
Should i break up with her

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Avatar f tn Let me start out with this- I love my boyfriend to death. He's kind, caring, sweet, loving, attractive, smart...everything you could hope for in a significant other. We have great conversations, he's my best friend, we just get along wonderfully. There's one problem though. His voice has been annoying the hell out of me lately. It's not his normal voice, it's these impersonations, I guess you would call them, that he does.
1285214 tn?1274877443 she called up my wife and revealed her name and asked my wife to ask me about her and whats my relationship with her. I was so fed up with this life by then that I owned up the whole thing and told my wife about my affair and that am very sorry for whatever i have done...and that i will do whatever it takes to win her back. The obvious followed....even my superiors came to know but after listening to my story advised us to sort it amongst ourself.
Avatar m tn i dont know if i can agree with the others on this one. i say this because what is a relationship? to have fun for just now or to work towards a marriage? i agree on working towards a marriage. and in saying that, do you want your partner to push you away if you were married? if you were married you are together thru THICK AND THIN no matter what. and its not right to push the other partner away because of having surgery and your feeling differnet emotions etc.
1381451 tn?1288095766 So pretty much after that is when she broke up with me. I then tried to ask her to give me a second chance but she kept saying that she can't do that, that it would be to difficult for the both of us. This has been the toughest thing I have ever been through, all I want is her back. But I'm not sure if she will come back. I also asked her if we could talk yesterday and she said not right now we need our space first. I just wanna know what you guys think.
5696127 tn?1381086197 s not true I always support her and I always try to help her in her challeges), I realized she is making a scene to broke up with me somehow that I won't leave her and be her friend not boy friend. She told me she doesn't want to broke up but she likes a relationship without romantic parts, with no calling or texting and with her stupid rules. We both are 30 years old now, do you think it's a healthy and good relationship?
Avatar m tn I have tried a few times not to talk to her and each time i end up failing and messaging her. BUt everytime I do i just end up crying and in more pain. So you are right I do need to just leave her be. Thank you.
1710121 tn?1326476935 I know having her will add post partum depression and I do not want to hurt her in any kind of way. I cannot love her the way I want, I know I am incapable to do so. Please you guys help me from this pain!!!!
8924846 tn?1410572901 I'm considering leaving my bf. He is not the father of my baby, but wants to be since he is sterile and the actual father doesn't want to be involved. We dated on and off for a few years and I got pregnant while we were broken up and got back together before I found out. I had no plans of getting back with him it just kind of happened. I've been trying to convince myself I'm happy, because I know how excited him and his family are and I don't want a messy break up.
Avatar f tn Hi there, So, you are having a baby with him, is that right? Are you both teenagers? Lots of big things coming your way very soon. Are you living with his parents too or are you are with yours and he's with his? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand. Do you have any support from your own family? On the surface, I think it is smart to expect certain things out of the father of our children.
376148 tn?1309899577 I dont know i thought this time it was it but now that he called i have a little bit of hope..i should hope right...or shouldnt i? I dont know if any of that just made sence to you but more advie if possible thanx!!
Avatar f tn Even though you really tired maybe you can try lying in her bed with her until she falls asleep again instead of letting her in your bed. It will break the hopefully be a change and break the habit.
Avatar n tn I'm really sorry your having such a hard time and I think we can all relate to what your going through. In my opinion, I would say dont give up yet. I know it's hard. I've wanted to just give up so many times. Now, I'm on a "break". Are you seeing a RE?
Avatar n tn I think you should just confront her and ask her if you can date, say can i start dating someone. If she says no then say, all my friends are aloud to date. And if that doesnt budge her then bring up how you think that she thinks that you will make the same mistake. Tell her you are waiting for marriage. I feel like that would do the trick. Then if she does say yes then say that some guy asked you out and see if she says yes to this guy (your boyfriend).
Avatar m tn I would say to break up with her... she clearly told you she is not in love with you any more... She broke the trust... LIke they say they want the cake and eat it too... i feel for you as i feel for my BF we been together for 6yrs engaged too and im the one who has seconds thought but I HAVE NEVER cheated or even talk to a guy... i Show respect to my fiance... He is Wonderful to me and would neve betray him like that...
Avatar f tn Should I break up with my boyfriend because he won't have sex with me because he heard rumors of my baby dad having something...I told him that me and my baby dad are clean and that I got my baby dad test results n he still saying no n it makes me feel sad tho he already was in me w/o a condom b4 finding out who my bd was...
5677836 tn?1372252024 t know what to do anymore and I need to know if I am wasting my time with trying to help her sort out her problems and be with her. As I have said, I love her a lot and if I leave her I might tip her over the edge, causing her to commit. I have tried talking to her about these things, but it only leads to arguments.
Avatar f tn I have been broken up with him for a month and a half and although Im happy I left him, I cant help but stare at the phone in case he left a message. We've broken up several times before and well he pursued me and I guess I was flattered and felt huh he really is a romantic and oh hes really trying. He would do some really sweet things.. And I guess a part of me still wants to go on believing in posibitlities, I used to love the idea we were highschool sweet hearts.
6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar m tn I know how you feel. It seems like this feeling will never go away and you cannot imagine yourself with someone else...what a bleak, depressing and dangerous feeling. But please remember there is hope. I know it's an old cliche but time really does heal...when I left my husband after 16 yrs. I was a mess. I missed my "old life" so much and I truly felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
Avatar m tn well it was at 41 days. her test came back negative. should i still test? or can i just put this behind me?
Avatar f tn Ok to start off I am 23 years old. My best friend's brother is dating one of our friends who we hang out with often when she's not at college. Well I'm very very close with my best friend's family, they treat me as if I am one of the family. Her brother will hang out with us too when he has nothing else going on and I've slept in his bed before when she would stay out at a party and I wanted to go home (she locks her bedroom and I couldn't get in).
Avatar f tn I guess its possible that I ovulated before CD17 - I have been doing OPKs for only three months and I ovulated on CD17, then CD18, then CD19. So I assumed I was a late ovulator - my LP each month was 14 days and my cycles vary from 30-35 days. Though, I guess if this month is a 30 day cycle, I prob would have ovulated on CD16? But I did have the u/s on CD17 and the biggest follie was 13.5mm - too small, right? I don't know. I guess I'm overthinking this.
Avatar n tn Your feelings of hurt and betrayal are justifiable. It's obvious that he does have feeling for her, because a even when intoxicated or the moment he felt a need for her, so yes this is of concern and a threat to your relationship. Relationship are build on trust and communication and the reason you feel so betrayed is because it seems like a spiritual infidelity. To be honest with you, I would have dumped him right on the spot, but that is me.
Avatar m tn Ok. Well first of all, I'm young, but I hope this doesn't make my situation any less important. I have a girlfriend right now who I've been with for 10 months. We took things very fast and now it's pretty serious. However, I'm afraid that I might have been lying to myself to make her seem more important.