
Prevacid for infants

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid for infants


Avatar f tn Thank you for answering!
Avatar n tn For many years, GER [Gastroesophageal reflux] during infancy and childhood was thought to be a consequence of absent or diminished LES tone [lower esophageal sphincter, which is sometimes also referred to as the Cardiac Sphincter due to its proximity to the heart]. However, studies have shown that baseline LES pressures are normal in pediatric patients, even in preterm infants.
Avatar m tn My 4-month old daughter has acid reflux. She was prescribed Prevacid three weeks ago as she was still irritable after 4-6 weeks of Zantac. After she started Prevacid she was less irritable but developed side-effects including giving up napping during the day and green, mucus-like foul smelling stool (started this week). Oh yeah, she also has a milk protein based sensitivity. My wife is still nursing but has given up all dairy and dairy-like foods.
Avatar n tn my son has had this problem for 13 years. We have had these studies all over the world and still do not have an answer of what it could be. If you firgure this out please share. This has baffled a lot of doctors world wide.
Avatar n tn i take prevacid for my gerd, can this cause atrial fibrillation This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/937646'>acid reflux</a>.
Avatar f tn Can we just discuss the pros and cons for daycare for infants as early as 6 weeks? Im still uncertain of daycare for my newborn.
290867 tn?1333569278 He is on Prevacid ( Zantac did not help him atall) 3x day and he seems to be feeling better on it. He is alos on Carafate 4x a day to coat his Esophagus because it was damaged badly! What are if any side effects of him taking these meds and could there be any long term problems???? Any one have any tricks that worked for you to help with the spitting up???
Avatar f tn Hi. I take Prevacid, which is a little pricey, even with insurance. However, there is another one, Aciphex, which was about 30 dollars cheaper. I am back on the Prevacid as the Aciphex didn't work as well ( for me...I was on Prevacid for years and only switched because of the cost...65 dollars). You may want to ask about that. Also, I was told my pharmacist that otc prilosic works well too.
1448936 tn?1363206346 I've raised my head at night. I haven't tried prevacid or prilosec. My doc prescribed me zantac in august so I've continued using it. I may try one of those to see if I get any relief because the zantac really isn't working.
1330108 tn?1333677304 t work for her so now she is on Prevacid. We have her in our room yet to sleep because I am afraid to put her in her room in case she spits up and has one of her "choking" episodes. I am not sure what you are using for her to sleep in but we just got a fishcer price rock and play which is amazing. It was recommended by her MD and we love it. She sleeps so good in it.
Avatar n tn My daughter also takes pentasa and WAS taking prevacid. The prevacid didn't seem to help her and our GI switched her to prilosec. My daughter has had no complaints with the prilosec. Both prevacid and prilosec have the same actions so they do the same things. The only interaction that I know of with prevacid and penicillin is with a type of penicillin called Ampicillin and it may inhibit the absorption of the prevacid.
Avatar m tn Hi! My baby(female) is 6 days old and diagnosed with low TSH. The lab test results indicates that she only has 2.03 uIU/ml. The reference the hospital gave us is 2.4 - 40 uIU/ml. My question is, what is the actual/normal level of TSH for infants? What are the necessary steps to take? Thank you and best regards...
Avatar f tn i did opt for the rectal therm because it seems to be the most accurate for infants and i got the warm mist humidifier. do you think warm or cool is better? Ill make sure if I get the vapor rub its for infants!
1448936 tn?1363206346 My boyfriend has been dealing with weird stomach issues for the past few months. He doesn't have insurance and refuses to pay for a dr out of pocket. But it starts in the morning...he'll wake up and his stomach will burn and he'll end up vomiting from it. He'll then have 3-4 bowel movements that day that are loose. This doesn't happen all the time...last time he vomited was a couple months ago but it happened again today. He ends up feeling fine by midday.
7381903 tn?1391464888 Already moms.. Does anybody know any gas remedies for infants other than moving their legs around. Has anyone tried gas drops ?. My 5week older has been screaming her head off, she's gassy .
Avatar f tn 00 in the morning to have any food at all, I try to have non fiber foods for the first four hours. Tomorrow I will go without the Prevacid completely and see what happens.
Avatar m tn I've been taking prevacid 30 mg TWICE a day for 10 years. Once a day before that. Doc says should be no problem. I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis in my spine (aver. -3.2) and osteopenia in my hip. I am very active, martial arts instructor. 5'11" and 185 lbs. I was told to cut back the Prevacid to once a day. My blood work shows no obvious problems. Has prevacid been linked to Osteoporosis?
Avatar n tn i have had bright red blood in my stool for a few days now but very little to no pain, could it be from my taking prevacid?
Avatar f tn Now off hydro 5 days, taking prevacid again. I will deal with acid reflux and take my prevacid..Stress does make it flare up really just maybe I can get it back under control soon...
Avatar f tn I just went to the doctor to get blood tests and make sure that my drinking has not already damaged my body beyond repair. My doctor gave me Prevacid for some stomach issues I have been Having. Does anyone know if it is safe to take it when I have been drinking? I am really trying to stop but I am having problems with the withdrawls so I am trying to wean myself off. Any one have any opinions? I would hate to do more damage when I ma trying to correct already done damage.
8628831 tn?1407267564 "Not intended for use by infants OR children with galactosemia"
Avatar n tn My bone density plummeted from 15% above normal to 25% below normal in 6 years (post menopause). Could Prevacid excellerate bone loss. I don't have many risk factors for osteoporosis, no family history. I take Synthroid, Verapamil, Prevacid. I eat lots of dairy, greens, almonds. I exercise daily. I eat a fairly low carb diet, minimal alcohol, caffeine, and cola. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
1035252 tn?1427227833 m a member of the Toddler forum, but it will be nice to have a forum for infants too.
Avatar m tn After taking Prevacid, I gain my appetite back. The problem is, I have develope new symptoms after taking prevacid for 1 week. I am having very loose bowel movements, blood on the toliet paper when I wipe, indigestion, lower abdominal pain. Most importantly is I am having more frequent heartburn and chest pain, which I don't have when I am on the H2 blocker.