
Lamotrigine side effects epilepsy

Common Questions and Answers about Lamotrigine side effects epilepsy


Avatar f tn I have done some research on these two medications mainly on there side effects. A decision will be made on this once I have been to have an EEG.
Avatar n tn Even though lamotrigine cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness etc., it is one of the best medications to control seizures in people with epilepsy. Read more
Avatar f tn but i have suffered lately from some meds interactions side effects which i did not have any idea about, my pdoc was away. i searched the subject of meds interaction on line till i found a very good medical site write your meds in the search button in the up middle of the home page and you will have so many links.
1756969 tn?1332437163 Remember that this is a community of consumers, not professionals. What you will find is that people who have had bad experiences with medications are more likely to write about it online. Also, no everyone has the same response to a medication. I happen to take Lamictal (Lamotrigine) which has not affected my weight and I don't have any side effects from it. Others may have different experiences. Listen to your doctor and try the medications he/she prescribes.
Avatar m tn I'm currently on the combo. It's working alright for me. I still get frequent manic episodes and psychosis (I'm schizoaffective, but neither drug does anything for psychosis anyways) but I've only had one depressive episode in the last 5 years, and I'm a rapid cycler.I had about 10 depressive episodes in 2-3 years and they stopped completely when I started lamotrigine (well, apart from the one, but it was work related).
574118 tn?1305135284 d want to increase it, not decrease it. A Seroquel increase is probably a better thing to try first. And side effects often decrease after a couple of weeks. If it's available where you are, Latuda (lurasidone) just got approval for bipolar depression. It might be too expensive, though. Also, have you tried lamotrigine? Abilify is another good suggestion.
Avatar f tn I have been on so many of them, and the side effects are worse than the seizures. For example, the keppra I just got off of messed with my hormones, heart rate and blood pressure. I found out by taking it, that I have a mild case of neurally mediated syncope which the keppra elevated to the point where i had to be hospitalized. It also caused major weakness and fatigue to the point where I couldnt work. And believe it or not, that was the minimum dose.
Avatar f tn all the things that you mention seem to be side effects of keppra. mood issues can definately attributed to it. alot of antiepileptics can also cause concentration issues which could be a cause of the inabilty to remember things.
Avatar f tn Hi, they just started me on clonazepam. How do you fare with this drug. Do you experience side effects? How long have you been taking it. Do you have any warnings or advice you would feel comfortable sharing? I wouldn't hold you to it.
Avatar f tn well you should tell teh doctor what is going on with your husband, and that he is having side effects. no they should not be mixed no matter what. hope he gets better!
Avatar m tn He had a third seizure there and the vet diagnosed epilepsy. He is on phenobarbitol and had no side effects until last night when he vomited and started head twitching. He is drooling a lot and a bit wobbly. Is this typical? Will it stop ?
Avatar f tn I take Depakote before i got pregnant and was taking prenatals just in case. Then when me and my husband found out i was pregnant, i was switched to Lamotrigine which is the safest for pregnant women with seizures. I know its really hard for us women with seizures now that we are carrying a life inside, we need to be extra careful. I understand you...
Avatar f tn m wondering if my doctor could prescribe something to help with my overactive bladder so I could keep taking the Lexapro or if I should just take something else instead. Lexapro is good in ways because it produces fewer side effects than any other SSRI med that I've tried and I've tried many of them. What do you think?
1576249 tn?1296087202 Everything can look scary when you read the possible side effects. Also, the way they do the side effects is that people in clinical trials write down EVERYTHING that happens, which is why just about every single drug out there says it can cause GI and cold-like symptoms--people get GI problems and colds anyway, and it gets written down. And they don't actually do statistical tests between the active and placebo.
Avatar m tn Hi, thanks for this. I'm seeing neurology soon but neurology took me off depakote because it makes me twitch and tremor in my hands. Awful drug. I've been on Carbamazepine which made me feel awful. But I've been on Lamotrigine too which gave me no side effects so if they think it's epilepsy, I'll go back on that if possible.
Avatar f tn all three of my kids are healthy and just as normal as any other children.i had a very healthy pregnancy and no side effects to any of my kids.doctors followed my case closely. just wanted to share my story we can have healthy babies and be healthy doing it.
1756969 tn?1332437163 I take lamotrigine - 200mg -- and it has worked well for me with no side effects. It is usually weight neutral meaning it doesn't affect your appetite. I have taken other mood stabilizers and didn't like the side effects - lithium, bad hand tremor, diarrhea, vomiting; depakote, hair loss, weight gain; seroquel, extreme sleepiness Do remember that this is my experience and yours may be different.
Avatar f tn Thank u for the insight! Much appreciated.
Avatar f tn i did just a read on side effects of Lamotrigine b/c my son recently started this med....and YES it can cause sore throats ....says to seek immediate medical attention. at least contact your dr asap....there can be some very life threatening s/e's from this med....good luck!!!
5544493 tn?1369608788 If the side effects look scary, go look up the full side effects profile for an OTC drug you use often (like ibuprofen), which will give you an idea of how scary the full side effects profiles sound.
Avatar m tn My 1 year old son is suffering from ailment diagonesed Myoclonic epilepsy, when he was 2 month old we observed seizure inwhich he was putting his head front(slam seizure) for 10 to 12 times at a strech twice or thrice in a day.His MRI brain reavels sgnificant reduction in volume of white matter pre dominantly involving bilateral frontal temporal and parietal lobes.Medication given is sodium valporate, nitrazapam, lamtac,.
Avatar m tn Blood testing is important, so if you are concerned about the side effects, get the vet to do a blood test to assess dosage levels. But, the side effects CAN continue for several weeks, before they will eventually start to subside. I know it's a hard process - but it has to be gone through - otherwise you will be back at square one. Don't interfere with the dosing without the vet's authority - and importantly, give the dose at the same time every 12hrs.
1156914 tn?1300571629 Hey all I thought I'd just fill you in on my neuro appointment that I had on Wednesday. Not suprisingly my med dose was increased to try get things under control again. However as a result of that, I've been having terrible side effects but that's to be expected, it happens everytime the dose is increased. He didn't really have anything new to say.
Avatar f tn It is a side effect of Depakote. It's a difficult drug with a lot of side effects that a lot of people find hard to stay one, especially those who are given it for things other than seizures. It does away if you stop taking it. I don't know what collagen would do for hair loss. You can try a multivitamin or a multi made especially for the hair, such as Ultra Hair by Nature's Plus, just for one. Biotin is especially useful for hair.