Sleep paralysis head shaking

Common Questions and Answers about Sleep paralysis head shaking


Avatar n tn When I put myself to sleep and before falling into deep sleep, my head starts moving in a jerkily manner to the right or left. I can feel it but can not stop it or even open my eyes. I am aware of what is happening and I can hear my wife telling me that I am shaking my head and I can talk to her back that I know and feel it but can not stop it or open my eyes.Also when the head shaking starts I feel ear pressure or drumming, with my heart barely beating. I am 32, and I never drank in my life.
Avatar f tn Sometimes when im falling asleep(not yet fully asleep,in and out of it,semi conscious) and already dreaming, ill see something that causes a great feeling of fear in me, ill then begin to fight falling asleep as i get this feeling of dread because i know what is about to happen which is like something completely gripping or overcoming me(like a prescence), a great feeling of fear or terror, complete immobility or paralysis and a violent shaking experience in my brain.
2143567 tn?1342539031 Hey Dr. Anitha. After looking up "night terror" disorder, I came across something on Sleep paralysis found on this website and it sounds an awful lot like what I have. In addition, the paralysis may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger.[9] Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual because of the vividness of such hallucinations.
Avatar m tn One i woke up i was staring at the roof and couldnt move a muscle, i immediately said to myself, Oh sleep paralysis and waiting for the rest of the symptoms but instead my whole body stared shaking side to side for about 10 seconds?????? i thought i was having a fit or something. does anyone know?
Avatar f tn First one - woke up from a nap shaking head to toe. It subsided after a few seconds. The second two - woke up from a nap with shock-like pains head to toe that only lasted a second, but were very painful and left me out of breath with heart racing. These I've told the doctors about during the meningitis work up and they weren't too concerned. Number four - sleeping at night and woke up and couldn't move my body at all.
Avatar f tn I seem to tremble like I'm about to have a seziure when I'm sleep. Then when I get up, I began to tremble even more. It feels like I'm freezing. I cover up with lots of blankets, then I calm down.
Avatar n tn The scientific community calls this sleep paralysis. You can google it and find out all about it. I've had it happen to me at the most stressful times of my life, looking back. Because of the overwhelming feeling of the evil presence in my room when it happens, it impacted me a lot. I already believe in God, but it did turn me closer to Him. It didn't happen for about 10 yrs or so, but about a year ago, it started.
497096 tn?1210171736 I feel you might probably be having rythmic movement disorder and/or sleep paralysis due to the sleep deprivation. Hence it is better you consult a neurologist or a sleep specialist and get investigated. Try to relax and overcome your stress. Going to bed as early as possible and avoiding smoking, alcohol and excessive tea/coffee in evenings may help. Take care and share your thoughts.
Avatar f tn My personal experience is that I was having apnea events during REM when I had sleep paralysis. I have only experienced it once or twice since starting apnea therapy (CPAP) and have been able to correlate it with the data from my machine that, yup, I was having an apnea when it happened. Have you had a sleep study done? Do you have symptoms of apnea? It's worth checking out. I'm glad I did. I feel SO much better now.
Avatar n tn Do you know why you get sleep paralysis? Such as stress, random sleep eppisodes, naps during the day, etc etc. Also, do you get pain in the neck? Like a stricking pain going up your neck, it's a fast but very uncomfortable experience.
Avatar n tn what makes sleep paralysis happen? what can i do to reduce the risk of suffering sleep paralysis? what medication is avalible for this disorder? how effective is it? how does it help? i would be very gratefull to hear off you.
Avatar f tn Is there any possible explanation for INTENSE HEAD PRESSURE during SLEEP PARALYSIS? By the way, ALL of the test I mentioned earlier were completely NORMAL.
Avatar f tn Looks like sleep paralysis. Sleep on your sides.
Avatar f tn then it will go away and i feel exhausted, dizzy and just icky all around. I thought at first this could be sleep paralysis, but im not seeing creepy things or anything like that, just my bedroom. Could this be seizures??
Avatar m tn Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior. Narcolepsy is diagnosed by the sleep onset REM episodes (SOREMs), wherein the person goes into the dream phase or REM cycle soon after sleep onset. This is evident in the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT). It can however be regulated with medications.
Avatar f tn My 6 month old son just started shaking his head no 3 days ago, he is now doing it many times a day since he fist started. He is even now doing it in his sleep. When he does it, he seems not to notice its happening and when I call his name or touch him he stops. The thing that worries me is that it is becoming more frequent and he is now even doing it in his sleep.... I have an appt. with a neurologist in 2 days to get an EEG, which I dont really see what it is going to find.
568812 tn?1379165794 All I knew is that it seemed so real and I would keep the lights on. I had the sleep paralysis also where I was trying to move but could not and trying to say, "Help" but the words would not come out. It was frightening. I would often recite the Lord's prayer. My daughter though has also had the paralysis in her sleep, so not sure if it is PSTD associated alone as she did not have the abusive childhood I did.
Avatar f tn ok, so I found out this is called sleep paralysis. Nothing to worry about, here's some info if you have/had these problems I did:) http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar f tn It may have been, but it could have been something called sleep paralysis. Your body goes into a "paralyzed state" if you will, every time you go to sleep. Sometimes your brain will wake up before your can be an extremely frightening experience. All you can do is lay are awake mentally, but you can't yell out, sit up, or anything else. I have had these many times in the past...scary as heck...
Avatar f tn over the course of time my symptoms (pretty much in order) have been skipping heart, dizziness, more of the floaty kind, spells of body not shutting down to let me sleep, feeling like cold water was being poured inside of various parts of body, developed a spot on the back of my head that feels like i got whacked with a baseball bat, that when pressure is put on it will cause temporary paralysis, of various body parts the first time it was my legs, then i developed an irregular heartbeat, feeli
Avatar n tn use of EOG traces shows that eye movement is still possible during such episodes.When there is an absence of narcolepsy, sleep paralysis is referred to as isolated sleep paralysis (ISP). The paralysis may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger. Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual because of the vividness of such hallucinations.
Avatar n tn Will, I get exactly what you described. Does anyone know the cause of sleep paralysis..and the violent shaking? I didn't used to get the violent shaking... what's freaking me out is that this is progressively changing me. It used to be sounds, feelings and a feeling over someone over me or touching me but now i'm able to see my own body, while viewing my dreams..
Avatar m tn Hi, welcome to the forum, sleep paralysis can be a manifestation of type of sleep disorder like parasomnias. Any other brain organic lesions needs to be ruled out with the help of MRI. Few of the individuals are known to suffer from parasomnias esp. when they are on non-benzodiazepine sedatives, drug abuse etc. otherwise no definitive cause exists in few individuals apart from stress, positive past history of abuse etc.