excisional surgery reportedly have successfully eliminated lesions.In my opinion you should talk to a cosmetologist/dermatologist about this.
Avatar n tn I have no idea if what is going on is even a problem, but at the base of my penis there are these very small bumps under the surface of the skin. they do not hurt, and you cannot even really see them unless the penis is erect, and even then they are very faint. I guess they have been there for a while but I don't know if I should do anything about it. Got any suggestions?
Avatar m tn t know if this is the correct place for my question or not. Anyways, about 6 months ago I noticed this small red circle under my skin on my thumb, a little bigger than the size of a needle and over a few weeks i watched it go from a few millimeters under my skin to the surface. when it reached the surface it became very painful and not knowing what to do i picked at it until it came off. the wound eventually healed and the spot on my thumb looks to be under the skin again.
Avatar f tn It started as a painful boil that never came to the surface. Now I have small bumps under the skin that feel like little balls if you squeeze them. The surface is red and bumpy. My doctor prescribed Mupirocin, but it isn't doing anything. It has been about 2 months since it first started.
Avatar n tn I looked up dishydrosis on the internet and the only difference between what I saw and what is on my finger is that the bumps/dots are completely underneath the skin. When I straighten the finger the bumps become raised because its almost like they get squeezed together and push up towards the surface of the skin (They are located in between the distal and intermediate phalanx). When the finger is bent and the skin is stretched, the skin becomes smooth again.
Avatar n tn for the last two years I have had small fatty deposits appear under the skin of my scrotum. Then some small black bumps the size of 1/3 a grain of rice. They look like bleeding inside the skin that forms pimple head like. Could this be hemorrhaging due to medications I am taking for blood pressure? Or is it scrotum cycts?
Avatar m tn Also, it does not hurt, it is only surface bump, on the skin, you can feel a little bit different skin there. When I move my skin it moves with it. It is just on a surface and there is nothing under the skin. No hard lumps or anything. Bump is soft and just looks like a skin bump, skin tag or something. I didn't have sexual intercourse for a half of year before this occured and I don't have any discharge, smell, discomfort, itchiness or pain. Everything feels normal.
Avatar n tn Boils are generally caused by an infection of the hair follicles by Staphylococcus aureus, a strain of bacterium that normally lives on the skin surface. You can apply anti-bacterial creams containing Mupirocin on the bumps and see if it helps resolve them. Always be alert to look for any change in size, shape, color and borders of the mole, also any crusting,bleeding or elevation ahould be reported immediately.
Avatar n tn Not to say it’s impossible but more unlikely than likely. If these pimples are little whiteheads, not herpes if the bumps that you see and feel are under the surface of the skin, not herpes. You can’t really spread herpes around. If you’re having an outbreak, for example and you put some cream on it to numb it or to help with healing, like an antiviral cream, you’re not gonna spread it everywhere. Herpes likes to emerge from thinner skin and it also needs to be transferred to thinner skin.
Avatar f tn A scabies infection begins as small, itchy bumps, blisters, or pus-filled bumps that break when scratched. Itchy skin may become thick, scaly, scabbed, and crisscrossed with scratch marks. The itching is due to a hypersensitivity reaction to the mite and/or its feces and eggs. The areas of the body most commonly affected by scabies are the hands and feet (especially the webs of skin between the fingers and toes), the inner part of the wrists, and the folds under the arms.
Avatar m tn s surface. This material is called sebum. Treatment includes small surgical opening into the skin and removing the sac (excision biopsy). But recurrence is quite common. I suggest you to get the diagnosis confirmed from a dermatologist after examination. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps.
Avatar f tn The bumps are consistent with the layout of my capillaries when I stretch the skin; my capillaries right under the scrotal skin seem to disperse in random directions, and the bumps like to hang out right over some of these capilarries. I’m unable to pop these, and have read about some people bleeding quite a bit from it (since angiokeratoma- means “over vessels”, I’m not surprised they would bleed if they had angiokeratoma). I have not noticed any sort of growth to these.
Avatar n tn Hi These white bumps on the face may be a case of milia. "Milia occur when dead skin becomes trapped in small pockets at the surface of the skin or mouth. They are common in newborn infants and appear as pearly white bumps, most commonly across the upper cheeks, nose, and chin." Source: These do not need further intervention.