Reduce stress with the sparkle formula

Common Questions and Answers about Reduce stress with the sparkle formula


Avatar m tn Could someone please give to the formula for 25% down to O at 3mg of suboxone. I know I need to wait at least 4 days between reduces, but I don't know how to figure each step down. I want to do this the best way. Please someone that has done this or helped others be tell me.
7612327 tn?1392601414 Okay I'm planning on having a baby sparkle on April 5 I don't knw my sex of the baby yet I'm due may 10 what theme would u do for a baby sparkle????
Avatar f tn Mikayla was constipated and the spit up looked more like the milk we had just fed her. Without medicine: Mikayla is not constipated and the spit up looks more like milk that has been in her tummy for the last 4 hours. Both with and without: She is eating 4oz every 4 hours, she wouldn’t burp at all until she was done with the bottle, had lots of gas because of it, still spitting up the same amount, and every day gets more upset that she is not get more than what we feed her.
4251679 tn?1370305531 You know the headbands with flowers on them? I'm looking for a special one(well to me) that has a very light pink and zebra print flower but having trouble. Do you ladies know where I could find them? I can't really even find any flower headbands at local stores.
Avatar f tn What are some ideas to reduce stress while pregnant? My job and my family make me very stressed and I need help to reduce my stress. Im looking for a new job and have been applying but still need ideas.
Avatar f tn This has happened twice in the past three days where I see sparkling lights on both my eyes *o* everywhere! I am taking my prenatal, is it just cause I got up too fast? *o* anyone experienced this, is it bad?
Avatar f tn In the lead-up to Xmas and with a March baby on the way, I'm starting to stress about money matters :( Hubby and I both work full-time, have a mortgage, cars, bills, all that stuff. We can't live on one wage as it is and to top that off, in Australia I'm only entitled to 18weeks minimum wage pay/maternity leave (which isn't a lot). I'm looking for tips and tricks and some advice about how to possibly manage this?
Avatar f tn My work is pretty flexible and I could make it so I worked when my partner didn't. I'm employed casually and could possibly reduce my hours or only work on weekends so the cost of formula would be the only thing..
394774 tn?1235070839 This weekend will be our 29th anniversary and I am excited about looking at my husband with clear eyes for the first time in 7 years. Hoping my eyes will sparkle by then.
Avatar f tn As far as switching formulas, similac does make a sensitive and Enfamil actually has a new one called reguline which is made to reduce constipation, however all changes in formula should be discussed with your pediatrician.
Avatar f tn I think he knows there is a prob because he is lying to me about how many he takes. For instance, he tells me (proudly) that he can take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening with a soma and he is good for pain all day. But based on the number of pills taken from his bottle daily he is taking 6 a day. This is the first month that he has kept both bottles of 70 in the house and I do worry that he has an additional stash from another source in his truck. I am just hoping that it is only 6 a day.
Avatar n tn I know Lysine helps a great deal with people who suffer herpes, so as to reduce the outbreaks, so this being an essential amino acid is good for Merlins overall health in any case. I hope my question and both of our replies regarding possible diagnosis and healing may help someone else in the same situation. Be Well.
561393 tn?1320962815 We always did it where she would go on the breast to start then followed by the formula.. I was able to stop the formula and give her my pumped milk after the feeding from the breast to supplement.. By day 4, my milk came in and we have been golden since... i didnt want to give her the formula at all but i could tell she was straving.. but it ended up working out in the end because i wouldnt give up on the breast even though it was a hard first couple days...
Avatar n tn I am a 33 year old female. I have recently begun a chemotherapy regimen that includes herceptin, taxol, aloxy, pepcid, heprin, decadron, and xanax PRN. I have noticed my vision getting worse and understand that this may get better once my chemo is over. I have also noticed stars if I am overly active. I have had a couple floaters my whole life and have some now. The thing I don't understand is the sparkle and the bubble. I think it comes from my left eye.
Avatar m tn a good B supp as it helps with stress..and detox is a bit of stress..there r tons more but thats the basics...SAMe is anoter supp people take for is a by product of methionone which is much cheaper..and exercise is the best endorphin producer by a long shot!
437027 tn?1670266352 I am pumping only 15 oz in 24 hours and I have a very hungry 1 and a half month old baby who can drink up to 30-40 oz in 24 hours. Thank God for formula or he will starve with the little milk that I have.
Avatar f tn does anyone have any experiece with reflux not eating not crying for a bottle at all no matter how long it has been since he ate the last bottle and siezures, pyloric spasms, and sleep apnea the doctors today said that the refusing to eat and the apnea might be a problem in the brain stem so i was just wanting to know if that anyone had know of this before and knew what kind of problem it could be
Avatar n tn Stress can do a little of strange things to the body. Being that you are going through a stressful divorce, it most likely is that stress. You can try a vitamin B complex stress formula to see if that helps. Otherwise, severe sweating at night is a symptom of lymphoma, so you may want to check that out just in case. Try to reduce your stress. Divorce is extremely stressful, but you will get through it. Been through a nasty one myself. Life gets better again.
Avatar f tn I am 15 weeks and i have made some major changes to turn away from stress no more fb, to reduce the drama, moved in with my mom to reduce financial stress. Now theres mire issues. I love to praise dance and my doctor has approved of it ive found it reduces my stress. but my pastor won't allow me to do so at church because she thinks its bad for pregnant women to do so . Any ideas on how to convince her its safe?
Avatar n tn of course it will help, just check ingredients in hepatitistechnologies products so you will know which ones reduce fibrosis.they are the only one with trial and fda approval soon published take Legalon? dont know this Can it cause any problem?
Avatar n tn Doctor has added 250 2Xdaily metmorphin to my insulin. Asked her how much should I reduce the insulin? Her reply was to do a little and keep testing my sugars. Does anyone know if there is a "rule or formula" to follow.... perhaps 10% or so to reduce insulin when adding the metmorphin? Just a little scared, don't want to have any occurrences. Any experiences of others? Thanks in advance for your help!