Ovarian cysts vs appendicitis

Common Questions and Answers about Ovarian cysts vs appendicitis


Avatar f tn s), colitis, kidney stones, kidney infection, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, ovarian torsion, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, hernia, and/or cancer. You should see your doctor, as proper diagnosis depends upon clinical history, physical examination, and laboratory and/or imaging tests.
Avatar n tn I'm not an expert on all this. I just wanted you to know you are not alone. Maybe someone with answers will come along to help you. I have had kidney stones, though. That doesn't sound to me like what you are describing. Mine was constant pain until I passed them. I haven't had appendicitis. Don't know symptoms of that. I have had ovarian cysts but my paiin was not so intense as labor pains.
Avatar m tn How can you identify ovarian cyst pain?What is the usual size of the cyst need to undergo surgery? Describe the difference between appendicitis?
Avatar f tn Hi. I woke up with pain in my right side that got worse, I had a low grade fever it hurt to cough, to lie down at one point I couldn't get off my bed because every time I moved to get up it hurt too much i tried the lay on your left side move your knee and it hurt so bad, it only hurt when I pressed on my tummy was better when I let go.
Avatar n tn My sons girlfriend has been admitted to hospital in the early hours of this morning with abdominal pains and sickness, They are testing for both appendicitis and ovarian cysts She is only 18 and I thought it was over 40 that cysts occured. I am looking to reassure a very frightened girl.
Avatar m tn They performed CT scan to rule out appendicitis and discovered 4cm ovarian cyst. They did not believe this was the source of the pain though because the pain eased up but the cyst was still there. The dr did, however, think it was odd for the cyst to be present when she is due to start her period. She said cysts usually appear and/or rupture 2 weeks prior to period. Could this be the cause of abdominal pain? Is it strange that a 12 yr old would have a cyst when her period is due?
Avatar n tn Benign dermoid ovarian cysts uncommonly cause symptoms in young girls. It is estimated that they constitute 0.35% of all tumors occurring in children of both sexes less than 15 years of age. Symptoms produced by the cysts may mimic other intra-abdominal disease, and in three of the four cases reported in this series the girls were initially considered to have either acute appendicitis or infection of the urinary tract. All three had a pelvic mass palpable per rectum.
Avatar m tn I have this recurring pain on my left side from the narrowest part of my waist to my low abdomen. In December it was really bad and I went to the ER. They did an ultrasound and said the pain was caused by ovarian cysts. That part wasn't surprising because I've had them before, but it surprised me that the pain could radiate so far up my side. Has anyone else had this?
Avatar m tn What you have described could be caused by many things, including ovarian cysts, endometriosis, appendicitis, or a gallbladder issue. It really needs to be checked out. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I had 5 lg ovarian cysts that my dr. (OBGYN fertility) wanted to surgically remove from my uterus. I had a friend tell me about CASTER OIL as a remedy for naturally removing the cysts by using "cold pressed caster oil compresses". I tried this and it worked !!!- it actually removed all 5 of my cysts!! Now my doctor is upset with me. Saying it's not safe. Really and surgery is?? People have use caster oil since Before Christ. Why is this not safe?
Avatar f tn I went to hospital with severe lower abdominal pain. After several tests, they noticed a cyst or tumour (radiologist's words exactly) on right ovary, and swollen appendix and elevated white cell count. Surgeon opted to not to an appendectomy as he felt that I have a cyst which leaked fluid causing irritation to appendix. I was not prescribed any antibiotics or painkillers. The pain has since eased off - now sporadic.
Avatar f tn Hi there. You are right in that many women have ovarian cysts without even knowing about them, but when you start having pain, bleeding or bloating it's better to get checked no matter how old you are. They usually do first an ultrasound to see how your ovaries are and depending on what they see they can order an MRI or blood work. Don't jump into conclusions so fast, wait for the ultrasound result and talk to your doctor.
Avatar n tn I recently had a CT scan the doctors thought I had kidney stones or appendicitis only to find a 8.4 cm x7.2 cm x 4.3 cm multicystic structure on my right adnexal with soft tissue centrally that maybe related to ovarian tissue. I have a gyn appointment for an ultrasound. What is the chance that it is ovarian cancer, since it is so big is there a great chance that it could be more dangerous. Thanks for your help.
Avatar n tn I went to my primary who thought it was appendicitis on examination even though I mentioned a history of ovarian cysts in my mother, and my aunt died of cancer. The doctor sent me to the emergency room. I underwent a CT scan (which was "normal") and an ultrasound. (I never got the reports.) The ultrasound tech said that it was difficult to "see anything." She said that there was so much contrast from the CT that she could not see my ovaries.
Avatar f tn Polycystic ovaries can be misinterpreted as complex cysts. The reason for this is that the cysts in PCOS are a cluster of simple cysts that can give the appearance on imaging as one (larger) cyst with septations. However, most ovarian cysts, tumors and masses are benign / non-cancerous. Ovarian cancer is rare but, sadly, typically has a poor prognosis mainly because it isn't diagnosed early.
Avatar n tn When I had appendecitis I woke up in pain with a lot of abdominal pressure and was admitted for surgery that day. It felt like I was really constipated or something (sorry TMI), and was nauseous. It sounds like the pain you are having is more likely related to the pcos. I have had ovarian cysts in the past and it felt a lot like what you are describing. I'm not an expert, just my personal experience.
Avatar f tn In your case,I feel two possibilities which need to be ruled out urgently is ectopic pregnanacy and ovarian cysts(polycystic ovarian disease).An ultrasound or CT abdomen will be a good diagnostic tool in diagnosing them. Other possibilities may be diverticulitis,inflammatory bowel disease and cholecustitis. For diagnosis,a clinical examination and investigations are required.Pls don’t hesitate as nothing is more valuable than your health.
Avatar f tn About 3 weeks ago now I started to get sharp pains in my left side so bad I went to the ER, I had high blood pressure and small amounts of blood in my urine, they ruled out kidney stones and appendicitis and told me I had a possible UTI and sent me home with trimethropin.
Avatar n tn It can also be due to fibroid uterus or torsion of ovarian cysts(already ruled out in your case). Ultrasound abdomen and cervical swabs are needed to rule them out. Secondly, possibility of irritable bowel syndrome is also there. Diagnosis is made on basis of clinical evaluation. Thirdly, appendicitis has to be ruled out.Pain of appendicitis is severe and is associated with vomitings and fever. Fourthly, Crohn’s disease can be the cause of this pain.
Avatar m tn Hello, My case can look rather particular in fact it is the second time in ten years that I have to undergo surgery due to ovarian cysts ruptures on my right ovary and every time the doctors in ER first think of an acute appendicitis which make them run a quantity of useless tests while I am in pain and makes me even more doubtful and worried.
Avatar f tn I had a transvaginal ultrasound done and my dr. is on vacation and the nurse gave me what the report said. I'm worrying myself sick not knowing the answers to these questions. The only details the nurse read to me from the ultrasound report was this: "Complex left ovarian mass vs. multiple contiguous cyst". My first question is, is there a difference between a mass and a cyst? Also, does the "vs." mean the radiologist wasn't sure if it was one or the other?
Avatar n tn Yes, those symptoms can be associated with cysts. I have bloated up immensely and have to wear very loose yoga or track pants to be comfortable. I have pain down my legs and sometimes it pushes on my groin so much I have to limp. Some doctors pooh pooh this while others do understand how uncomfortable this can be. Good luck with your appointment. Please keep us posted.
136986 tn?1232399830 I'm 16 and have been getting ovarian cysts since I was 13. I was rushed to the E.R when they thought I had appendicitis, but it was a cyst. I get numerous cysts each month, most of them burst which cause a great deal of pain. Lately my bowels have been weird. There's a lot of rumbling in my stomach, and I can feel everything moving around. I go a lot, but its normal. I've been on the gassy side too. Yesterday my stomach was killing in my pelvic area, to the right of my left hip.
Avatar f tn Heartburn is about 3-5 times a week with normal foods - this is fairly new in the last few months. There is more...but they are all symptoms of ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer. In January, I stayed home from work one day not feeling well and I watched Dr. Oz. There was a woman on there that had been treated for UTIs, Acid Reflux, IBS, and some of them repeatedly. But something about that spoke to me.
Avatar m tn I recently heard about a treatment for cancerous cysts that involves laser removal but goes in vaginally vs. requiring surgery. I can't find any details online. Has anyone heard of this? Is it even possible?