Pneumonia symptoms eye

Common Questions and Answers about Pneumonia symptoms eye


Avatar f tn Yes “walking pneumonia” is contagious. The development of more symptoms, in the face of antibiotic therapy, is worrisome as is the “side pain” which I assume to be pleurisy and suggests that this infection may fall into the category of complicated pneumonia. In this circumstance you should definitely request careful reevaluation by your doctor or his designate to include at a minimum a repeat chest X-ray, a complete blood count and culture of your sputum.
Avatar f tn 7 months of horrible anxiety issues (no prior anxiety issues), 7 months of constant infections (strep, pneumonia, 4 sinus infections, 4 bladder infections). I had never had any of these in the past 34 years of my life! My newest symptom is tooth pain on the right side of my face; however the dentist does not see any issues via X-ray or exam.
Avatar f tn The answers given did not take into account the duration and severity of the eye twitching and other symptoms that may accompany it. If eye twitching is occuring 24/7 for more than a few weeks, and other symptoms accompany it, it is not normal, as was suggest that eye twitching in normal.
Avatar m tn I am a 35 y-o- male and for the past 7 weeks now I have been having strange symptoms like nausea, dizziness (extreme at times), headache behind the eye and sensitivity to light, joint/muscle aches and stiffness mostly in hands and feet but occassionally like a full body flu-type attack, weakness in wrists, cold feet and hands that feel like they are plunged in ice water when i am seating in the office, constant feeling of cold so that I just can't get warm, occasional hot flashes and chills,
Avatar m tn Back in May 2007, I had protected sex with CSW. Next day, I had pink eye and one week later 2 canker sores on soft palate followed by swollen armpits. One month later I had thrush. Six week HIV test negative. Went to Dr. who said I have a upper respiratory infection. Three months later, swollen armpits became pneumonia. Took azithromycin, cleared my lungs & pneumonia, but upper body caught on fire. Developed small bumps on forearms. Got tested for Syphillis, Gono, Chlymadia, HSV 1 & 2.
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia in the right lower lobe about four weeks ago. I had antibiotic treatment and an inhaler for ten days. I had another chest x-ray after the antibiotic treatment and my doctor said that my lung was looking much improved. The coughing has ended, but I still have not returned to my normal energy level. Also, when I wake in the morning, I usually have a feeling of discomfort in the right upper quadrant of my body.....just a vague aching.
Avatar f tn I had a CT scan of my head, and was still told it was just a severe sinus infection. My symptoms have become even worse developing chronic fatique, sore throat and ears, and severe back pain. I spent three days in and out of the hospital because my throat was beginning to swell almost completely shut.
Avatar m tn The first thing I think of when I read your history is your symptoms could be coming from the Pneumonia. Viral infections can and often do linger in the central nervous system and can cause the strange signals and twitching you describe. Because you are saying this feels like it is all over your body, that takes me away from MS- like Alex explained, it doesn't present that way. I know Dr. google says MS all the time - especially is you put in numbness, tingling or loss of balance.
Avatar f tn I have an eye allergy that started several years ago, after I had pneumonia. My heating/air system at home and in the car irritates my eyes. When the air blows in my face it irritates the veins/blood vessel around my eyes, they get puff and swollen that causes the pressure in my eyes to go up. I'm using four different eye drops provided by my doctor. I only have close-up vision in my left eye and I'm worried that I may soon lose site in my right eye.
Avatar f tn But by Christmas it was bronchitis and double ear infection. Back for more meds. By end of that week it was pneumonia. I was admitted to hospital on New Years Eve 2016. I was kept in hospital 6 days and contracted flu b while in there. More meds and they used "The Vest" on me to help with pneumonia. I felt exhausted when I left hospital but understood it would take a while to recoup. By February 2nd I was diagnosed with sepsis.
Avatar m tn When your cd4 falls below 200. You wouldn't have PCP within 45 days of infection.
Avatar f tn I took my 6 week old (1 week old adjusted) daughter to the Dr. for a runny nose/congestion and a cough. He told me she has a cold. The other day I suctioned out her nose with the bulb and there was blood in it along with yellow/green mucus. I told her Dr but he just said it sounds like a sinus infection but didn't offer any meds. Today I noticed she's breathing fast but I don't know if its just because she's congested?
Avatar f tn Yes I did tell them. The pneumonia symptoms are starting to clear up I don't have a fever, never had a cough, starting to breathe better, and I have a lot more energy but still a bit light headed and throat is kind of sore and my voice hasn't return fully. I have been tested will get the results tomorrow.
Avatar n tn i have a lump in my arm after getting the flu and pneumonia shot in the same arm is that normal
Avatar m tn Could be allergies, yes once you have had pneumonia you will have scarring wont affect you, check out online for environmental allergies .
Avatar m tn I am a 35 y-o- male and for the past 7 weeks now I have been having strange symptoms like nausea, dizziness (extreme at times), headache behind the eye and sensitivity to light, joint/muscle aches and stiffness mostly in hands and feet but occassionally like a full body flu-type attack, weakness in wrists, cold feet and hands that feel like they are plunged in ice water when i am seating in the office, constant feeling of cold so that I just can't get warm, occasional hot flashes and chills,
Avatar f tn with migraines, flashes of light at the periphery of the visual field can occur, but floaters are rarely neurologic symptoms (eye not from brain problems). However, it is important to know that topiramate can cause glaucoma. Therefore, evaluation by an opthalmologist (eye doctor) to exclude this as a cause for your symptoms, and to investigate other causes for your vision symptoms, is recommended. Follow-up with your neurologist is also recommended.
Avatar m tn Hello...I'm a 38 year old female with some really disturbing and debilitating neurological symptoms and am at my wits end! hx: I've had 3 c-sections - only major surgery - healthy all my life. Visual Aura Migraines since 13 years old that were hormonal hx: 6 years ago I was in a car accident - MRI (8 months later) showed compact fracture at T6, herniated disc at T6-7 with slight spinal cord compression bulging discs at T9-10 and T11-12 and C2-9.
Avatar m tn I am a 34 year old male who has been experienced strange evolving symptoms for the last two years. This started with frequent respiratory infections then pneumonia ( which was first thought to be lung cancer, turned out to be a granuloma), then two shingles outbreaks, and four oral thrush infections, all within a year, specifically last year. This year has been all neurological symptoms. It started with a buzzing feeling in my feet intermittently.
Avatar f tn One might suspect that you have underlying asthma and that when you get a viral infection each year, it triggers pneumonia –like symptoms. I would suggest getting a pulmonary function test while you are sick to see if this is, indeed, asthma. If this is not the case, another possible reason is that the local immune system in your lungs is not protecting you from the infection. This is usually an antibody problem and can be checked with a blood test.
5601163 tn?1370701672 I recently underwent a two week course of Levaquin for pneumonia. On the follow-up visit with my doctor, a chest x-ray showed "right basilar opacity," which caused my doctor to order a CT scan. What does this mean?
Avatar m tn Went to the doctor today and they said this was caused by pneumonia. does ars cause pneumonia? Asked the doctor about the rash, she didn't know what it was but gave me a cream for it.
Avatar m tn i have a 45yr old female african american who is recovering from bacterial pneumonia and now she is experiencing some dyspnea with excessive fatigue,blurred vision,poor appetite,muscle weakness and edema in her lower extremities
Avatar m tn You are very confident in those test. Swollen lymph nodes, rashes, aphthous ulcer, rasping breath sounds and a very dry irritating cough, tiredness etc. doesn't look like suspicious to you. OK, I don't expect that you will say "Ooh you have those symptoms, you are positive." No! Actually I was only asked a question about PCP pneumonia. Can someone have PCP pneumonia for 3 months without temperature?
Avatar f tn Moderate global hypoperfusion brain. Pneumonia history. Lyme/bartonella/Anaplasmosis history/diagnosis 30 years after symptoms started. Bile found in a lower GI. Diagnosed gasterparasis, recent diabetes. Now 47 years old. Tremors, fatigue, weakness etc started 7 years old. Spasticity, and all other MS symptoms. Affecting right side of body profoundly worse than left. Hormones test fine usually, ok thyroid, cortisol, nerve conduction studies. slightly elevated CRT and inflammatory markers.
Avatar f tn Last night as soon as I laid down to bed I got the bad headache in the same place along with eye pain in my left eye. I took two aspirins to ease the pain. They eased the headache, but not the eye pain. I have been up for four hours and still have eye discomfort. I have not noticed any change in vision. Should I be concerned.
Avatar f tn I'm 21 years old. I've been sick for about 6 weeks now. My symptoms are extreme fatigue, weight loss (about 12 pounds), difficulty breathing, and bruising very easily. I just checked out of the hospital yesterday, where I was admitted for pneumonia and a high WBC count. When I checked out, I was told my WBC is still too high, and that I'll need to get it checked soon.