Jaw pain pressure

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain pressure


Avatar f tn I looked out TMJ symptoms on internet and found it is not applicable with mine because TMJ = pain (specially when closing opening jaw). Honestly I dont feel any pain around my jaw, But when I open/close my jaw I can feel a cracking sound in the left jaw (yes around my left ear) but still no pain. The pressure I feel is comes very quickly either when I rest the back of my head on the chair or when I lay the back of my head on bed. Also this discomfort is very noticable when I close my eyes!
Avatar f tn For years i had right jaw pain i am thinking tmj cause of bad dental work done and now i have horrible aching jaw and worst of all dull tight pressure temple pain. This ache worrys me more than the jaw. I am hoping its from the tmj. i have never been diagnosed seems like no doctor or dentist is interested in helping but is it normal to have the dull aching pressure in the ear and up to the temple and would a antiflamatory pill work to release the tense dull pressure.
Avatar n tn You know I may also be TMJ, that's what I have,the worst case. I get pain in my jaw, headaches, sometimes throat pain, and ear pain, and back pain, you'll know if you have it by pressure on your side jaw(both sides) Just my oppinion.
Avatar n tn ve always had lower blood pressure and am very healthy. I also feel a pain in my left jaw that radiates down my left shoulder. I'm sure this may be serious, but how serious is the question? I have an appointment with my family physician tomorrow. Thank you for your medical insight and advice in advance.
1446980 tn?1286838538 Hello fellow Chiarians, I was just wondering if anyone suffered from pain and/or pressure in their eyes, ears and mainly jaw. I am having alot of jaw issues which my dentist said should be caused by Arthritis. No Arthritis here, do you guys think that my lack of jaw mobility, pain etc could be caused by my big ol' brain?
977806 tn?1249067346 Took 2nd shot this past Wednesday. Have actually had jaw pain off and on but really thought it was a dental problem but am thinking more along the lines of Sx now because it is in both jaws. I emailed my doctor earlier today. Has anyone else had jaw pain. Both jaws have been effected and right now it is throbbing a bit. I emailed to ask my doctor if I should go and see a dentist anyway even though it may be due to the drugs.
Avatar f tn There are many cases where individuals that suffering from sinus congestion also experience pressure in the ear, with earaches and even jaw pain. The earaches you are having may be an infection in the ear due to blocked sinuses. Other causes of aw pain can be due to infection of salivary gland like parotitis, infected foci, osteoporosis related jaw disarticulation or fracture.
Avatar f tn When you chew or talk too much or extend jaw, it can cause headaches, jaw and neck pain and even ear pain, but not sure about a fullness feeling. Ask the doc about ETD treatment, just to try getting relief.
1147984 tn?1261626788 I am having all of these symptoms - started with the neck pain, then the eye pain, then severe migraine headaches, and now I have jaw pain. My husband thinks I am a hypocondriac! And the migraine pain I swear started in my thigh one night showed up in the side of my chest the next night and then the back of my head!
Avatar n tn I went home, and when the numbing wore off, I was in severe pain. not just my tooth. but also my whole face and jaw. I called the dr. and was told it was normal. after several days pain STILL did not go away. I went back in and the dental hygeninst drilled the tooth so it didn't hit the upper teeth. While doing so she drilled THROUGH my temp crown and hit a nerve then patched the hole. I was in worse pain than when I went in.
Avatar n tn s esphoguas, I have recently been in the hospital twice in two weeks. Once for high blood pressure, numbness in my left side of my neck, jaw and ear. Also blue hands. I had been taken off of elavil 25mg., that I was using for stomach spasm, per the doctor. The second hospital stay, I woke up at 3 am one morning with a headache and nausea. I took 3 baby aspirin, and two tylenol 325mg. I laid back down and pressure came over me.
644083 tn?1282604175 Hi there, back, head and shoulder pain can all be symptoms of the TMJ. We're all connected from head to to and if one is out of line, they all go out! I know how that feels. TMJ can happen for a lot of reason, but if your teeth are very crooked or the don't fit straight, it puts a lot of pressure on the jaw. It can happen if you've had an accident too, or from stress, or grinding at night. Uneven teeth can touch and make it very sore.
Avatar m tn Update: The pressure has seemingly lowered a lot in my right ear/jaw, maybe this was something that needed healing over time, so i'll wait another 2 days for the left side to make improvements before I send myself to the doctor.
Avatar f tn I have the facial issues, but not pressure, just pain, and lots of it. I have the pain in very similar places as you...
Avatar f tn d been having terrible tooth pain and had developed an abscess on the gum above that tooth. At the same time, I was experiencing a pressure/pulling sensation down my jaw, around my ear and down my neck. I was first given a round of antibiotics, and the pain, abscess and pressure/pulling sensation all went away.
Avatar f tn After looking online, it looks like the jaw pain (and arm pain?) could be a symptom of some kind of heart problem (maybe angina)? However, I have absolutely no chest pain, and I don't feel sick. I am fairly young (27) and a healthy weight. I don't want to bother my doctor - I've been in there a lot recently for other problems (aching joints, depression, a rash, etc.) And I feel like these are only 2 minor symptoms that will probably turn out to be nothing.
Avatar f tn What is the cause for sudden pain and numbness in the ear and jaw joint? I am a 22 year old female and I have been experiencing these symptoms since yesterday. I was fine until the evening when I touched my right ear (towards the inside) and minced in pain. Since then I have noticed pain, pressure and partial numbness what feels like the inside of my ear, towards the middle, and about an inch around it surrounding the top of my jaw joint. I have difficulty opening my mouth too much.
Avatar m tn For the first day, the pain radiated to the left jaw, and for a while seemed to originate from the jaw. Today the pain and pressure is better, but is now radiating to a slight soreness in the left collarbone area. I've also noticed that the pressure sometimes moves up toward the sinuses. I can also feel the pressure slightly in my throat. I have been experiencing some sinus pressure, along with a slightly stuffy nose and post-nasal drip.
742330 tn?1350364850 (repeat) I have had them in my face while I was having dental work done and they can produce nerve pain that is unreal. I had pain in my upper and lower jaw that was alternating--very strange.
Avatar f tn I am now 40 and have a perfectly functioning jaw with no pain and no problems. Have a look at tmj.com which shows the Christensen implants which I had. The knowledge Centre is quite good and they may have a contact centre. Good luck with your quest to be pain free...if I can be of any further help....let me know. I'm not sure how I can contact you via email without going thru website as all info seems to be public this way.
Avatar m tn I also feel deaf in my left side ear, as if there is some pressure in there also. The pressure also preiodically seems to end up making my jaw feel heavy and/or the back of my neck feel tensed up.For the first week or so I assumed it was just a strange feeling head cold but now it has stretched on for longer I'm starting to get a little worried.
Avatar f tn About 1 year ago, started having tweaks of pain in base of head, back of neck. Although I still have tightness and pain in back of neck, more chronic problem has become constant pressure in ears (mostly right ear) and ringing in ears. Maybe I had the ringing all along and was too distracted with all other discomfort. Pressure in ears very uncomfortable. Also, occasional aching in jaw bone in front of right ear. Some clicking in right jaw bone when massaged up and down.
Avatar m tn It usually lasts a few minutes and then goes away. I dont have any other symptoms other than sharp chest pain, pain in my jaw, and left arm. What could this be? Is it possible to have a heart attack at 25?
Avatar m tn I have moderate/ pretty uncomfortable pressure in my right temple. Sometimes it's like a hot pressure. Other times it's just pressure. Today is the third time it's happened. Once, about a week and a half ago until I went and stood in a walk in freezer for about ten minutes until it stopped; the other happened this past weekend only for about 20 minutes and it went away on its own. Today it started after dinner and has been going on for about an hour now.