Modafinil wired

Common Questions and Answers about Modafinil wired


Avatar n tn I take a stimulant called modafinil which has been a lifesaver. I could fall asleep at the dinner table, leaning against a wall, and even once on the phone. Now I'm not speeded up or wired in any way, just able to control when and where I sleep.
Avatar f tn I have been put on Modafinil for my sleeping issues and it makes my birth control less effective according to my neurologist and pharmacist. Is there any way I can find out how MUCH less? Am I even protected at all? I have been on the pill for 10 years and after hearing this, I immediately called my gynecologist to discuss other options. She told me that the oral pill would metabolize through the liver much faster on Modafinil and so she put me on the Nuvaring.
Avatar n tn any advice or experiences that could help me understand would be really helpful please. My brother has started university to study architecture this year and due to the huge amount of nights he had to work, started going on modafinil. Now that the year is finished and he's not taking it however, he has become aggressive, irrational and rude. Does anyone know if this is because of the modafinil or if there's a link.
7126533 tn?1388405470 I recently started taking Modafinil for fatigue and apart from the fatigue being much improved, the incontinence has also vastly improved - fingers crossed it has actually stopped. Is this coincidence or can the Modafinil have caused this?
Avatar n tn I have been taking 100 grams of modafinil pills for about 2 weeks to get through exams and now that I have stopped taking anything, I am experiencing constant dizziness. I am wondering whether I should wait this out or whether I need to see a doctor asap....
Avatar f tn Can you please tell me if taking 300mg Adrafinil (pre-cursor to Modafinil) once or twice a week, to help me study. will decrease the effectivenes of birth control pills? I'm taking Levlen 1.5/30mg I know that a long term Modafinil use makes birth control pills less effective but how about short term? PLEASE ADVISE, Thank you!
Avatar f tn Can anyone please tell me if adrafinil (pre-cursor to Modafinil) will affect taking birth-control pills? In other words, if I occasionally take adrafinil to help me study - will it make the pills ineffective. I certainly don't want to get pregnant. I know that long term use of Modafinil decreases the effectivenes of bc pills but how about short term use? Once or twice a week? Thank you!
Avatar m tn Hi. I need some help figuring out how Modafinil works. I basically have something which seems like Insomnia but it isn't. I believe I suffer from Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. I have had it since I was 15, I am 25 now. The problem is that, I can't maintain a proper schedule. I can never sleep at a particular time everyday. It keeps moving as every day passes by. For example, right now I am sleeping at around 9 AM everyday and then I am getting up at around 5 PM.
5509293 tn?1428531475 Nuvigil, alerted, modafinil, Provigil are the same -as far as I understand. I am paying more than you - I have high deductible insurance but took the hit because I needed a replacement for amantadine to help with fatigue. Thought I was ok until the amantadine worked its way out of my system and then I crashed. But new drug is giving me BP problems. Is anyone taking the drug with NO BP problems? How much can you take?
Avatar m tn Not good. You definitely want to look for a specialist. Might want to scope out your throat to see if there are also problems down there. Under side effects for Nuvigil it says, "Skin and mouth sores, blistering, and ulceration have been reported with modafinil and NUVIGIL in the postmarketing setting. Recurrence of signs and symptoms of serious dermatologic reactions following rechallenge has been reported in some cases.
5160872 tn?1385248794 I am switching from Avonex to Tecifidera and from Modafinil to Symmetrel. How has these worked out for others? I am looking forward to not having the injections and being able to take pills instead.
667078 tn?1316000935 Hi Alex, I am sorry you are feeling so fatigued. It's rotten. Here is my experience. The modafinil not only works, but it's a complete lifesaver for me. I would be in big trouble without it. I started out on 200mg. This was a disaster for me. I am small, and I think the dose was too much. It made me feel as if I was on a train that wouldn't stop and it gave me heart palpitations. This freaked me out and I stopped immediately. Neuro recommended trying 100mg.
Avatar f tn Hi all, I currently take 100 mg of Modafinil every morning but was advised that I could take up to 400 mg per day. The doc who prescribed mentioned one tab in the am and one in the pm but I have heard from other people who take it that they find it better to take 200 mg in the am instead of splitting it into two doses. I tried the am and pm option today but am beyond exhausted. I would love to hear what anyone has found works best for them. Thanks!
Avatar m tn my son is 21 and is also bipolar with psychosis so he deals with the paranoia more. he takes abilify and modafinil (modafinil is like aderol with out the addictive reactions) it helps him stay more focused. don't know if this helps - but feel free to contact me if i can help any.
14631020 tn?1436545476 I've just started taking modafinil, 100mg per day for a month then I can titrate to 200mg if needed. It will be needed! 100mg, to be honest, is making no difference whatsoever. Sometimes I literally have to look at my pill caddy to see if I've even taken it that day. Otherwise, I just OD on caffeine and go to bed at around 8. Hoping more people answer, because I could use a few ideas too!
19327666 tn?1475833305 I just read where another user asked this same questions so I hope I'm not breaking rules here by being redundant. But I'm planning to try using modafinil to help deal with opiate PAWS related symptoms of fatigue/depresssion/lethargy, and just the general funkiness that we feel when we stop taking opiates after years of abuse.I'm very curious how this will work in the long term. I stopped taking percocets (about 250-500mg daily!
Avatar m tn I know anxiety can make you tense but for months now I am wired and agitated so much I cant function. I work for my self and most days all I do is pace around. Is this anxiety - could it be anything else (medical tests are good).
Avatar f tn I've been having really wired cravings for soil and ice and I don't know how to haldle it I know it's harmful to the baby so I try my best to stay away from it, bit when ever am sitting at home alone it's all I can think about.
572651 tn?1530999357 Wondering out loud, here - hypothetically if I wanted to order modafinil (provigil's name) from Europe, since it does not require a rx there, how would I go about verifying that the place I ordered from would be legit? Just wondering.........