Seizure disorders types of

Common Questions and Answers about Seizure disorders types of


Avatar n tn Also, I was never photosensitive in the past, but in the month since Geodon, I have found myself beginning to twitch uncontrollably when exposed to bright flashing light (occurred on two occasions) Certain types of lights bother me, flourescents in particular. I get headaches almost daily that last for hours on end. When I look at certain patterns I begin to see lines or spots or movement that is not there. These side effects did not appear until this year.
Avatar m tn If all brain related causes (transient ischemic attack, disorders of hypothalamus, dementia and multiple sclerosis, head injury etc) are ruled out then Vit B12 deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders (by sleep studies), depression, use of certain drugs, and certain types of seizures (where memory loss is the predominant symptom) should be investigated for as the cause of memory loss. Apart from sleep studies, EEG, you may need cognitive tests. Please consult a neuropsychiatrist.
1884909 tn?1322538765 Ashley, I do not know a whole lot about anxiety disorders but I know more about seizures. There is many types of seizures, what I mean by that is a person could just stare off into space or they could go up to hitting the floor and start having convulsions. I have both of them and then some. That is why my friends call me flipper. Could some of the symptoms of a panic attack be the same as a "type" of seizure, yes. Can you always tell if you have had a seizure, no.
Avatar f tn There are different types of epilepsy with different characteristics like grand mal epilepsy you have tonic clonic generalized muscle contractions, frothing, unconsciousness, twitches, metal confusion, some may lose bladder and bowel control, usually preceded by an aura of impending seizure. aura is a strange feeling of muscle stiffening, hearing weird sounds, smelling strange smells etc. absence seizure manifest as brief staring spells where the person is cut off from the surroundings.
Avatar f tn This sort of behavior can be typical of some children who display certain types of developmental disorders, and it will also be important to rule out any seizure activity. The first place to turn is to your child's pediatrician, who can refer the child to a pediatric neurologist.
Avatar f tn // It is a blockage that causes this and really important to treat. Let me know what you think or if there are any updates since you posted this.
Avatar f tn These involuntary jerking can be myoclonic jerks which can occur in head, neck, shoulders, arms, legs and torso. These can occur alone or in combination with seizure types or epileptic syndromes, absence epilepsy, myoclonic epilepsy, etc. Myoclonus is brief involuntary twitching of a muscle or a group of muscles. It is a medical sign suggestive of underlying nervus system disorders like multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, alzheimer’s disease, serotonin toxicity, some forms of epilepsy.
Avatar n tn My Dr started me on suboxen which i am almomst have completlety out of my system and definatley over my addiction of opiates. My Dr put me on zoloft and 2mg xanax and zoloft 50 mg. I did not feel that the zoloft help me but the xanax has helped me sleep, but now im up to almost 8mg of xanax a day and tampered off the zoloft.
568343 tn?1217862660 Long-term outcomes show that children of patients with seizure disorders may have lower IQs and higher rates of developmental delay. Syndromes related to several of the AEDs, and to specific abnormalities observed in patients with seizure disorders, are not known to affect rates of chromosomal abnormalities.
401370 tn?1233324682 He described having one seizure in jail as a result of his w/d. Status epilepticus is a disorder in and of itself and is very serious. People who do not have seizure disorders (there are many kinds, including absence seizures that are nothing like what's described in status ep.
Avatar n tn As suggested, Azithromycin is an antibiotic used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria. As, COPD is Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which a chronic disease and causes symptoms of cough, breathlessness and wheezing. The commonest cause for COPD is smoking and not infection. But infection can coexist with COPD. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn There is no simple, definitive test for a seizure disorder. Often, seizure disorders are diagnosed based on patient history and observation of a seizure. If your daughter had a seizure lasting 30 min., that would qualify for a diagnosis in the minds of many clinicians. I'm sure you'll follow up with the diagnosing doctors and others as necessary. I hope the seizure turns out to be a one-time event.
778872 tn?1243740453 Over a month ago an Urgent Care Physician sent me to the ER with droopiness in my face (left side), slurred speech, (I knew what I wanted to say, and was able to say it but the speech was just slurred) numbness on the left side of my face and mouth, slight weakness of arm and leg on the left side, visual deficits (a dark comma shape in my peripheral vision on the left and only able to follow my hand out to about 45 degrees if looking straight ahead.
Avatar m tn It is unusual that you have weakness on one side of your body with a normal MRI (assuming the MRI was of good quality); sometimes disorders in the spinal cord can lead to a gait disorder and weakness, so if that is suspected based on specific physical examination findings, imaging of the spine may be indicated (though spine disorders would NOT be an explanation for seizures).
Avatar f tn Hi, I have temporal lobe seizures--partial complex on the left temporal lobe due to tuberous sclerosis on that lobe. In essence, I would be aware of the fact that this type of seizure can go into a generalized state if certain elements occur. Most important is to get at least 8 hours of sleep, don't short yourself on this. Take your medicines at the prescribed time by the neurologist, so they can maintain the proper serum level of protection.
564065 tn?1216314613 I was thinking seizure-free, but some people would probaly like to keep track of their seizures.
Avatar f tn I have now learned to rub them instead of scratch after ripping many pairs of jeans from doing so. I know that I am allergic to some detergents but been using one that doesn't bother me. I never had this problem before. It starting happening, the longest I'd say a year ago. At first I thought maybe it was where I had moved to, but why would whatever it could be in the house only affect my legs. I also have a rash like breakout that comes and goes on my stomach.
Avatar m tn He thinks he had a seizure during the night. He said he had uncontrolled shaking of his entire body. He also experienced and episode where his tongue started burning entensely and curled to the back of his mouth. This lasted a few minutes, and afterward he was extremely fatiqued. I advised him to see a doctor but he has no insurance. He thinks he had a seizure. He has been having frquent headaches. He is a very healthy young man, who has never been seriously ill before.
Avatar n tn This drug is mainly used in the treatmen for seizure disorders, trigeminal neuralgia (pain). Dosage is 100-200 mg once or twice daily until unless changed ny a competent physician.
Avatar m tn Seizure disorders sometimes fade and never return, so that someone who had seizures as a child or adolescent often will not have any as an adult. The medications used to treat seizures are all so-called antiseizure or anticonvulsant meds, including Topamax, Valproate, Trileptal, etc. The choice of med depends on the type of seizure disorder, and some people require two meds (polytherapy) to achieve good seizure control.
Avatar f tn t say for sure which was correct only that I have not had any seizure activity for decades; I do know I have multiple types of arrhythmia. Was there a connection? I guess I'll never know but my brain seems to function quite normally.
Avatar m tn im saying this to state that my doctor has had notice of me asking about sleep disorders... well the other night i was scared out of my mind.... i usually can remember details of my dreams every night so the fact that i rememver the dream so vividly isnt unusual... its the fact that in my dream i was seizuring... i was on the floor tucked up in a ball and shaking and breathing uncontrollably, screaming and crying! it seemed all to real... even when i woke up i felt out of breath and anxious.
20799130 tn?1511538271 I ask because I appear to have an untreated, undiagnosed Bipolar disorder (or acute hypomania), but one of my three brothers also has been diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder for about 7 years or so, but I am the polar opposite of him (pun intended) in personality and symptoms. Just like there are multiple types of diabetes and they require different care. See this Care Guide for more details on the differences:
1221035 tn?1301000508 Does anyone know what DMD's, if any, that can be taken safely by people with seizure disorders?
Avatar n tn It is very difficult to put all her symptoms together, and is difficult to tell you what she can have specially without knowing what types of tests she had, and their results. From the neurologic perspective, pseudoseizures are labeled as such usually when the patient has the “movements” while having an EEG running and no abnormal brain waves are recorded.