Reduce stress exercise

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Avatar f tn I am 15 weeks and i have made some major changes to turn away from stress no more fb, to reduce the drama, moved in with my mom to reduce financial stress. Now theres mire issues. I love to praise dance and my doctor has approved of it ive found it reduces my stress. but my pastor won't allow me to do so at church because she thinks its bad for pregnant women to do so . Any ideas on how to convince her its safe?
Avatar n tn I have had a very mild heart pain for many years. It never occurs during exercise, always at rest. Numerous doctors have told me it was musculoskeletal but I have always worried about it. My father passed away from a heart attack at age 57 and my mother had bypass at age 65. I do have trouble managing my weight (200 lbs at 5 ft 6 in) but my blood pressure and cholesterol have always been very good.
Avatar n tn At the age of 62 I am advised to lose weight, continue my exercise program and manage stress as risk factors for CAD. Should I pursue a cardiac cath at this point?
Avatar f tn Can exercise and healthy eating help reduce stress and anxiety and hence associated allergy symptoms?
4152590 tn?1350772856 I had a bad night last night. First, I had to sit through a 5 hour meeting yesterday and developed what i think is sciatic nerve pain down my left buttock and leg. I've had this kind of pain before and don't think it's MS related. Then, last night, I was working on an important document on my computer and lost it. Needless to say, I was very upset. It was late, so I just called it a night.
Avatar m tn The only thing that I have found to reduce fatigue is moderate exercise. Obviously you don't want to overdo it. If you exercise excessively, that will increase your fatigue. But I find that 10 - 20 minutes of moderate cardio (such as walking, running, stationery bike or elliptical) followed by 5 minutes of stretches and 10 minutes of mild weight training works well. For some reason, the weight work is more easily tolerable than the cardio.
1091003 tn?1257710173 m not sure what the cause and effect here is, but as you say, exercise is supposed to reduce stress. Still, if you suffer from anxiety and for some unrelated reason you had some heart palps after/during exercise and then go it in your mind the exercise caused the problem... well it could be that's enough to trigger it. I think you should talk with you doctor about treatment for anxiety and see if that helps.
Avatar f tn My mom had high cholesterol (but never had clogged arteries.) I've had a tendency towards it as well but am thin, work out and have a good diet. Three years ago, my cholesterol came back at 280 (total) with LDL at 156. I told my dr. I'd exercise/diet for 3 months and if that didn't work, I'd go on meds. After daily exercise and strict diet (hardly any saturated fat) my total cholesterol was brought down to 198.
642877 tn?1281799282 A stress test is performed to determine causes of chest pain, the exercise capacity of the heart, appropriate exercise levels in those beginning an exercise program, and to identify rhythm disturbances during exercise. There may be additional reasons that your health care provider requests this test. Your wish to learn of your heart's functionality with exercise and the degree of exercise for the most benefit with little risk is a reason doctors ask for a stress test.
Avatar n tn Is there a drug that I can use to reduce my stress levels while trying to conceive and taking fertility medifcine? I have this theory - my periods started being irregular in my final school year when I was 18 - and the year was very stressful. The dr then said I will have problem trying to conceive - which was true until I fell pregnant with my son without trying to conceive(a very stress free period in my life). That was 6 years ago - and no lucky surprises since then.
Avatar f tn can I refuse to do a nuclear stress test? I have a treadmill at home and can barely complete 3-5 minutes on it without be tired and out of breath. I have an echo on the same day and think whatever info needed could come from that. Or should I just do what I can do but I don't want to be forced to complete the 15min order by the dr??
Avatar f tn A d are there ways to reduce the risk of Heart problems caused by anxiety?
Avatar f tn What are some ideas to reduce stress while pregnant? My job and my family make me very stressed and I need help to reduce my stress. Im looking for a new job and have been applying but still need ideas.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, you can't "spot reduce"; when you lose weight, you lose all over. You can try toning exercises, like yoga, to see if that will help make your top look smaller.
Avatar n tn s those hormones that affect the baby. If you exercise, eat well, and do things to help reduce stress - prayer, deep breathing, massage etc you can help buffer the effects. So it is bad, but if handled smartly you can avoid preterm labor and other negative effects.
160332 tn?1207762545 Remember that your heart is a muscle. When you stress it by exercise it will act up just like any other muscle. So if you want to reduce palps after exercise then be consistent and don't overdo it. The fact that you have anxiety also means that your body is living in a fight or flight mode. When you start exercising that means more adrenalin to the heart. That could also cause more palps.
974371 tn?1424653129 1mm horizontal or downsloping ST depression with exercise . Systolic hypertension noted with stress. Poor functional capacity with markedly impaired functional tolerance. LV dilatation was none. LV function normal sized LV. Normal LV function. EF 65% at rest. EF>75% with stress. LV Ischemia was Inferobassal and inferolateral HK with peak stress. I have no idea what this all means.
382218 tn?1341181487 I don't think it's selfish at all to do what you are doing to stay healthy. That is a gift to those who rely on you, and are great ways to reduce unwanted stress. I like exercise and massage too, as well as pedicures and walking my dogs and baking and reading. And the occasional piece of cheesecake always makes me feel good, temporarily.
1272987 tn?1274671710 In addition, warm up slowly in a safe environment before exercising. This will reduce the adrenaline surge in start of exercise and reduce your symtoms.
Avatar m tn The cardiologist give me an OK to exercise since during the stress test I went about 10 heart beats higher than expected without an abnormality. I should try this and also loose some weight (presently ~ 192lbs for a 5'8" tall), very little 'pot belly'.
Avatar f tn Could my cardiologist have been wrong about it being safe for me to exercise? I usually exercise for longer than the 14 minutes I did in the stress test. Should I take a beta blocker to try and stop the post exercise PVC’s? I wanted to avoid beta blockers because I’ve been hoping I’d improve on my own. Thank you!