Menstrual cramps end of pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Menstrual cramps end of pregnancy


Avatar m tn i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend 2weeks ago(he pulled out), right after i believe my ovulation began. two days later i started experiencing cramps, but my menstrual wasnt due for another two weeks. I usually get cramps a couple hours before my menstrual starts.
362119 tn?1223137936 I'm not sure what it is exactly but it's probably part of the process... I'm preggo w/my first so I have no experience to share, but I'm pretty sure cramping is very normal at the end of pregnancy as your body prepares for labor/birth. I've had occassional menstrual like cramps too and I'm not as far along as you. My doctor equates it to either BH, normal uterine cramping, or constipation or diarrea. Do you have an appointment soon?
1475515 tn?1287189318 and to top things off now im having cramps but their real light cramps and im not on my period... could this be a sign of pregnancy ? ive taking a home pregnancy test but they came out long should i wait before i do take a home pregnancy ?
Avatar f tn I am almost 5 weeks pregnant. I have been having cramps that feel like menstrual cramps. I don't have any spotting or anything but it feels like menstrual cramps.. should I be worried? I'm 18 and this is my first pregnancy.
Avatar f tn Is it normal to have period like cramps during your pregnancy? Im 13 wks. I had those cramps this passed Monday, it woke me out of my sleep. It really made nervous and i checked to make sure i wasn't bleeding and i wasn't.
912322 tn?1243528988 are u talkn menstrual cramps. if so drink warm fluids not cold. cold fluids give u cramps. and try a warm rag on ur belly.
Avatar f tn Am 33 weeks and been having menstrual cramps on and of can this be contraction first pregnancy help!
Avatar m tn Are pregnancy symptoms the same as menstrual symptoms? I am wishing and crossing my fingers terribly that these are my usual menstrual symptoms -- white discharge, abdominal cramps, irritability, sometimes feeling constipated. What do you say?
20922415 tn?1661860103 During the reproductive years, the pituitary gland in the brain generates hormones (follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH] and luteinizing hormone [LH]) that cause a new egg to mature and be released from its ovarian follicle each month. As the follicle develops, it produces the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, which thicken the lining of the uterus called the endometrium.
Avatar f tn I am having mild menstrual pains daily..I m actualy thnking of going 2 c my dr 2moro.
Avatar f tn With both my daughter and this pregnancy I had quite a bit of cramping. They felt like mild (for me) menstrual cramps. My cramps usually make it very hard to even stand up. Having had previous miscarriages it was very scary to be cramping, but I talked with my doc and everything was fine and he said cramping is normal in the beginning but if you have bleeding or severe pain on one side to go to the doc.
Avatar f tn Within that week the symptons that I been experiencing were bloating, sore breast and back aches. I recently been experiencing menstrual cramps off and on for three days. Is the menstrual cramps a sign of pregnacy? I am due to take my blood test June 10th 2008. I am praying that this will work. In the beginning, I was kind of disappointed that only one egg fertilized but when I found out that I had a healthy embryo it restored my hope.
Avatar f tn I have been getting a lot of egg white stick discharge lately. My pre- menstrual symptoms have always been 1. severe cramps 2. breast tenderness 3. light brown discharge. I haven't experienced any of those for the past 2 weeks except for cramps which are very light ( doesn't cause discomfort) I took a test earlier last week in the evening and got a negative result. Has anyone experienced this and actually turned out pregnant?
Avatar f tn I am 9 weeks and still have menstrual cramps. Bodies have to change a lot during pregnancy!
557614 tn?1215665302 in a year, i would experience menstrual cramps from 0 to 3 times. but last january 2008, i started having menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) almost every month when i get my period. It lasts for 1 to 2 days. last june 2008, i had menstrual cramps again for 1 to 2 days. as i was about to end my usual 7 day period, i noticed that i started having my period again. so my whole period lasted for about 2 weeks. now i have my period again.
Avatar f tn I have my Dr appointment tomorrow 31 weeks each week I've gone in my cervix has progressed more and more 30 weeks I was 90% effaced and 1-2 cm dilated I've been having menstrual like cramps with my belly tightening and sharp stabbing pains on my cervix I'm just nervous I'm going to be told I'm dilating more I'm hoping to make it to 34 weeks or more if possible anyone else going through something similar or having pains like this is it contractions or bh
Avatar f tn Its my first pregnancy and I've also been having those weird menstrual like cramps, I was reading that drinking (even) more water helps. Nice to know I'm not alone on this I was starting to worry.
Avatar f tn Has anyone experienced menstrual like cramps early in pregnancy? I am almost 6 weeks and have off and on menstrual like cramps anywhere from my sides to my pelvic area. I had an ovarian cyst rupture recently so I was told the pain in my side came from the fluid left around my ovaries and that it would take care of itself. It has been 11 days since the cyst ruptured but I still occasionally have pain.
Avatar f tn Has anyone else had cramps, like menstrual cramps, throughtout the entire first trimester? I never had this when I was pregnant with my first 2 pregnancies, constant cramps, pains, and nausea 24/7. Does it ever stop?
Avatar n tn Yeah same here lots of gas haha I go to my first appointment Monday
Avatar f tn To me, they didn't feel any different. I was prepared for disappointment because I thought my period was about to come. I don't think every woman feels cramping during implantation, just like every woman does not experience spotting.
Avatar f tn why am i cramping so bad? I have menstrual like cramps al day long, no bleeding though. Went to the er and they did nothing told me to call my doctor! I just left my docs and saw a np not my doc who tells me i am listed as a threatened abortion in my charts. Why was i not told of this? Why did she not pull my blood or check on my cervix or even do a ultrasound to make sure the fetus is developing okay? I feel like a guinea pig waiting for a bad outcome.
Avatar f tn Im 34weeks & 1 day . Due date is March 6th. First time mommy pregnant with a girl. Lately I've been having pains that feel like menstrual cramps in my lower stomach . Sometimes they are VERY intense . What could this be ,? Is this normal?
Avatar f tn I really wouldnt think that you are pregnant if you have started "your period". With or without cramps, although some women do bleed during pg its not usually heavy like a period (and if it is its not usually a good sign). As far as a "bump" normally that would not be noticiable until at least the end of the first/ begining of the second trimester 13 weeks +, probably even later if this is your first pg. But anything can happen and every women is different.
Avatar f tn s cycle (usually 2weeks after the first day of her last period). If your period is late, you should take a home pregnancy test. They are most accurate 1 week after the first day of you missed period. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I am 18 weeks and have been having menstrual like cramps low in my abdomen on and off, along with discharge daily. (sorry TMI) I've read that these symptoms are normal, but I had low amniotic fluid with my last pregnancy and am just paranoid at this point. Anyone else have these symptoms?
Avatar f tn I go on Tuesday for blood test to see if I had success. The cramps so mess with my mind! Thanks again and best of luck to you with your pregnancy!!
338830 tn?1229999478 Well, my contrations felt like menstrual type cramps. Is your tummy hardening with some of the cramping???
Avatar f tn But should I wait until I miss my period.. its due tomorrow and I haven't had any spotting or menstrual cramps just a pressure-like feeling.. but no implantation bleeding either if so I h didn't notice.