
Psychotic disorder you

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic disorder you


1965148 tn?1354978634 I think that bipolar disorder can be with or without psychotic features. Since you seem to be having some psychosis then I would say you have it with. I think they have to observe you over time to get an acurate diagnosis. Therefor you would have to meet the diagnostic creiteria outlined in the DSM IV to recieve a diagnosis.
Avatar f tn Dont know - i went nearly 15 years not on meds and i thought i was fine until I wasnt and went psychotic manic, so you might be fine for a long time as well. And I wasnt fine, I was hypomanic and looking back had at least 3 mini breakdowns and burnouts in that time.
Avatar f tn My question is what is the difference between Bipolar disorder with psychotic features and Schizoaffective disorder? And which one sounds closest to what i am experiencing, if it's possible to answer?
1351968 tn?1278205300 s diagnosis might change to schizophrenia later because the doctor figure out what disorder you have more correctly.
1201916 tn?1277603095 It works better than Geodon did for me but I take it for a psychotic disorder rather than a mood disorder but bipolar disorder can have psychotic symptoms and every medicine works differently for each person.
Avatar f tn 14 years old is indeed young but it might be psychotic episodes or something somehow leading to bi-polarity as it could be and it is very likely, that is is schizo but at this age who knows if she's just shizotypal or schizoid, well you wanna know if it's a personality disorder or a psychotic disorder. In females real psychotic disorders tend to appear later than in men, who are starting to get symptoms between adolescence and early adulthood.
Avatar f tn I am so sorry that they tagged you with the somatization disorder, they should of never of done that honey. We are here for you.
Avatar m tn Has anyone on this forum ever had a psychotic break? What are they like? Can you control or remember them? Are there some people more prone than others? Can some people not have them? I'm afraid of these, as I don't want to harm anyone or myself, please help!! Any answers? Could I have had one before thinking it was a real bad panic attack?
202665 tn?1248806733 Yes schizophrenia doesnt have any mood changes but there are a whole spectrum of conditions in between such as bipolar with psychotic features and schizoaffective disorder which involve both psychosis and mood changes. Sometimes certain concerns such as psychosis can increase over time become more apparent or are more in need of treatment. Bipolar with psychotic features is generally defined by psychotic thoughts or auditory or other hallucinations occuring only during mood swings..
Avatar f tn Here's just a link to cover my earlier post. It's the link to the official "DSM V". If you look under dissociative disorders, you will see Derealization Disorder. I have provided the link for your own information and peace of mind.
Avatar f tn t think are required for bipolar disorder 1 to be diagnosed and only mania is required but they frequently occur. With psychotic features just means you experience psychotic symptoms when manic and/or depressed but particularly while manic.
Avatar m tn The only form of depression that can cause psychotic episodes, is Bi-polar Depressive Disorder but typical clinical depression that can result from severe anxiety, is not in the psychosis category
Avatar n tn You could have depression with psychotic features or schizoaffective disorder. I have schizoaffective disorder and the mood disorder aspect is bipolar. I am recovered now with an antipsychotic in Phase II FDA study glycine as I've said on other posts but I know what the experience is like. But there are other forms of schizoaffective disorder that have depression instead of bipolar as the mood phase. And if you have suicidal urges you need to see a psychiatrist right away.
1044813 tn?1370494406 Hi there - Thanks for the suggestion. Seroquel is an anti-psychotic medication, so feel free to use the anti-psychotic meds value on the tracker to track your use of Seroquel.
728480 tn?1312059930 Could a personality disorder answer many queries about someones mental state saying the personality covers everything ? etc depressed (someones experiences repressed in memory) seeing things (imagination developed through isolation) not connecting with others (personality non human compatable) ?
1256303 tn?1291752568 I have schizoaffective disorder (with the bipolar aspect) and before my current recovery I had psychotic thoughts and delusions at all times (depending on my response to treatment as well of course). I do know that for schizoaffective disorder delusions and psychosis occur at all times whereas in bipolar with psychotic features they occur only during moodswings.
Avatar n tn I strongly recommend that you try not to get lost in the jungle of the jargon of our profession. the person you described had a paranoid psychotic episode, and is now in remission, with a paranoid personality. You don't have to invoke the schizophrenic idea to fit the facts of this case.....
Avatar f tn Other aspects of schizoaffective are cognitive symptoms (trouble communicating and writing) and negative symptoms (trouble relating to people). You might not have schizoaffective but bipolar with psychotic features. However, with both you would be prescribed an anti-psychotic. The one least likely to create the long term side effects of diabetes and tardive dyskinesia is Abilify.
Avatar n tn oh and another practice i do personally to keep posative (i too suffer from depression it was really bad but im keeping it under control and i have improved tremendously) before you go to bed (do this yourself aswell) think of ten good things that happend throughout your day anything at all any good things the sun was shining, you seen cute puppy, you got to work on time, your alive, you have a family that loves you, a beautiful daughter, who graduated highschool, got into college, you got a re
605458 tn?1539228808 Thank you for your suggestions. We just wanted to let you know that both anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic medications can now be tracked under Treatments in the Sleep Tracker.