Is type o blood dominant

Common Questions and Answers about Is type o blood dominant


Avatar n tn me and my husband blood type is A positive why my son blood type is B positive is it possible?
1225198 tn?1336788230 MysticalChick is right. You are definetly ok, for SURE. It's the Rh +/- that makes the difference. My mom is O- and dad is AB+. ANYONE can take O- blood, but - can't take + blood. This makes O- blood like gold, and O+ is pretty important too. You should dontate blood more often! But even in the situation of one partner with + and the other with -, it won't PREVENT pregnancy, it would only make keeping the pregnancy difficult, if not impossible.
Avatar f tn I found out the blood type of the two potential fathers. One is O+ and the other is A+. I am O-. Therefore, i know if the O+ guy is the dad, the baby will have to have O blood type. If the A+ guy is the dad, there is the possibility that he has an AO allele or an AA allele, since both result in an A blood type. If he had the AA allele, the baby would definitely have A blood type, since A is dominant.
Avatar f tn They only give you O type blood if they have to because its a neutral blood type and your body wont reject it.
1204700 tn?1271948852 I was wondering the same thing since your blood is separated from the baby so it shouldn't be an issue what your blood type is unless your rh negative.
Avatar f tn Reason why, the only reason why having o- blood type is a problem is if your baby has a different blood type then you and for some reason your blood is mixed during pregnancy then your body will not recognize it and try to fight it off like an infection. It will create antibodies but those antibodies only happen in second, third, or any other pregnancy in the future.Your body won't make them during your first.
Avatar f tn it's just a shot. You'll get one if you start to bleed at all, or at 28wks or so, and then after birthing your baby. essentially, it stops the baby's blood from mixing with yours. Because if that happens and the baby's blood type is different, your body will think it's a foreign object, and fight off the baby as if it is an infection and you'll miscarry. The shot stops it, and makes your body think that any blood it detects, is the same type as you.
Avatar f tn ) ut im conserned on the fact that i have O- blood type and My OBGYN did say that on the 2nd time expecting it was more risking... Does any one know more info about this? I realldy didnt get much just the part that my body attacks the baby... So HELP!
Avatar f tn Soo my midwife informed me that I'm O-negative which means my blood can't pass thru to the babies blood because my cells will fight against it so at 28 weeks I have to have an injection to prevent this from happening in the mean time if I fall or bang my bump i have 48 hours to get this injection before it can cause harm?? Has any1 ever heard of this ??
Avatar f tn Any woman who is a negative blood type has to get the shot if baby is positive blood type it's just normal
Avatar f tn Yeah, dont worry, its normal, just get that shot :)
5889951 tn?1380316047 I was discussing with my sons father who is o negative blood type and I am o negative blood type would my son be o negative as well? If anyone has any info they could share with me I would be very appreciative.
Avatar f tn Being a phlebotomist I deal a lot with blood types, and it does most definitely matter what your blood type is. If your negative and your baby is a positive than your body will attack the baby. The shot helps to prevent that from happening.
Avatar f tn Okay so my blood type is o-negative , I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow and everybody has been telling me that I'm suppose to get a shot twice so that my blood doesn't fight off the babies blood if he has a different type. Has anyone else ever had this problem? Should I call my Dr and ask?
Avatar f tn I have O- blood and I have just found out that I am expecting. My mum suffered various miscarriages due to this reason as her body rejected the baby. I'm scared incase I do the same as it's just nature. What can I do to prevent this? Someone please help.
7458937 tn?1391882099 I Was Told I Get A Shot After Delivery And If The Baby Has A Positive Blood Type, She Will Get A Shot. If Babys Blood Type Is Negative, They Dont Need The Shot.
Avatar n tn When you have RH negative you will need to get a shot for each pregnancy and after a baby is born, they test their blood type, if they are positive, they give you another shot. For my pregnancy after my miscarriage and my miscarriage, I had spotting and they brought me in for a shot right away instead of waiting for the 'standard 28 weeks'.
Avatar f tn i have a neg blood type if its the same shot my mom told me about its used bcuz ur body will fight off the baby like it would a cold No worries tho....
Avatar f tn I have found that I have more problem with coffee and ice tea than I realized but am fine with green tea. With the Blood Type diet, black tea is also something I am supposed to avoid. I would liek to see how that all fits in with TH1 / TH2.
538330 tn?1232023960 My friend aiza is positive O and her husband is negative O what is the posible blood types of the baby?
Avatar f tn My blood type is O- and I've heard that this may cause problems for my baby. Are any of you mommies O- as well? What did you have to do in order to keep you and baby safe? And was everything okay? Is your baby healthy now? I just want to know what I need to expect. I am almost 13 weeks pregnant. Thanks.
Avatar f tn I am o negative blood type as well and i didnt miscarry i only got my first shot at 28 weeks. i dont why they said its your blood type. my doctor was more concerned about me then the baby.
Avatar f tn hi all mummies to be, I'm concerned for my blood type and others with the same. This is my second pregnancy but unfortunately my first ended in miscarriage and my gp stated something to do with my blood type fighting against the baby's blood cells because my partners blood is positive. I'm scared it's going to end the same way does anyone else know anything about o neg blood in pregnancy a bit concerned !!
1230912 tn?1273492770 It just tells you that D or A or B are present. A and B blood are dominant over O simply because O has no antigens on the surface of its red blood cells. But antigen D is present in O+ blood. Many A blooded folks are actually AO blooded and some B blooded folks are BO blooded as well. That is precisely why the blood type diet work great with some folks but not so great with others.
Avatar f tn Im o- and my finacee is a/b+ our son is o/b- lol so yes it can happen and its a shot they give you at 7 months so your body doesnt reject this baby. If the baby comes out with a positive blood type they give you another after birth so your body doesnt reject any future children.