Pregnancy calculator by conception date

Common Questions and Answers about Pregnancy calculator by conception date


Avatar n tn Yes.
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Avatar n tn mymonthlycycles[dot]com Click on Pregnancy Calculator from the menu on the left-hand side. Then choose Retro Calculator.
Avatar f tn i quite agree with you. freaks a lot of fathers out. but, from the first day of your last period it is. maybe because conception has quite a timeframe where it can occur after sex...i don't know. i'd prefer if they used a likely conception time as the start of pregnancy though.
Avatar f tn You can use a retro pregnancy calculator to figure out your approximate conception date. Remember that a conception date is only an estimation. Sperm can live for five days in the vagina so it could be five days proceeding the date you get on the calculator.
Avatar f tn July 19, 2013 (40 weeks) This would lead to the possible conclusion that your ex is the dad, but it is not foolproof, since there are only three days between Guy A and the first possible conception date. A conception calculator is only as good as the method by which you got your due date -- was it by ultrasound? How early was the ultrasound in the pregnancy? (The earlier the more accurate, and the later, well, if it was past the first trimester, it could easily be off by 3 days.
Avatar m tn When I asked the Dr the conception date he said July 9, 2014 and when I do the conception calculator wih both edd the earliest I could've concieved is June 28, 2014. I had my period starting after June 10 and ending before June 21. Is there any way I could've concieved prior to my cycle and the Dr/ ultrasound give an estimated conception date off by 3- 4 wks?
Avatar m tn s more than six weeks along counted the medical way, but that count begins on the first day of bleeding when she last had a period, not at conception. Her possible window for conception on a conception calculator is the 11 through the 19th of October, but if she was 'late' on October 22 and took a test, the 19th is certainly out, and you are much less likely to be a possibility either as that's only 9 days from the time you had sex.
Avatar f tn You can look at a calendar and count back 8 weeks 2 days from the ultrasound date for a rough idea of when you might have conceived, or you can use a conception calculator online (just google the term "conception calculator.") It does sound like the date given to you by the ultrasound was of the (presumed) first day of your last period, not the day you conceived.
Avatar f tn The doctor told me today my conception date was most likely Jan 5. Last time she had told me Jan 6. The date of my last period was Dec 27, 2013. Can someone help me determine if I should take Jan 5-6 as likely conception dates, over January 10th which is what I receive when I do an online conception calculator.
Avatar m tn If her first ultrasound was at 5 weeks, it will be the most reliable for working out a conception date.
Avatar n tn Going by your last period, probably around June 5th. What's your due date? According to the conception calculator it should be late February.
Avatar f tn You should really figure out your last menstrual cycle and use a due date calculator or by the day they gave you for your due date and it was tell you your conception window
Avatar f tn My calculator says it would of been april 22nd conception date.
9525685 tn?1410800512 I don't know my conception date that's why i referred the conception calculator
Avatar n tn Pregnancy is dated by adding two weeks to the date of possible conception (which typically equates to dating from date of last monthly period in most cases assuming a women ovulates on day 14 of her cycle). If you conceived on May 6th, you would have been 7 weeks, 2 days pregnant on June 12th. i.e. you would NOT be 5 weeks pregnant because you need to add 2 weeks onto the date of possible conception. That being said, ultrasounds can be up to 1 week off.
Avatar f tn If you got it by an ultrasound in the early weeks of pregnancy, you can use a conception calculator with some confidence in its answers. If you got it later than your first trimester, or if it was simply computed using the first day of your last period, it is not reliable enough to answer your question for sure.
Avatar f tn ), and January 5 is the only time you had sex, then that would be considered your conception date. Your due date would be 38 weeks from then. Based on a due date calculator, your due date would be September 28, 2010. Good luck to you.
Avatar m tn It does sound like you were already pregnant by the 11th. Your conception window based on your due date is November 29 to December 7. If you were to try to compute from your period instead of from the ultrasound (which is never a good idea), it would put the window even further back.
Avatar f tn s my first pregnancy and I had no clue what would happen at my first appointment. What is a conception calculator?
Avatar f tn my LMP was dec.1st so by using an ov calculator and prego calc. it says my conception day wouldve been dec 15th.. i had sex with guy a on dec 9th and then with guy b on the 13th 14th and 15th.. who is more likely to have fathered my baby?? a or b??
Avatar f tn Here is what the calculator says about a due date of December 14. All told, nothing adds up to April 6 as a possible conception date.