Nuvaring effectiveness rate

Common Questions and Answers about Nuvaring effectiveness rate


Avatar n tn I just started on Nuvaring & my doctor had instructed me to put it in on the first & take it out on the 26th of each month. While this makes it easier to remeber when to take in or out, will it change the effectiveness of the medicine? Has anyone ever heard of this method? Is anyone currently practicing this same method? Bottom line is this safe & effective to practice?
Avatar f tn There is the implantation devices, patch, shot, nuvaring. All of these can be obtained at your local planned parenthood or from your doctor. They can explain the effectiveness of each.
Avatar f tn And I don’t know what to do!! It’s becoming a real problem in my marriage. I don’t want to stop the nuvaring because this seems to be the only real side effect and it seems to be perfect for us on all other fronts. But please help me. I need a good supplement or something to get my drive back without effecting the effectiveness of my BC!!!
Avatar f tn She told me that the oral pill would metabolize through the liver much faster on Modafinil and so she put me on the Nuvaring. (I thought that would be metabolized the same way- but I’m no doctor)! I just went to get a new Nuvaring at my pharmacy and the pharmacist told me the same thing, that Modafinil will affect my birth control. If there is an option where I am protected?
Avatar f tn birth controls not 100%
Avatar f tn s about the size of a cigarette and goes into your arm. It lasts 3 years and had an effectiveness rate of 99.95%. And studies also show that there were very few adverse side effects. Otherwise, I've used and liked the nuvaring, but my husband didn't like it. And the POP pill, but that one only works if you're breast feeding.
Avatar f tn Okay, so for the past 3 weeks I've had AWFUL heartburn, which I've NEVER had before (seriously, I didn't even know what heartburn really was until a year ago). I pee all the time, which is weird because I used to only pee 3 times a day. Now its up to 9 or 10 times a day. I get extremely moody and get angry out of no where, then seconds later I'll be depressed. For the past 3 weeks I've also had frequent cramps, which isn't normal either.
1981227 tn?1336328438 relapse rate significantly reduced; no discernible side effects other than minor, transient site reaction Special diet?: No, other than scaling back calories when activity level decreases Your EDSS (if you ok sharing): 2.0 maybe? can't remember, will have to look up an old report of mine.
Avatar m tn i started Nuvaring 3 weeks ago yesterday when i was supposed to ive had sex w/o protection quite a few times since. I was supposed to start my period yesterday Im NEVER late early if anything I took a pregnancy test last night and it came back negative. Is it possible that I am pregnant and that its just not showing up positive yet?
Avatar m tn Now i often feel the same irritation or chest discomfort in my chest and 8 months ago i conducted the ETT test for 15 minutes and the the Heart rate 185 and that was normal Gastric irritaion also occures often time i take the omeprazole.
Avatar m tn sir, I had repetive anal sex with a HIV-positive gay man without a condom.and he ejaculated into my anal..I thought it was extremely dangerous... u meant that losing one dose would significantly reduce the whole effectiveness? dose it has a 50% effecitve rate? I beg your reply, sir. I'm now really worried about it ...plz help me.
1134902 tn?1296066144 I am sorry to hear about your issues with nuvaring. I had started the nuvaring for perimenopause issues my gyn said would help. No docs Ive talked to since have heard of this being used for anything other than birth control my but tubs have been tied for years.After having nuvaring in for almost three weeks i started to bleed lite not spotting and its dark and not a pleasant smell at all never have had an Oder like that in 46 years and i cant stand it.
Avatar n tn Birth control pills are usually given a 95 to 99 percent effectiveness rate. The studies that have been done show a very small difference in effectiveness. Usually the difference is less than 1 percent. A partner taking antibiotics will not interfere with a woman’s use of birth control pills.
1293858 tn?1272396271 I started using the NuvaRing on April 15th and before I used the IUD. I took out the NuvaRing on May 6th but did not have my period. So I put it back in 7 days later. On the 7th day I noticed around my nipples were sore and still to this day they are still sore. So is there a chance I could be pregnant or could his be due to the NuvaRing?
Avatar m tn My periods have been very heavy with the past one lasting two weeks with large tissue discharge. It just ended Sunday after beginning one week before removing Nuvaring and only ending once Nuvaring was reinserted. It is so irregular that I could bleed any time of the month at any intensity for any period of time. This past one was so bad that I had to sleep with a heating pad nightly. What could this mean?
Avatar f tn I had sex while i wasn’t on the NuvaRing but he said he pulled out. I put the NuvaRing in the week I usually get my period so i know I’d go a month without my period. i’m having cramps like period cramps now. Could that be signs of a pregnancy or is that okay?
Avatar f tn I was on the NuvaRing for 3 months straight and used it to skip my cycle. After the 3rd or 4th week I would take it out & put in a new ring. While doing this I still bled either light or really heavy. I stopped using the NuvaRing the week before Thanksgiving. My husband & I started trying to make a baby soon after taking the ring out. I have not had a cycle since i’ve taken the NuvaRing out and it’s going on a month now.
Avatar f tn i miscarried at 8 weeks with blighted ovum and after that devestation i used nuvaring again and this time faithfully.......i took out my nuvaring and didnt think much of it until the next day when i started throwing up everywhere! i bought a test for the hell of it and it said PREGNANT! i was in complete shock because i had been on the nuvaring for a while! i used at end of JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER and found out i was pregnant in october!!!
Avatar n tn I started the NuvaRing for the first time, I inserted 18 days after the start of my period ( or 15 days after the end of my period) and it has been in for 12 days consecutively. I had unprotected sex on the 12th day of having the NuvaRing in, at this point is it an effective form of birth control ?
Avatar n tn I have been on the nuvaring for three months now, yesterday at work while in the bathroom i noticed a small amount of brownish blood on the toilet paper . I normally have this type of blood at the beginning of my period. I experienced this while the nuvaring was still in, but thought it was just breakthrough bleeding. I went home on break and checked my calendar and realized i should have taken the nuvaring out the day before.