
Pregnancy uti

Common Questions and Answers about Pregnancy uti


Avatar n tn Could be a kidney stone as well. Tell her to go to a doc.
392087 tn?1252605359 I had some spotting when I wiped and some blood in my urine. I also had cramping and was getting a lot of braxton hicks. So I called my doctor and they told me to go to the hospital. I went and they told me I had a UTI (after checking me for pre-term labor and other fun stuff). UTI"s are common during pregnancy and often go undetected because the symptoms sometimes aren't there. If you are miscarrying, it's hard to say how much blood you actually with have.
Avatar f tn I got one. It hasn't come back yet but its common during pregnancy. It helps if you only drink water and a glass of cranberry juice a day. Where cotton panties. Wipe front to back. And always pee right after sex. But they're common during pregnancy because the baby can push up against your urethra and cause you to hold in pee that you need to release.
Avatar f tn Anyone else have a uti while pregnant??
Avatar f tn His Uti may not be contagious but sounds unsanitary :/
Avatar m tn My pregnancy I had two uti back to back n my doctor prescribed something for it n it cleared up... N the same thing happened to me this pregnancy as well. Did ur doctor prescribed u meds to clear it? N drinking cranberry juice is ok but u need something to really clear it up but uti's are very common in pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I had a UTI last month and took the course of antibiotics. It's worth it as I feel better and I know untreated they turn into a nasty kidney infection. I did eat probiotic yoghurt every day and also in the morning drunk a half lemon in hot water. I had to stop the lemon after a week or so as it gave me acid. But I've not had a UTI since. Keep drinking water to flush it out. But I do encourage you to take the tablets. I understand how you feel about tablets but it's worth it for baby.
Avatar f tn Did u get urine Dr test to determine uti?my doc said that its not good during pregnancy as it can cause pre mature rupture of membranes.
Avatar f tn m 37 weeks and never had a UTI in my whole pregnancy. It also has Vitamin C which is good for baby too. Just take it twice a day with food. And yes do drink LOTS of water!
Avatar f tn Yes its one of the blessing u ll get during pregnancy... As u r more vulnerable at this moment plus baby starts to grow it keeps putting pressure on ur bladder causing difficulty passing urine.... It can be avoided by drinking good amount of water everyday 8-10 glass... If drinking only water is difficult thn put lime or lemon i it to give it a taste... However if it starts to bother u alot thn consult ur doctor as u may need antibiotics to fight it off. .. Take care n best of luck...
Avatar n tn Sounds like a UTI.
Avatar n tn s perfectly normal to get these kind of infections during pregnancy. Uti and bacterial vaginitis are common due to the hormonal changes. See your OB/GYN and get treated for it asap, so that you don't have to deal with further discomfort such as painful urination. And so it doesn't become something more serious like a kidney infection. Those things hurt.. Best wishes to you and your little blessing!
Avatar f tn anyone have an uti during there pregnancy ? I went to the hospital the other day because baby wasn't moving a lot (baby was fine) but found in my pee that I might have a uti. Anyone else have this? It's very uncomfortable, I'm peeing all the time, and it burns down there.
Avatar f tn 37 weeks and I found out I have a uti. Dr gave me medicine. Any other mommies who have gotten a uti?
Avatar f tn When I went to gyno on Wednesday I had 2 positive pregnancy tests but no uti or vaginal bacteria/ complications. I did blood work but am waiting on concerned because the dr thought it was weird that a week before my first day of my period I have 2 positive pregnancy tests. I read about ectopic pregnancies and hope this on the case because of my uti like symptoms and pelvic pain. Can anyone give me some advice on when symptoms occur etc?
Avatar f tn Untreated UTI during pregnancy can be very harmful. Causing miscarriage/pre term labor, blood infection, and so on. I hate taking medicine too for things I can usually treat myself, but during pregnancy the medication is definitely necessary.
Avatar f tn Hello ladies. I'm about 8 weeks pregnant and went to the doctor 9 days ago with a uti. I've been taking the meds but still feel like I still have one. I'm a ftm and not sure if these feelings are also pregnancy related? Has anyone else had issues?
Avatar f tn Any one else had one? I was diagnosed with one today. I'm 26 weeks and this is my third pregnancy. I've never had a uti before. Any thing besides waiting for the antibiotic to work, help with the symptoms?
Avatar f tn I am pretty sure I have a uti. Going to the Dr in a couple of hours. This pregnancy had been rough so far. Horrible all day sickness 5-15 weeks. Then an upper respiratory infection at 16 weeks, now this at 17 weeks. I hope this will be the end of all this sickness!
Avatar f tn Did anyone ever develop a UTI early in their pregnancy (14 weeks? I was prescribed medication but it still hasn't gone away?
Avatar f tn You may have an UTI. Need to get your urine tested. May have to take antibiotics. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
Avatar f tn My doctor suggested taking cranberry pills daily. I've never had a UTI before this pregnancy. I didn't have any symptoms when I found out I had one. Took antibiotics for a week and it didn't go away. I then had to take another type of antibiotics for a week. To prevent any future problems, I take cranberry pills every day. Also, if you're prone to yeast infections or bacterial infections, my doctor suggested taking probiotics. I take those every day too.