Narcolepsy memory

Common Questions and Answers about Narcolepsy memory


Avatar m tn Before Adderall I had occassional experiences where I would hear the tea kettle whistling but have absolutely no memory of putting it on, or tasting toothpaste with no memory of brushing my teeth. I never connected this to narcolepsy, but now I suppose it could be. However, since I've been taking either Adderall or Provigil for over a year and have not had experiences like that while on these medications.
Avatar f tn i was wondering if i should be tested for narcolepsy, or if diagnosed with narcolepsy would they prescribe me to something similar to adderrall? if this were the case, being tested would not matter much if they would give me the same medications anyways. I just dont want to be misdiagnosed and on the wrong medication for the rest of my life.
Avatar n tn See a sleep center. Recurrent "Bells Palsy," memory problems, insomnia symptoms, chronic pain, and twitchy feelings in muscles are actually very characteristic of narcolepsy with cataplexy. In fact, often times, it's not "Bells Palsy," but cataplexy. Viruses and some vaccines (especially the H1N1) can actually precipitate this, but it can happen seemingly in random fashion, too. Common misdiagnoses are depression, epilepsy, and migraines.
Avatar f tn Narcolepsy is a CNS disorder and is thought to also be caused by an autoimmune disorder. Causes: current thinking is that a group of cells in the brain responsible for sleep-wake behavior is damaged or absent. (gosh do you think the MS lesions might also damage this area for people unlucky to have both!) Tests: The spinal fluid of most patients with narcolepsy shows the neuroprotein lacking or deficient. The neuroprotein is "hypocretin".
354585 tn?1225913214 It sounds very much like narcolepsy. Recurrent "Bells Palsy," memory problems, insomnia symptoms, chronic pain, taste hallucinations, smell hallucinations, and twitchy feelings and weakness and paralysis in muscles are actually very characteristic of narcolepsy with cataplexy. In fact, often times, people don't have "Bells Palsy," but cataplexy. Viruses and some vaccines (namely the H1N1) can actually precipitate this, but it can happen seemingly in random fashion, too.
Avatar n tn such as driving past a highway exit or writing off a page, with no memory of the previous few minutes. Classical narcolepsy constitutes of Hypnagogic hallucinations, Sleep paralysis and Cataplexy (emotionally triggered muscle paralysis resulting in partial or complete collapse). You need to undergo tests like Polysomnography, Multiple Sleep Latency Test and CSF levels of Orexin/Hypocretin which help to substantiate the diagnosis.
Avatar m tn It sounds very much like narcolepsy. Recurrent "Bells Palsy," memory problems, insomnia symptoms, chronic pain, taste hallucinations, smell hallucinations, and twitchy feelings in muscles are actually very characteristic of narcolepsy with cataplexy, and it can be exacerbated by the hormone shifts that happen with menstrual cycles. In fact, often times, people don't have "Bells Palsy," but cataplexy.
1580703 tn?1651904887 after being punched in the face I developed Bell's Palsy and blindness in one eye. I had blurry and grey vision and think it's from the eye muscle being paralyzed. I'm scared of going blind because I've seen videos on youtube of people not fully recovering after 2 years and not being able to smile. I went on prednisone 40mg tapered and acyclovir and it is helping some, but I'm still not back to normal.
Avatar m tn such as driving past a highway exit or writing off a page, with no memory of the previous few minutes. Classical narcolepsy constitutes of Hypnagogic hallucinations, Sleep paralysis and Cataplexy (emotionally triggered muscle paralysis resulting in partial or complete collapse). You need to undergo tests like Polysomnography, Multiple Sleep Latency Test and CSF levels of Orexin/Hypocretin which help to substantiate the diagnosis.
Avatar f tn be consistent with MS, but the doctors made the decision that we would follow that up in six months with another MRI. They are now suggesting that his problem is narcolepsy and cataplexy. We have been told to follow-up with a neurologist and have another, more specific sleep study. It takes weeks to get these appts, so now we wait. Do you know of anything that can be done to help a child with TS and possible Narcolepsy?
Avatar f tn Look up symptoms of Narcolepsy. Sounds wierd, but it is very hard to diagnose, and that is one of the major symptoms of it. It usually (but not always!) shows up between ages 10-25. Symptoms include- Cataplexy (loss of muscle control): People with narcolepsy often have a sudden loss of muscle control while awake, usually triggered by strong emotions, such as laughing.
Avatar m tn The MSLT was abnormal showing hypersomnolence but no REM sleep so no narcolepsy diagnosis. Setting ranged from 9 to 11 cm H20 on his CPAP - a ResMed EPR Elite II. 3 years of trying every mask and chin strap and with another PES sleep study to verify pressure, we finally gave up on CPAP and he moved to a TAP appliance. My son has very sensitive skin and tried his best to adjust. The TAP appliance has been a better fit for him.
Avatar n tn See a sleep center. Recurrent "Bells Palsy," memory problems, insomnia symptoms, chronic pain, and twitchy feelings in muscles are actually very characteristic of narcolepsy with cataplexy, and it can be exacerbated by the hormone shifts that happen with menstrual cycles. In fact, often times, people don't have "Bells Palsy," but cataplexy. Viruses and some vaccines (namely the H1N1) can actually precipitate this, but it can happen seemingly in random fashion, too.
Avatar n tn It sounds very much like narcolepsy. Recurrent "Bells Palsy," memory problems, insomnia symptoms, chronic pain, taste hallucinations, smell hallucinations, and twitchy feelings in muscles are actually very characteristic of narcolepsy with cataplexy, and it can be exacerbated by the hormone shifts that happen with menstrual cycles. In fact, often times, people don't have "Bells Palsy," but cataplexy.
Avatar f tn See a sleep center. Recurrent "Bells Palsy," memory problems, insomnia symptoms, chronic pain, and twitchy feelings in muscles are actually very characteristic of narcolepsy with cataplexy. In fact, often times, it's not "Bells Palsy," but cataplexy. Viruses and some vaccines (namely the H1N1) can actually precipitate this, but it can happen seemingly in random fashion, too. Common misdiagnoses are depression, epilepsy, and migraines.
Avatar m tn See a sleep center. Recurrent "Bells Palsy," memory problems, insomnia symptoms, chronic pain, and twitchy feelings in muscles are actually very characteristic of narcolepsy with cataplexy. In fact, often times, it's not "Bells Palsy," but cataplexy. Viruses and some vaccines (namely the H1N1) can actually precipitate this, but it can happen seemingly in random fashion, too. Common misdiagnoses are depression, epilepsy, and migraines.
Avatar n tn I have had depression for many years and recently began having sleep disorder ?Narcolepsy(sleep apnea, hypopnea). I sleep many hours a day, naps 3-4 hours at a time. I've started having tremors, head and neck. I have had TMJ from dental treatment, maybe related to tremor. My B12 level is 195, hardly low enough to get excited about. I worked as a Critical care nurse for 36 years, just a note.
Avatar n tn My son has been off herion for 1 year now, he is in therapy a drug tested regularly as clean. He has brain damage and short term memory loss. He also gets exhausted after working only a couple hours. He needs at least 10 hours of sleep and still falls a sleep. Sometimes he sleeps sitting up. I heard he could have developed narcolepsy or distroyed heart muscles or valves. When he got into rehab I was told he had about 24 hours to live, his heart had slowed and breathing.
Avatar f tn See a sleep center. Recurrent "Bells Palsy," memory problems, insomnia symptoms, chronic pain, and twitchy feelings in muscles are actually very characteristic of narcolepsy with cataplexy, and it can be exacerbated by the hormone shifts that happen with menstrual cycles. In fact, often times, people don't have "Bells Palsy," but cataplexy. Viruses and some vaccines (namely the H1N1) can actually precipitate this, but it can happen seemingly in random fashion, too.
Avatar f tn What you describe is excessive daytime sleepiness. There are a number of things that may cause it. The most common is sleep apnea; do you snore when you sleep? Do you ever wake up gasping for air? EDS is also a symptom of Narcolepsy. A sleep disorder where the brain cannot properly regulate the sleep/wake cycles. Do you remember your dreams often? Have vivid dreams? Ever wake up with sleep paralysis? Had vivid dreams that you thought were real but then realized they weren't?
Avatar f tn You seem to be suffering with narcolepsy due to probably obstructive sleep apnea. Excessive daytime sleepiness, interferes with normal activities on a daily basis, whether or not a person with narcolepsy has sufficient sleep at night. You may have mental cloudiness, a lack of energy and concentration, memory lapses, a depressed mood, and/or extreme exhaustion, sudden loss of muscle tone that leads to feelings of weakness and a loss of voluntary muscle control.
Avatar f tn s not always a cluster now its more of a major heaviness, excessive daytime sleepiness no matter how much sleep I get the night before, seizure like episodes, left eye twitching when looking to far off to the left, numbness and tingling in my right arm and leg, balance issues, confusion when I get extra tired, temporary memory issues usually during times when I'm extra tired, pain in legs when laying or sitting down that makes me have to get up and move them, sleep paralysis at night, doing
Avatar f tn such as driving past a highway exit or writing off a page, with no memory of the previous few minutes. Classical narcolepsy constitutes of Hypnagogic hallucinations, Sleep paralysis and Cataplexy which is not seen in your case. You need to undergo tests like Polysomnography, Multiple Sleep Latency Test and CSF levels of Orexin/Hypocretin which help to substantiate the diagnosis. Having regular nap for about 20 min during day will help to prevent sleep attacks.
Avatar f tn I am diagnosis with narcolepsy and have had symptoms for 5 years now. I have been taking 500 mg. of nuvigil for over 2 years. Plus, 60 mg of adderall a day. My symptoms have slowed down a little, but I have to take 2 naps a day and not drive anywhere. I have sleep studies twice a year and it seems to get worse each time. Its very aggravating to me! It seems like something would help. I see a team of specialists at Vanderbilt, but I need something else, but what? Anyone have any suggestions?