Photic sneeze reflex wikipedia

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Avatar f tn Pressing on the eye or a cough or sneeze can produce pressure and excite the retinal rods causing a light reflex/pattern. It's called an entoptic phenomena. read the section on that in wikipedia.
Avatar m tn Is anyone aware of a neuro/muscular disease with one of the signs being the loss/lack of the sneeze reflex?
Avatar f tn . the electrical component of patm travels through phone lines (after all, electricity is what is carrying your voice from one spot to another almost instantaneously) and causes a reaction in the other person's nervous system (like a sneeze when looking at sun)...keep in mind that our nervous systems are electrical impulses/signals across neurons,,,so our patm is sending out an electrical signal that disrupts people's nervous systems....
1415174 tn?1453243103 She did do a reflex test on my feet and knees. On my ankles there were two bounces or ticks instead of one and she thought this may be abnormal. I read that it can be normal and that it is abnormal if you have more than 2 or unstopable bounces. I have had leg pain in the back of my left leg (hamstring) due to the back problem and I favor that leg so thought or think it is slightly weaker. So I told her that.
383536 tn?1225030613 It is especially bad in the morning, and when I cough or sneeze. DH laughs at me every time I cough or sneeze because I gag so much (it's nervous laughter, because he does NOT do vomit very well). I am 30w4d and thought I would not have to deal with this anymore after my 2nd trimester, but I didn't get that lucky. Good luck to you! I hope it goes away!!
523728 tn?1264621521 The American Cancer Society reports that "[t]here is no reliable scientific evidence that ****** therapy is effective in treating cancer, and the principles behind it are not widely accepted by the medical community. It is not approved for use in the United States.
Avatar m tn I will sneeze every time, and if I need to egg the sneeze on, I will look right at the light until I sneeze. If I feel a sneeze coming on, I will either look at the sun or a bright light in a room. I rarely sneeze in a low light situation. My doctor thinks I am nuts, as does my opthamologist. However, my Mom did this (but not my Dad) and both of my daughters do it too. My Mom says that her Mom did it as well. It's very strong reflex and completely uncontrollable.
Avatar m tn t seem very predictable as I can quite comfortably watch TV in the dark, use candles or sit in the sun with no sign of any problem most of the time (except the occasional photic sneeze reflex). Most often the symptoms stop before complete blindness and vomiting occur but I have suffered complete blindness twice and vomiting twice. My tactile sense also seems to be diminished somewhat as well during these episodes. Like you, the visual effect for me does not take the form of a ring.
Avatar f tn Now I can’t sneeze at all and when I feel the urge to sneeze, I will think that “I’m gonna sneeze, I’m gonna sneeze” and then I couldn’t because I kept thinking about it. Now I have headache, ear and eye pain which I think might be due to lack of sneeze. I’m always constantly thinking of not being able to sneeze and I find it hard not to not think about it. If there’s anyone facing the same problem as me please get into contact with me. I want to talk to someone.
Avatar m tn Hi all, This will sound extremely bizarre, but I would be grateful if anyone is able to shed some light on this very annoying thing that I am experiencing. It all started when I rubbed my eyes in my mirror 2 years ago, and then my eyes started stinging really badly, and I found I couldn't sneeze for about 2 weeks. For about 2 years now, I have been experiencing an inability to sneeze naturally. The sneeze builds up, but it never completes.
Avatar m tn When I sneeze, I start sneezing 12 time with 30 seconds intervals between each sneeze. Does anyone elase have this and is there a remedy?
Avatar m tn I picked up a flashlight and held it diagonally across my lense and saw that it seemed to be encapsulated, so I set up an appointment with my Opthamologist for the next day. I also checked my dilation reflex with the same light and nothing seemed amiss. The next day I found out that I apparently had Pinguecula in both eyes for quite some time. My left eye has the most, and for a few years I've had a consistently red left eye upon waking.
Avatar f tn I don't know, but he should know that I've used his information to update the Wikipedia entry on spasticity - he was the one that knew about sensory nerves rather than motor nerves causing spasticity. http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar f tn From Wikipedia In medicine and neurology, the Babinski response to the plantar reflex is a reflex, named after Joseph Babinski (1857-1932), a French neurologist of Polish descent, that can identify disease of the spinal cord and brain and also exists as a primitive reflex in infants.[1][2] When non-pathological, it is called the plantar reflex, while the term Babinski's sign refers to its pathological form.
Avatar f tn I had the same worries cux i actually had the flu. But u shoukd be ok just remeber to keep hydrated and try to get some rest. The saline sprays might help reduce some of the sneezing! Hope you feel better!
9407801 tn?1403606948 when i sneeze i experience pain in my chest, shoulders which goes all the way to my palms. it lasts from a couple of seconds to minutes. sneezing is now a painfull experience. Its now about 6 months or so.
1375148 tn?1323166921 I'd I sneeze or cough everything slows down and gets fuzzy and the pain starts to increase. I than feel this awful burning and pressure behind my eyes. Which I have on a daily bases but it intensifies and triples in the amount.
Avatar n tn T2oo5, I have to say you are wrong. After images CAN be sign of disease. This is in fact how I started to notice I had real problems. I kept telling my eye MD after the prolonged photic stress, and I every time heard "this is normal". Obviously a healthy eye will recover from this photic excitement in no time, an unhealthy eye can have problems with this cycle, and cause extended images. I have autoimmune retinopathy, the afterimages keeps getting worse (one symptom).
Avatar f tn 14) ive read that it psychological so bc i think of it i dont sneeze bc of some reflex. I've tried pepper. Looking at the sun. steam. snorting water. plucking my eyebrows near eyelids. Please I'm going crazy. I need to sneeze. I just want to sneeze.
787406 tn?1339203183 This waking and sleeping EEG was done in referential, bipolar and transverse monages using photic stimulation and hyperventilation as provocation measures. The posterior dominant rhythm is 10 Hz. Drowsiness is manifested by a dropout of the posterior dominant rhythm and presence of 4-7 per second activity over the frontcentral regions. Sharp waves are noted over the left temporal region. Photic stimulation produced no driving response.
787406 tn?1339203183 This waking and sleeping EEG was done in referential, bipolar and transverse monages using photic stimulation and hyperventilation as provocation measures. The posterior dominant rhythm is 10 Hz. Drowsiness is manifested by a dropout of the posterior dominant rhythm and presence of 4-7 per second activity over the frontcentral regions. Sharp waves are noted over the left temporal region. Photic stimulation produced no driving response.
645800 tn?1466860955 I've been having a problem with sneezing for quite a while now. I'll have fits where I'll constantly sneeze for 15 - 20 minutes at a time. The sneezing fits happen for no apparent reason and throughout the year and almost daily. Nothing that I have tried seems to help at all. My doctors have also tried various things to help with this (Nasal sprays, allergy medications, etc.).
7595610 tn?1397467772 Any time I walk into a bright light or sunlight, I will sneeze, often more than once. If I feel a sneeze coming on, I can look into a light bulb and sneeze almost 100% of the time. It's kind of nice, I never have sneezes that "die" leaving me hanging.
Avatar f tn Rather like a spine sneeze, actually - the way the itching in your nose becomes a sneeze is very similar to the onset of this symptom. When it was really bad, my arms would pull up into a preying mantis position. I thought spinal myoclonus because of the description - that it's a slow onset that builds up. Well, I did more research on it, and kept reading the We Move website about different kinds of myoclonus, trying to track it down.
Avatar f tn My husband had a couple occasions occur where he sneezed and lost control of his legs. He basically sneezed and then he collapsed to the floor. He was still conscious but he says that his legs went numb and that's why he fell back onto his butt..hard!!!! Today I heard him sneeze and when I came around the corner he was bent over and was walking like he was 105 years old with a cane. Not trying to be funny but he was struggling to walk for a couple of seconds after the sneeze.
Avatar f tn The cough lasted months but it DID GO AWAY. When you take opiates for a long time, it suppresses your cough reflex. When you stop, that reflex "wakes up" and dam.n. it takes its own sweet time going away. I really sympathize with what you're going through. Have faith it WILL get better.