
Small bumps on skin hands

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899169 tn?1242617019 I have had these small bumps on the back sides of my hands for about 5 years now. They itch, not constantly, mostly when it is hot. they are not red they are the same color as my skin and some kinda white looking. my skin is pinkish around the area, but not bad, I believe it is from the itching. There are about 100 of these small irritating bumps. when I first noticed it about 5 years ago, I thought something had jus bit me a bunch of times, but I had it the whole summer.
Avatar n tn It was thought to be a disease of excessive sweating, but the small bumps of clear liquid under formerly clear skin do not form in the same areas as sweat glands. Instead, a huge amount of bubbles of clear liquid appear underneath the skin of fingers, palms of the hand, and soles of feet. They are sometimes itchy and painful. The liquid eventually drains from the blisters back into the body, and the skin flakes off leaving a tender area of clear skin painful to touch.
2055167 tn?1330748011 I have small, almost invisible bumps on the palms of my hands and the back of my hands. They are also on my fingers and in between them. They itch and seem to thrive in warm water. They keep popping up in new places on the hands and now my boyfriend has them. Sometimes they hurt. When a new one pops up it feels like a sharp pain or fiberglass. Help?
Avatar n tn Hello, I recently moved to a dry climate and have been having problems with very small (1 mm) fluid filled bumps on the plam of my hands and sometimes the tips of my fingers. The bumps itch somewhat initially until I open them and a small amount of clear fluid is released. Then they heal and are fine. I have had this condition before but never quite to this extent as they are now very common on my palms. Is this caused by dry skin or a fungus? How should I treat it? Thank you!
Avatar f tn I have quite a few small bumps on all the knuckles of both hands, they do not itch or anything. I was just wondering what they are and if there is anything over the counter that could take care of them.
Avatar n tn Hi, I have some small bumps near my belly button, one on my side, one on my right areola, and two on my back (but those two feel different and might be bug bights). I’m fearful that they might be from two make out sessions from earlier this week where someone touched those areas but is that possible? No sex at all, just hands.
Avatar m tn It is characterized by intense itching, usually at night and by small insect-type bites lesions on the skin. Diagnosis of scabies is made by scraping the skin and viewing the material under a microscope to see the characteristic mite or eggs. So my advice would be to consult a dermatologist and get this investigation done to rule out/ confirm scabies.
Avatar m tn Does anyone have a clue what it is or what it could be and how I could treat it? Thanks alot for any help, this has been really annoying the past couple months.
Avatar n tn Since then, that area has cleared up, but there have been single bumps that appear in a random sort of pattern - 1 bump on my left ring finger at the base in between the fingers, 3 bumps separated by 1/2 inch on the back of my right hand in a triangle pattern, 1 single bump on the back of my right index finger, 2 small bumps on the underside of my right pinkie finger....etc. I currently have about 15-20 random bumps between my right & left hand. They are NOT itchy.
Avatar f tn t returned, but now i have small bumps all over my body.. the doctor told me its not HPV but there is now way its not. there is now way its coincidence that bumps that look like warts have spread to my chest, arms, hands and face but have nothing to do with my HPV right?
Avatar f tn re really small, they would barely be noticeable if not for the red color. They basically just give my skin a bumpy texture. On my hands, most of them are on my right hand, on the sides of each hand where my thumbs are, and between my top knuckles and nails. There are less bumps on my feet and most of them are on the sides of each foot where my big toe is. They don't have fluid in them and are not itchy or painful, they just make moving my hands and feet feel weird.
Avatar n tn I have small bumps (a mm in width, uniform and circular) on the tops of my feet, and a couple on the backs of my hands (probably 10 or so on each foot, only 2 on each hand). The bumps are skin colored, and barely raised off the surface. They are easily missed if not feeling for them, or not looking for them. They have been there for years, and they seem to be asymptomatic in the sense that they cause no other problems and I am in perfect health.
Avatar f tn The bumps are now appearing on the backs of my hands and spreading up my ankles as well. The bumps seem to be under my skin and are a dark pink/red color. I am concerned at how quickly they are spreading. Any ideas what this could be or something else I could try to get rid of them? [img] [URL=][IMG]http://i1332.photobucket.
Avatar n tn I have these small bumps on my ring finger that are filled with pus. There is no distinct coloring to them. It kind of just blends in wih my skin color. The bumps go through phases of being extremely itchy to not itchy at all. When it isn't itchy, the skin in that area is very dry and begins to crack a little. At first, I didn't worry about it much because it wasn't affecting me regularly.
Avatar f tn I keep getting these small red bumps on my hands and wrist that itch really bad but end up going away at night. Then they come back itching even more. It has been over a week now having it. What could it be?
Avatar f tn Itchy, red bumps on the fingers may develop after contact with any allergen. Scabies can cause itchy red bumps on the hands and finger webs. Fungal infection will cause bumps, scaling and itching. If there are blisters it is possible that it is due to dyshidrotic eczema. A correct diagnosis will help in deciding the exact treatment for your condition. Consult a dermatologist. Do keep me posted. Take care and regards!
Avatar n tn Especially when wet, they itch and feel really irritated. Its like small white bumps of skin, in quite a bit of profusion. What is the matter?
Avatar m tn The bumps cover my entire palm and are on both hands, I actually think they may be on my fingers too, but if so, they are very small. The bumps vary in size. The bumps stay on my palms and slowly fade away as my hands dry out (This takes about 20 minutes at the most). The bumbs are hard, almost callous like, slightly itchy, and mildly painful, especially in the creases of my hands when I try to bend my hands.
Avatar f tn I have developed some bumps on my hands which have developed near some scars. I think they migt be contagious because my mom has gotten some on the inside of her hands and they are spreading on my hands, as well as some starting on my legs. They don't itch at all, They are about the size of the tip of a pincil, and they are skin colored so for the longest time I just thought they were little bumpy-like scars.
Avatar n tn On the backs of my hands are several normally unnoticed bumps on hands. When looked at very close and under the sunlight especially, you can see that there are in fact dozens of small ones and several large ones. They look slightly darker but not much then the surronding skin. They do not itch burn or otherwise noticable symptoms othere than they are there. When you look at them from an angle in the sun you can see so many. Slightly raised and no specific pattern. What are they.
Avatar n tn and no one has a clue on this situation. Hands get so sore that it is very hard to take a shower, wash my hands as well as to do my daily routine. It will clear up for about 2 to 3 days and then there I go again with the outbreak. It usually take about 2 to 3 weeks for it to run its course. This condition comes about usually while I sleep and when I wake up is when they are swollen and full of blisters. It is driving me crazy.
Avatar f tn It came and went a few times a year and I do notice when my hands become sweaty that there are little bumps under the skin. However, my skin tends to breakout on the tops of the hands, around the ankles, and elbows. I misstook the condition for ringworm and got some AF ointment which only 'made it very angry'. After I bought some HC ointment for the intense itching, which again made it worse. Finnally a pharmisist suggested salacylic acid ointment (something like .5%).
145992 tn?1341345074 I thought I got a splinter or something because when I touched them they were sore. Eventually they went away but I keep having little red bumps appear on my other fingers and palms of my hands. I have no idea what they are. Does anyone have any experience with this or know what they could be? Thanks.
Avatar n tn this small bumps that you have on your fingers are probably coming from and allergic reaction to something your eating or touching or it could be a heat rash because at this moment i have the same red little bumps on my fingers and its irratating and the best thing to do is not scratch it and expecially try to not go in the sun alot and keep the temperatures around you at a moderate tempewrature because like i said it could be a heat rash I also have the bumps and i go to the doctors on the 31 o
Avatar m tn I started getting bumps yesterday and they have shown up on my hands, feet, upper body, back, neck, and face (especially forehead) Nowhere else. They're very small skin-colored bumps. They only itch a small amount if u touch them. They're not tender. Feels weird when i clench my fist and if i touch my face. They're raised but not very much. Not fluid filled. I have no allergies. I've been eating eggs 3 days in a row if that helps. Thanks!