Running foot blisters

Common Questions and Answers about Running foot blisters


Avatar m tn About a month I noticed a pain on the bottom of my foot, at first glance I thought they were a group of small blisters. Having dealt with blisters many times before my plan was to let nature takes it course and let the blister heal itself. After about 3 weeks the pain was still occurring and what I thought were blisters remained. I started to take a closer look and they really do look like blisters, but when I rub my hand on them they have a hard bump feel to them.
Avatar f tn I woke up about 5am this morning with a sharp pain in my toe next to the pinky toes . The pain is so severe i screamed out in pain. About 2 weeks ago i did purchase new running shoes but i havent tested them out at the gym yet. Ive been wearing them everyday at work though. The pain occurs every 5 mins and just as painful as the first time. My foot seems normal no swelling or discoloration. Please help.
Avatar m tn Just found these on the bottom of my foot about a week ago. I run a lot, and I shower afterwards. I think the running had "irritated" the bottom of my foot, and these appeared afterward. How do I get rid of them and what are they? Is this athlete's foot? I tried putting steroid cream on them, and nothing happened.
Avatar n tn The next morning I found more on both hands and also on one foot( toe and heel. I felt like I was getting an actual blister on my foot while working the night before but after investigating the next morning it was the same as what was on my hands. So I began to think that it wasn't a splinter or it wouldn't have been on my foot as I had on shoes. I only handled the insultation a little bit before I remembered to get on gloves. The bumps really don't itch but they do hurt.
Avatar n tn The patient is a 73 year old female residing in an assisted living center who develops blisters on the bottom of the feet which are not painful to her. If the blisters are not de-bred(?) then they develop pressure ulcers which do cause her pain. According to my preceptor the blisters have been cultured with negative results. The patient has had this problem upwards of 5 years. I honestly don't have any idea how or where to figure this out.
Avatar f tn I wrongly called my problem under my foot blisters but are instead athlete foot blisters that sometimes bleed. I'm worried if for some reason while walking in the shower or in the gym some infected fluid may have gone trough the blisters opened. thanks again, I just wanted to be more precise on what I have under my foot so you guys can advice me about my risk. I'm worried for my child and my wife.
338416 tn?1420045702 s quite foot drop yet, but I certainly have to *think* about lifting my foot up. They make a foot brace that would hold my foot up, but it's plastic and clunky. I don't think I would have started running again if it wasn't for the weight. I get so frustrated, because I'm really trying to restrict my calories, and it doesn't do a bit of good. Working out on the trainer was exercise, but it just wasn't enough. I'm starting to wonder if I have a thyroid problem.
Avatar n tn If anyone knows anything that would cause a toddler to get blisters on the bottom of his foot could you please help! My fiance is so hurt and upset by these allogations, if there is anyone out there that could help us it would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks to all!
Avatar f tn I have small blisters that keep popping up on the bottom of my left foot. They start small and look a little brownish inside. Nothing works and they itch like crazy. They have fluid in them.
1394855 tn?1280268738 ( for example- am siting on the bed with legs up. and after few minutes when i get up and put my foot down to walk, it starts pricking and painful itching begins.this blister shows up on the top and the bottom of my foot.)it sometimes shows up on the palm of my hands too. AFTER FEW HOURS IT VANISHES. I AM WORRIED.PLZ HELP.
Avatar f tn Then about 3 years ago I started getting blisters at the base of toe nail on my big toes and now for the past 2 months I have started getting these blisters that take over the entire outside edge of big toe as well running around the bottom and over the toe. These are much more painful than the smaller blisters. I have been to my Internest, Dermatologist, Endocrinolist and a foot doctor they all tell me they have seen anything like this before and shake their collective heads.
Avatar n tn Blisters are most common on the hands and feet, as these extremities are susceptible while walking, running, or performing repetitive motions. Blisters form more easily on moist skin than on dry or soaked skin, and are more common in warm conditions. Sometimes, the skin can blister when it comes into contact with a cosmetic, detergent, solvent or other chemical; this is known as contact dermatitis. Blisters can also develop as a result of an allergic reaction to an insect bite or sting.
545896 tn?1214447816 There are special lubricants, sprays and creams that specifically prevent the occurrence of foot blisters. If you find that blisters are appearing at specific spots on your feet, applying these treatments prior to walking may help keep the blister from forming. These treatments can usually be found in drug stores and shoe stores. They can be used as a preventative measure to cushion the area where the foot blisters occur. ref:
Avatar n tn i have tiny blisters on the palms of my feet, thought i had atheletes foot, but then it started on the palms of my hands, slightly itchy, they dry up and turn a light brown tiny spot. I never walk bare foot, i have tile in my home, i change the sponge i wash dishes with every two weeks. Bought atheletes foot spray, helps stop the itch, should it be something to concerned about? This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar m tn Hello, These can be foot blisters, bullous fungal infection or pompholyx if they are itchy. When a foot is hot and sweaty, the sock sticks to the foot. The sock and foot then rub against each other and the inside of the shoe causing blisters to appear.Plantar fibromas are firm, nodular masses which occur as a single mass or in clusters on the arches of the foot. Wear shoes that fit properly and keep feet as dry as possible.
Avatar m tn Hello, These can be due to photodermatitis, foot blisters or fibromas. When a foot is hot and sweaty, the sock sticks to the foot. The sock and foot then rub against each other and the inside of the shoe causing blisters to appear. Plantar fibromas are firm, nodular masses which occur as a single mass or in clusters on the arches of the foot. Wear shoes that fit properly and keep feet as dry as possible. Wearing wet shoes, boots and socks will increase your chance of developing blisters.
Avatar f tn I was running through a grassy area in Texas, USA in 2014 and felt over 10 painful bites all over my right foot at the same time. They were very painful and I kept running and smacking whatever it was off of my leg. I did not see what it was but if you google fire ant bites that is what it looked like when I went inside to examine the bites and most likely was. Since then my health has declined. The bites never healed on my foot.
Avatar f tn She said It did not look like herpes because herpes is usually associated with blisters. She put me on another script and told me if it did not go down they would have to cut it and let the blood out. I told her about my husband but she never did the Hsv test. I am just afraid it is not what she said and it is Hsv. Can the single bump be Hsv even though it is not a blister? Can it be Hsv without most of the signs?
Avatar n tn I found that pork and seafood caused my water blisters. Blisters would form between fingers, back of my hand and arch of my foot. My sisters had blister else wares and have stopped eating pork wth secsuss with removing blisters.
556619 tn?1215580742 My son is 2 years old and a couple days ago he started getting some type of small blisters on the bottom of his feet . They are red but in the middle its whitenad i tried to squeez it to see if it pops but it doesn't. Now I see it on his lip and his tongue and he tells me that it his tongue hurts. Any idea what it is & where its coming from ?
1541952 tn?1317816629 people who blister tend to sweat a lot. this allows for friction and increased motion: which causes blister. the pads will help, but i also recommend spraying your feet with an antiperspirant and powdering the shoes.
Avatar n tn My son is 9 years old he has blisters on he feet, hands now mouth and throat what do i do
751422 tn?1265510035 I got these calasses and blisters on my left foot that sometimes itch and now whenever I take off my sock, the blisters show up. I peel them off but some are so bad i pull off the skin and they bleed a little. I wash them daily and put goldbond powder in my shoes and in my socks and still get them. I dont know if I have athlete's foot or something else. The blisters I have are near the middle to bottom of the foot and on the side.