Oxycodone and miscarriage

Common Questions and Answers about Oxycodone and miscarriage


Avatar f tn Please talk with your doctor about this. They will be able to help you with a taper plan....
Avatar f tn I just found out I'm about a month pregnant.Before I found out I was using oxycodone 5mg. I'm so scared I've hurt my baby or possibly caused a miscarriage to happen. I had a miscarriage back in 2013 due to my negative blood type and I'm so scared to lose another one. Can anyone give me any advice, I'm freaking out. Have I hurt my baby??
Avatar n tn Some medications are more beneficial in pregnancy and narcotic use can lead to addiction and withdrawal in pregnancy CAN lead to miscarriage. So do not stop your pain medication. Sit down and speak with your dr. They may want you to see a pain specialist who specializes in maternity care (that is what I am doing).
Avatar f tn I am only 4 weeks preg. and I also have had a miscarriage before. When I had the miscarriage I knew something was wrong bc I didn't plan to become pregnant. I didn't even think I could get pregnant. I was also drinking liqour everyday before I concieved & stop right as I found out. Sadly, when I got my ultrasound, my nightmares came true.. it had no heartbeat & didn't even form. I am feeling very differnt from my last time I was pregnant..
Avatar f tn How long have you been taking the oxycodone, and how much have you actually been taking? You will need to see a doctor if you have been taking it for any extended period of time, so you can both be tapered off the medication. If it has been any extended period of time, you and your baby are physically addicted. You must tell your doctor for your own safety, and that of your baby.
Avatar n tn i just found out yesterday that I am pregnant and have been taking approx. 60mgs of oxycodone daily. Is it safe to start taking suboxone or subutex. Its still early. I would say I cant be anymore than 4-6 weeks. Or should I just detox and get it over with? This is my first time having a baby and have all kinds of concerns but my addiction is my top priority right now....
433485 tn?1321813390 Hi Sue what is Oxycodone? Do you get it from the doctors? I too have chronic gastritis and it is agony on flare ups. I take Pantoprazole,Gaviscon and I can take Sucralfate. They don,t do much though. Its really awful isn,t it I hope you find relief for your pain too.
Avatar f tn I had my gallbladder removed Wednesday and have been on Oxycodone since Wednesday night. For some reason it started affecting my sleep yesterday. I tried laying down for a nap but could not sleep. I slept an hour or two last night. When I try to go to sleep my thoughts start racing and I just cant sleep. I really could use some sleep. Help.
537731 tn?1268265286 Anyway Dr gives me a medicine i inject B12 weird-and gives me talwin nx- for pain to take with my oxycodone to help my pain more and tells me if i go to pain clinic and the call him he will prescribe what they say. I am confused this talwin has naloxone in it- i am about to research it but i believe that is what they use to reverse overdose effects.
Avatar f tn I've been taking oxycodone 30 mg and I'm 9 weeks pregnant I've told my midwife and was referred to a clinic where I was told they would help me. When I got to the clinic I had high hopes that they would help me get off of the oxy the right way. The reason why I say the right was is because when I first found out I was pregnant I tried to just stop all at once and a nurse told me not to that I was at risk of a miscarriage.
Avatar f tn Sorry I missed one part of your question. Backhurtz is correct that the doctor is giving you dilaudid to take instead of the Oxycodone. That being said, you might want to call and ask what he or she wants you to do if they were not clear about it. Most times when I change meds my doctor gives me a written plan that entails reducing the drug I was on while at the same time increasing the drug he now wants me to take until I am completely switched over to the new drug.
Avatar f tn Hi I have been taking oxycodone 30 mg on and off for a year or two. I don't over do it like alot of people who take this drug and abuse it. I started taking bc of severe endometrious and several surgeries for it. I've stopped taking it a few different times with the help of suboxone but always ended up back on them. Well I just found out I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I have cut down from at the most 5 a day to 1 or 2 a day.
Avatar n tn IIm 6 weeks pregnant im going threw withdrawals from oxycodone 30 mgs i take 6 a day for the last 4 yearshelp wats best for me to get off of them the safest way
Avatar f tn Just found out I'm pregnant a week ago and I'm on oxycodone 60mg a day for chronic nerve pain. My pain management Dr said the only thing I can take is opiods and made me stop my muscle relaxors, prednisone and lidoderm patches. My OB would like me to stop for the first trimester as she said it could cause birth defects but my pain management Dr doesn't agree. She said my high blood pressure associated with my pain, the pain itself , anxiety and stress outweigh the risk of taking it.
Avatar f tn ve suffered with chronic fatigue for the last 20 years, spent thousands on pills and potions but then I started having back pain and was given oxycodone. However this seems to help my fatigue and can be like a normal human with energy. I've had very bad days with oxycodone so wanted to know if there's something similar that I could take without having to use oxycodone? Or is it the oxycodone that's giving me the energy.
Avatar n tn just the opiate and some other minor additives. For me there is no differnce between a 10mg oxycodone or a 10/500mg percocet even though they are both oxycodone. So yeah.... a 5/500mg vicoden is probably down on the list where an 80mg oxycodone is at the top. It also depends on how many are prescribed at whatever time interval because most addicts do not stick to their presctiption such as myself.
Avatar f tn I wonder if a semi synthetic pill like oxycodone, instead of codeine and morphine would be a better euphoriant for the dysphoria I feel inside from hurting piercings. Also I wonder if the poppy seed tea is adding to the hemorrhaging because of excess body fluids being pressurized into my body for later expelling. I bet a semi synthetic like oxycodone would be the best, maybe oxymorphone? Maybe if I make the poppy seed tea into a resin to take as a pill, that might help.
Avatar m tn cant obtain gabapentin anymore and would like to transfer to oxycodone 120mg daily as a substitute for buprenorphine and gabapentin.I would like to know is such change possible.
Avatar n tn I went to get help for my addiction to oxycodone and xanax I was taking like 9 30mg oxycodone a day and 3 2mg xanax at night but when I went I shockingly found out I was pregnant and bc my plan was to go cold turkey in the hospital bc I didnt have insurance to.get any other type of help I couldnt do it bc I was pregnant so I continued use but tried to use very little well for unknowm causes I lost the baby at 6 weekson feb 14th of this year.
Avatar m tn Not sure if you are talking about oxycontin or oxycodone pills in various mixes and forms. Either way, oxycontin and percoccet have the narcotic oxycodone in it. Oxycontin is pure oxycodone in a time release form while percoccet is a mix of oxycodone and another OTC pain reliever. Oxycodone is a stronger narcotic then the narcotic in vicodin which is hydrocodone. Both will cause WD. The WD from oxycodone was always much worse for me then hydrocodone but some say it's the same.
Avatar f tn I currently since 2007 have been on hydrocodone to oxycodone and methodone with a fentanyl 100mcg patch every 48 hours. I just found out I'm pregnant like maybe 6 weeks and was going to try and wean down but wondering if cold turkey with suboxone would work better to just get off without weaning? Any ideas or doctors? Thanks!
Avatar f tn Here recently my back pain has been so severe I cant walk or get out of bed. My OB doctor prescribed me Tylenol With Codiene 30 mg tablets and than Oxycodone 5 mg tablets. I took my Tylenol with Codiene 30mg tablets for my pain because I couldn't sleep. Than 45 minutes later I took my oxycodone 5mg tablets. I had forgot I took my Tylenol with Codiene prior to taking my oxycodone. Will taking both of them harm my baby?? I'm in nervous wreck.
Avatar m tn I am 6 weeks pregnant and on 120mg oxycodone per day, i am very concerned. I have 2 children, my first i took nothing, my 2nd i took 5-10mg methedone per day, dr told me under 20 be fine. raising my girls has increased my pain therefore my meds and I can not wean down as I did with my 2nd child, so unsure to stay on oxycodone or switch to methedone(as my ob suggested) and my poor baby go thru withdrawls, yuck!!! Ive even considered terminating and I am pro life!!
Avatar f tn I also have friends who had to take pain medication during there pregnancies they took hydrocodone or oxycodone and their babies are fine. So id talk with your doctor about it.
1144050 tn?1261292610 Hi everyone!! I'm about 6 wks. pregnant and I'm taking 15 mg oxycodone 4 times a day for arthritis in my back and knees. I wanted to know on that amount everyday will it cause birth defects or harm to my baby in anyway??? I read on Safe Fetus.com that it just sucreets into your breast milk but that it has no adverse affects on the fetus is this true??? Any help would be appreciated, I'm a new mommy and I'm worried if I might be hurting my baby!!