Seizure disorders lamictal

Common Questions and Answers about Seizure disorders lamictal


Avatar n tn I was put on Carbatrol, but am now on Lamictal because I am trying to get pregnant. They say Lamictal is the safest to be on right now. I did have another one in 2004 because my doctor thought it was ok to take me off of the medicine since I hadn't had any problems for a few years, but I had another gran mal while on vacation in Vegas, so needless to say, I am back on medication. It's so frustrating! They have no idea why I have epilepsy.
Avatar n tn I do know that good weed might even help certain seizure disorders, so unless you live in Texas or some other troglodite state, don't fight it, switch! I have 12 years now of stories, some would make you laugh and others scare the whatever out of ya. I'll try to remember some of the ones that might be pertinent to your situation.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, I had another seizure before my blood levels of Lamictal got up to therapeutic ranges. In response to this seizure, my doctor placed me on Keppra. I hated it so much that I stopped taking it after only a few days. It made me incredibly tired and moody. I work in medicine and I cringe every time someone tells me they stopped a medication without their doctor's knowledge. That should give you an idea how much I didn't like Keppra.
Avatar f tn Only your neurologist(most people with seizure disorders have one, if you see another doctor for them, that is who I would talk to) would be able to make the correct decision regarding medication and your seizures. You need to make sure that you are okay and healthy before you worry about carrying a baby and then worrying about their health.
Avatar f tn She is now off keppra completely, and on nothing until we see another specialist regarding generalized seizure disorders. Do you have generalized or partial seizure disorder? Is Zoloft an antidepressant? Does it affect your sleeping? Thanks for your comments. By the way, my daughter is very slightly built, weighing in at only 100 pounds and she's 5'2". I can't believe the doctor was actually trying to build her up to 1000 mg of keppra daily (same as your dose!).
1756969 tn?1332437163 Lamictal is a antiseizure med that is also a mood stabilizer that is primarily used for bipolar and seizure disorders. Some pdocs give lamictal to people with BPD to help with the mood fluxuations (lower mood changes than with bipolar).
1116472 tn?1260075052 I am on Lamictal for my Bipolar, but i have also had a seizure. i know it is also a seizure med, and my bipolar issue is WAY more important. How much of the lamictal will be helping for my actual bipolar? I'm trying to understand, the doctor said it will treat both, but i need to be sure that the motivation was not for epilepsy, because that takes a backseat to bipolar, as i have only had a couple seizures, and am not diagnosed epileptic, and my MRI showed nothing of the sort.
Avatar n tn At this point it is hard to know whether this is seizure or migraine-----can Lamictal work for migraine as well? Can imitrex be used in 9 yr olds? Why Diastat? Have you seen that used before? I really don't understand why her doctor refuses anything oral to break the cycle. I know that when we were in Europe ---there were a multitude of possible triggers for migraine as well as seizure including time change, diet, motion of car travel.
Avatar n tn My son has been taking Lamictal for epilepy for several years. He has never had a seizure while on the medicine. Recently, he got fired from his job and has been under considerable stress. Last week he had a seizure and the blood level came in at almost zero. Can stress have an effect on the blood level of Lamictal?
2030686 tn?1351688548 I remember the gastro saying I needed to be seizure free for so long b4 I can tx. Does anybody know why this is? Will the medications lower my seizure threshold even more? My reg dr put in a call to the neuro after I had a few seizures this weekend and she put me on Keppra.
Avatar n tn drug if that makes sense. Doing some research on my own and comparing Lamictal with other anti-seizure meds, the side effects seem to be a bit less. I was on 400mg for a little while but started noticing some drastic side effects so I went down until I felt like I could function without my "spells" which was 100mg.
1303966 tn?1296740010 ve tried, lamictal, (or lamictal XR, the new extended release version of the med) seems to have fewer side effects, although everyone tolerates meds differently/reacts to meds differently, as you well know. The drawback is that, like many seizure meds, lamictal is very expensive (one month of 90 200mg tablets of lamictal costs ~$530/month; for lamictal XR, the cost is about $1,900) .
Avatar n tn what are the side effect of taking zoloft and lamictal and xanax together
Avatar n tn I have an idopathic seizure disorder for 35 years without seizure for 28 years. I have never had an abnormal EEG, CAT, CT, MRI or PET of the Brain. I was on Dilantin for over 30 years and transitioned to Lamictal 4 months ago however developed rash and had to be dc'd. I have been on small dose of Klonopin and Paxil 37.
501086 tn?1210123831 and now Lamictal, for the past two years. Of all the many meds I have taken, Lamictal has produced the least side effects. No sleepiness, no weight gain, ( that I can attribute to my meds anyway..ahem) and no englargement of the gums. In short I would say from my personal experience it's the best anti-seizure med out there. I only take 200mg a day, so it may be different for others who take a higher or lower dosage. Hope this gave a little insight.
355133 tn?1241569648 Just as point of interest, Lamictal is an anti-seizure medication. My doctor prescribed it in addition to a muscle relaxant (Baclofen) to help my severe pain from trigeminal neuralgia. So there are other uses of it besides as a mood medication.
Avatar n tn Seizures have never been really controlled with nocturnal seizure a given. He is in a group home and recently he started to have severe behavorial problems such as grabbing and tearing a caregivers shirt and punching. His meds are lamictal,400 mg. phenytek 200 mg. tegretol xr 800 mg, clonazepam 7 mg. Also just started citalopram from his GP for mood swings. Need input so when I talk to the neurologist today with some questions!
Avatar n tn From personal experience (I take Lamictal and Seroquel), meds and alcohol do not mix very well. I have not had a seizure but I do not think it would be out of the question when mixing the two. I really can't give you a great answer because it is a huge unknown and I would rather not find out. It is better to play it safe. The only time I have ever blacked out was when I mixed the two - I would rather that not happen again. But also, it is hard to remain stable when consuming alcohol.
Avatar n tn My neuro is switching my meds from Lamictal to Topamax. Although it's only my fourth day at 25mg of Topa, I'm very sleepy! I'm not being weaned at all from Lamictal until I've reached my therapeutic dose of Topa. Is it possible I've misunderstood the nurse? In other words, is this typical? Any other time I've been weaned off of one and switched to another med, it's been simultaneously. I'm wondering if this is why I'm so tired. Thanks is advance!
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with a temporal lobe seizure disorder about 40 years ago. During that time I have always had trouble with being able to think in the right way. Habits, anger, anxiety, constant second guessing, racing thoughts, obsessive thoughts etc. I have been on different anticonvulsants, and am now on lamictal. None have been of any great help. Is this part of the disease?
629808 tn?1222245070 just founf out i have juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, which is also generalized. b/c it went untreated for yrs i had 1 grand mal seizure. i'm still kinda new at this but im pretty sure ive also have absence seizures. sine it went undiagnosed for yrs, these things started to become "normal" now theres a bit of a fine line whether im having a seizure or not. anyway, i take lamictal and i like it. it's helped me a lot. i had a couple side affects at the beginning but adjusted to it.
Avatar n tn I added another 100 mg of lamictal last night and later this morning. I have staring spells and am prone to seizures at times but I have never felt so foggy and sort of dizzy and out of it. I have schizophrenia and my family doctor thinks it is anxiety. I recently had blood work taken but I am not sure if they regularly test for tia or an impending stroke. The sensations went away after an hour or so. Is this a precursor of something to come or could it be a seizure or anxiety?
Avatar n tn I was taking Lamictal (anti-seizure medicine) while getting ECT treatments. SHOULD I HAVE BEEN TAKEN OFF LAMICTAL BEFORE THE INDUCED SEIZURES? I am experiences extreme memory loss and cognitve function. Unable to speak articulately since the ECT. It doesn't make sense that I would be on an anti seizure medicine. Would this require more electricity to be used to induce the seizure? Would more electricity risk brain damage? Which I feel I have.
Avatar f tn Namaste, Tegretol is used in the treatment of seizure disorders, including certain types of epilepsy. It is also prescribed for trigeminal neuralgia (severe pain in the jaws) and pain in the tongue and throat. In addition, some doctors use Tegretol to treat alcohol withdrawal, cocaine addiction, and emotional disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and abnormally aggressive behavior. The drug is also used to treat migraine headache and "restless legs.