Lip implant scar

Common Questions and Answers about Lip implant scar


Avatar m tn You clearly had a seroma (fluid accumulation in the cavity created by the implant insertion). This ultimately healed with the development of scar tissue. If steroid and time do not work, then it may be possible to surgically reduce the scar tissue. Follow the advise of your Atlanta physician.
Avatar f tn I was never advised of the risks of this surgery (that I could have permanent nerve damage or that I would be left with a huge ball like scar in the center of my lip. My lip is still swollen causing my lip to be exposed to the air (it feels raw all the time). The scar is hardening and it hurts ( I can also feel a band that runs horizontel along the incision line. I have seen an example of a mucocele surgery on the internet and it looks nothing like what this oral surgeon did to me.
Avatar m tn because the bulky area underneath my upper left lip, every time when I smile, that part of lip become thick and relative big when compare to the right side of my upper lip as the bulky surgical area underneath the lip push against the lip when I smile. will this be permanent? or it is too early to say now and bulkyness could reduce over time as time pass by and my smile will become normal? Thanks.
Avatar m tn because the bulky area underneath my upper left lip, every time when I smile, that part of lip become thick and relative big when compare to the right side of my upper lip as the bulky surgical area underneath the lip push against the lip when I smile. will this be permanent? or it is too early to say now and bulkyness could reduce over time as time pass by and my smile will become normal? Thanks.
Avatar f tn In general the preference would be to go through the same scar under the breast to replace the implant and placing the new implant under the muscle. However, without being able to evaluate specifics of your situation we cannot say for sure that this would be the recommendation after evaluation and examination.
Avatar n tn A couple of days later my lip became swollen next to the exterior scar. this is not scar tissue this is softer. I have had scar tissue on my lips and can tell the difference. This swollenness has been apparent for 4 days. What could this be? Thank you.
Avatar m tn The upper left side of my lip suffered a cut which eventually healed. The cut left a J shaped scar on my lip. I know have a bump on my lip of a slightly lighter color. I got the scar looked at by a doctor and he told me to leave it alone and it should go back to normal in 4-6 months. I have been reading that I should be massaging the area since it is probably scar tissue. 1. What do you recommend? 2. Anything that will help it heal better or faster? 3.
Avatar f tn Hello , I have my lip pierced it keeps getting scar tissue lumps inside of it, how can i prevent this from happening and how can I get the present lump to go away?
Avatar f tn I had a dental implant in the mandible 6 months ago. After complaining of tingling sensations & numbness in the chin & lip, forward to where the implant is, the oral surgeon replaced it with a shorter one after one month. Another 5 months have passed, it has healed nicely & a crown has been attached by my dentist. The tingling is still there. When I touch my chin, my chin & lip tingle. After a routine cleaning & the crown, it seems a little bit worse.
Avatar f tn Surgery can’t be done on scar tissue due to the fact that tissue regrowth on a scar isn’t stable enough for sutures (lack of collagen) so, to keep the sutures in place, it would be necessary to go deeper or use tissue surrounding the scar. This would cause the scar on your lip to be larger, or more noticeable, than the existing one and the skin might grow in as a slightly different color. is that true doctor?
Avatar n tn When I smile, it stands out since my lips a darker than the light spot. The spot is firmer and more rough than the rest of my lip. I think it is a scar, is it? Any way to get rid of it? If it isn't a scar, how long will it take to go away?
Avatar f tn My husband had Kerato Prosthesis (artificial corneal implant) approx one year go on his eye. He has already lost vision in the other eye due to an accident. After the implant, he had a fairly good vision for a month or so. Then the scar tissue started growing and his vision was getting blurred. He has had the yagging done three or four times since then. Every 3-4 weeks he has to see the specialists to get this yagging done. Is there a procedure to control or eliminate the growth of scar tissue?
Avatar m tn And I will also like to know if i should leave the scar open or continue to leave it moist by applying lip balm. Thank you in advance.
Avatar m tn I had braces on my teeth, and my face impacted the steering wheel. It caused my upper right lip to split. Scar tissue developed leaving me with what appeared to be a permanent fat lip. About a year and half ago, I had cosmetic surgery to eliminate this. For the first six months, it looked great. You could hardly notice that anything had ever happened to my lip. After the first six months, the scar tissue started to show again, and has developed since then.
Avatar f tn Now The swelling has gone down it is clear that there is a feankenstine style scar on my lip with flaps of skin. There is a pit in the front of my lip and then a bump next to it that sticks out.
Avatar m tn 3 weeks ago I was hit by a racquetball racket on the upper lip .The lip was not cut ,but bruised and swollen .The swelling has gone down but I have a small lump remaining .Since I was not cut could this be scar tissue or do I have to wait more time for the lump to go away ?
Avatar m tn A couple days later I called my oral surgeon and told him that my left chin and lower lip are numb. He asked me to come to the office to back out the implant a millimeter or two because it might be touching a nerve. On 5/23 the oral surgeon backed out implants #31 and #29. He did tell me that he suspected that implant #29 was possibly compressing a nerve area. Today is 5/30 and the numbness has not gone. Area around tooth #28, #27 and # 26 is very numb (lower lip and chin only).
Avatar n tn I think my lower teeth and upper teeth actually bit mostly through the inside/wet part of my lower lip (to be more specific). Initially the open wound to the lip looked like an uneven cross shape. When the scar had healed initially I was left with a lump which is mostly on the wet part of my lower lip. This lump however can be seen at all times when the lips are open or when I smile and this is giving me some distress. The lump is only not visible when my lips are closed.
Avatar n tn When I was a baby I had a mass of blood vessels in my lower lip that burst and as a result there was scar tissue in the inside of my lip which left a small raised puffy area on the surface that was a white shade. I had a plastic surgeon look at it and he said he could cut on the small indent that was already there and remove some of the scar tissue to improve the appearance.
Avatar m tn I had a lip revision to remove scar tissue two weeks ago and it improved the shape of the lip. The lip area was very hard and numb post-op but has improved, except for the area where incision was made. The incision area is still hard, especially the area just below the lip that that bled when stitches came out. Is this normal and how long do you think the hardness should last?
Avatar m tn And I will also like to know if i should leave the scar open or continue to leave it moist by applying lip balm. Thank you in advance.
Avatar n tn I thought it was normal but after a week there is a brownish scar (thasts what i think it is) on my upper lip what do i do? What products can take this scar out? Is scar removel treatment considerable? Please help me!!
Avatar n tn I had a chin implant placed exactly one year ago following 2 surgeries to bring my lower jaw forward. My chin since the first surgery has always been numb in spots but I always got my huge smile back. Following the chin implant I do not have as big of a smile. He secured the chin implant to the titanium plates used on my jaw surgery which made me mad. Since he used those the chin implant isnt even, even with my real chin it sits up a tiny bit and its not centered.
222267 tn?1253302210 Titanium is the type of metal from which the implant is made. The implant is place into a hole in the bone which is sugically and purposefully created by the surgeon. Closure of oral wounds is usually done with local tissue flaps and in some cases a membrane may use as well as bone grafts. I hope this helps, but please understand that holes can occur anywhere in the palate and there are several anatomical spaces and vital structures that make a tremendous difference on the procedure.
Avatar f tn Now the scab goes away, but it leaves a red and inflated scar. The edge of my lip is unclear. Will the scar get flattened?
Avatar m tn About four days ago i got punched in the face so hard that my tooth made it most of the way through my lip. i am hoping that its just some major swelling but im worried that there might be a big ball of scar tissue forming in there causing me look like a idiot swelling has only went down a little if any over the last few days i have been using mouth wash and warm salt water to rinse my mouth out after every time i eat and drink.