Risk of stroke after tia

Common Questions and Answers about Risk of stroke after tia


Avatar f tn Thank you for the response Dr. Sharma. He did experience a tia within 24 hours of surgery that was recognized by the MRI when he went back to the hospital. The only symptoms he's experiencing right now are headache, neck pain and continued weakness in the affected arm. The surgeon relayed that these symptoms are normal after surgery and that it is highly unlikely that he would suffer another tia or stroke due to the occlusion.
Avatar n tn I do not know your stroke risk factors, but your symptoms are atypical for stroke as it does not fit a typical distribution, however it does not necessarily mean you didn't have a stroke. If the stroke is very small, it may not show up on a CT scan. In these cases, an MRI is usually better. The episode of Left facial numbness is the most worrisome of the episodes.
Avatar f tn For TIA the diagnostic challenge is greater, and the ‘mimic’ rate higher (and more varied), because there is no definitive diagnostic test. TIA heralds a high risk of early ischaemic stroke, and in many cases the stroke can be prevented if the cause is identified," http://pn.bmj.
Avatar n tn Please consult a cardiologist and neurologist as soon as possible to go through all the investigations like Computerized tomography(CT scan), MRI scan, MRA (magnetic resonance angiogram), Computerized tomography with angiography, Conventional angiogram, Carotid Doppler ultrasound, Heart tests and Blood tests to detect inflammation of the arteries. Please take treatment to avoid stroke according to your risk factors. Hope this helps you. Take care and regards!
Avatar n tn The chance of having a stroke approximately doubles for each decade of life after age 55, heredity, race, gender, history of previous TIA or stroke, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, poor physical activity, poor diet, hyperlipidemia etc. I would suggest that you visit a urologist and rule out all the risk factors listed above and take appropriate treatment. Best.
4837124 tn?1359906493 High blood pressure and family history of stroke are major risk for TIAs and stroke. And TIAs are a warning sign that stroke may indeed occur. It is highly recommended that you go for regular follow-up with your attending physician for proper evaluation and management of risk factors to prevent any recurrence of stroke. Take care and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Sometimes epileptic activity can cause persisting weakness. Ensure to take your anti epileptic medications regularly and follow up with your doctor. The TIA risk is more so if there is a strong family history, if you are a diabetic or hypertensive and if you smoke. So, whether diagnosed with TIA or not, to be on the safe side focus on controlling the high risk factors and exercise regularly, this promotes blood circulation. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Hi ~ I had a TIA when I was on birth contol pills many years ago and was told back then that I should never go on birth control again due to the risk of having another TIA however my gynecologist suggested that I try Mirena which is an intra-uterine device that releases a low dose of hormone. She said the risk of stroke is minimal because of the type of hormone released. I am looking for a neurologists opinion on this.
Avatar n tn html PEGASYS can cause serious side effects, such as mental health problems and suicide, heart problems, stroke or symptoms of a stroke, new or worsening autoimmune problems, and infections. Some of these side effects may cause death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if your loved one has any of these symptoms while taking their treatment with PEGASYS.
Avatar f tn “TIAs are often warning signs that a person is at risk for a more serious and debilitating stroke. About one-third of those who have a TIA will have an acute stroke some time in the future. Many strokes can be prevented by heeding the warning signs of TIAs and treating underlying risk factors. The most important treatable factors linked to TIAs and stroke are high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, heart disease, carotid artery disease, diabetes, and heavy use of alcohol.
Avatar f tn Hi, How are you? The symptoms and signs of a TIA usually resolve after a few hours. However, diagnostic tests such as ECG, head CT scan or brain MRI may help rule out stroke, which may present with the same symptoms. Normally, these tests are normal. Other diagnostic tests to check high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and other causes of and risk factors for TIAs or stroke may also be done.
620081 tn?1221442530 too little blood or ischemic stroke and too much blood or hemorrhagic stroke. Complications of stroke include: pralysis or loss of muscle movement, dfficulty talking or swallowing; aphasia, a condition in which a person has difficulty expressing thoughts through language, memory loss or troubles with understanding. Take care and regards.
Avatar f tn But people benefit most from the surgery if it is done within 2 weeks of the stroke or TIA. Delaying surgery longer than 2 weeks increases the risk for stroke, because people are more likely to have a stroke in the first few days and weeks after a first stroke or a TIA. The likelihood of complications from carotid endarterectomy varies, depending on the skill and experience of the surgeon.
Avatar f tn The episode you described in which you had a temporary loss of your left peripheral visual field indeed sounds very much like it could have been a TIA. I am assuming that in your ophthalmologic evaluation, they did in fact confirm that you have not sustained any permanent damage to the optic nerve head as optic nerve damage can also produce visual field deficits. It would be important to clarify whether the left visual field was absent in both eyes vs. just one.
Avatar m tn Yes, you do have a reason to be concerned because statistics show that having had a TIA, you have a 33% chance of a full major stroke within the next 5 years. You should really consult a doctor about your risk factors. Maybe being so young is a help to you and maybe not. I'm not a doctor and don't know. But as a stroke survivor, I consulted a doctor in detail about my future risk factors. You really don't want a full stroke. Wish you the best.
Avatar f tn if you think you had a TIA get an MRI ASAP. it will show if you had a TIA. 2 yrs ago a i had a TIA, (didn't know what it was at the time), 11 days later i had a full blown stroke.
Avatar n tn Yes it is possible and it is usually stated at the time of signing the consent form that there is a risk of stroke or heart attack. I believe that also clotting material can build up around the heart valves and dislodge at any moment.
Avatar f tn It may recur and the risk for future stroke depends on the cause of TIA and management of risk factors.It is important that you control these risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and other associated disorders. Smoking should also be stopped. Take care and regards.
Avatar m tn I am worried because I just googled this and found TIA. My mother had a stroke 3 years ago. I am a smoker and a drinker but am not overweight. Any advice I am so worried.
Avatar n tn and weigh 125 lbs about a year after having a child. I seriously think I had a TIA/Stroke and was misdiagnosed. Does anyone know what kind of doctor I need to go to and how long after a stroke and they still tell if you had one? Please help me because I still have effects from this being trouble speaking and forgetfullness.
Avatar n tn I am a 49 yr old female, who smokes, no Hypertension or diabetes, I have had all symptoms of Stroke/TIA, I had radiating pain down L arm, numbing/tingling up L side of face, profuse sweating, dizziness, I also had slight pain across jaw, no weakness though, this has happened more than one time, all of my test come out negative, is that normal for a TIA that nothing shows? I am afraid that when or if I have a stroke, that will be it since everything comes up negative.
Avatar f tn The neurologist prescribed it after he had TIA number of times. He used to get seizures like symptoms and loose his consciousness. He was bedridden and stopped walking completely. Now, he is up on his feet and doing his regular work after regular physiotherapy. At first, he had trigeminal neuralgia and he was on carbamezapine 150mg twice daily and then 300mg twice daily. I just need to know how long he has to be on Citilin. Is it a safe drug to be used for long time?
Avatar m tn s best to find out if you had a TIA since that is a warning for you. Better to know now and head it off instead of waiting for another TIA or worse, a stroke.
Avatar f tn t go to the hospital the night I think I had this TIA or stroke is that my neck injury causes alot of the same problems (spasms, pain, partial paralysis of hands, bad headaches, numbness, tingling and difficulty moving my left arm, with and without pain) and I didn't think about it being anything else until the results of the CT scan came in.