Ibuprofen and zantac

Common Questions and Answers about Ibuprofen and zantac


Avatar n tn ) You can also talk to the pharmacist about ibuprofen and how best to take it with your Percocet. (Also some people find good relief with OTC Aleve.
Avatar f tn Go to the doctors... My son did that but he has very bad reflux and is now on Zantac and fine.
Avatar f tn I take 40 mg of prilosec a day and it works amazing
7349088 tn?1390657733 Has anyone taken zantac during pregnancy for heartburn? I'm 22+5 and have heartburn almost every other day. Sometimes it's so bad that I just want to sleep so i don't feel it.
3055148 tn?1368211800 I ran out of the 75 mg of zantac but I have equate 150 mg its the same thing as zantac but just the.generic brand. Is it ok to take that?
Avatar n tn I really can't comment on what it could be without an examination, or looking at the biopsy results. That said, there are a variety of reasons that can lead to gastritis, or an inflammation of the stomach. These can include an ulcer, or an autoimmune etiology that can lead to increased acid production. Despite a negative H Pylori test, there are rare instances of false negatives, and a breath or stool test can be performed for confirmation.
1094370 tn?1317134825 Hi, and I have the same problem. I use Zantac as I can't take prilosec. I take two a day of the Zantac 500. If you have no other drug interactions ask your doctor if you can cut out the prilosec and switch to Zantac and see if that helps. I sometimes cough in the morning too. It comes and goes but I will have it for life too. I developed it in my 40's. I don't know what caused my problem so I'm not sure if the antibiotic caused it or not. My doctor also has the same problem.
1088529 tn?1256844030 I've just started taking zantac, and I don't know if I'll have any side effects, or if my regular symptoms (stomach pain, upset stomach) will become apparent or come back. My question is this; if I get nauseous, stomach pain, upset stomach etc. as a side effect or other, can I take tums to calm my stomach down? Or will it just make things worse? I can't talk to my doctor because (a) don't have an appointment and (b) am too young to drive there or get an appointment myself.
484160 tn?1343397921 After month upon month of frustration, the wife goes and buys hubby some extra strength Zantac and within three hours he was wanting a cheeseburger. When the doctors came in that afternoon I asked them to give it a try. After a bit of condescending attitude on the doctor's part, he said, well, it can't hurt her so if that's what you want we will give it a try. It has now been a week since she was released from the hospital and so far, so good.
Avatar m tn Can you please tell me if you can take Nexium 40mg. and Zantac 75mg. together or on the same day. My GI doctor has me on Nexium 40mg. and my PCP wants me to take Zantac 75mg. at night before I go to bed. Is it safe, and can I take it with Xanax 1mg. I have GERDS and Barrett's Esophagus. And they both think it mjght be causing these little pinpoint pimples in my mouth, tongue, and throat.
Avatar f tn t zantac but it is the same ingredient you drop it in a half cup water and it foams up and you quickly drink it. It is OTC. If zantac is safe this should be too. Thanks so much. Also i read that taking any antacid like tums and rolaids can have a reaction with the prozac. Is this true i was too scared to try Tums.
Avatar f tn Go pick up zantac 150 or 75 mg. If 75 mg take 1 pill twice daily and then take tums as needed. Zantac should prevent the heartburn but if it doesnt work on occasion take tums (i normally take 4 extra strength tums or 2 ultra strength at a time) I was prescribed zantac 75 mg twice a day with my first baby and told to take tums if for some reason zantac doesnt help so its perfectly safe!
Avatar m tn However, the stomach pain is still there sometimes when I eat certain foods and my doctor recently put me on Zantac and Omeprazole to see if those would work. Besides my Primary Care doctor, I also received a referral to a Gastro doctor who I visited yesterday. The Gastro doctor doesn't believe it is anything serious besides possibly GERD, but I have to stop taking the meds for two weeks in preperation for a H. pylori test.
Avatar f tn my husband is experiencing some strange and rather disgusting symptoms. he is 32 years old. Last night he was complaining of stomach upset(MINOR) when he woke up he had developed what I can only describe as mouth gas. VERY smelly belches. also severe diarhea. He says it feels like his stomach keeps building up with air. He has no appetite. any ideas what this may be, and how to get rid of it?
Avatar m tn Zantac Ranitidine (150mg), antacid zellox-II, Zecuf, antibiotic (cephalexin), paracetamol, and cough syrup. This is when problem occurred. I started to experience soft light yellow stool (very little as i didn't eat much), diarrhea (>3 times, little too) , indigestion, nausea, and bloat. I started to get worried and didn't take the medicine for the time being. Please advise me what to do now. Thanks in advance.
Avatar f tn Hi I have a massive period ache , therefore I took 1100 mg of ibuprofen . At first I had taken 500 mg tablet but it's been an hour and a half and it did not help , so I took an other tablet of ibuprofen of 600 mg . The pain is gone but I feel very tired , can I be harmed or die out of it ? Should I ask for help ? Or has anybody been familiar with it ? Please help me , I am a hypochondriac person and I also have OCD and use Prozac .
Avatar f tn I took tylenol this morning. I took Ibuprofen an hour ago . I coudnnt take it anymore. It was a one time thing and i feel so much better. Will my baby be okay?
Avatar m tn whenever i take even one 550mg (naproxen) ibuprofen and then drink, my stomach gets tender and bloated and i feel bad. i usually take a maalox or something like that, yet i never throw up from it so i don't know if that's applicable for you. i think it is due to the ibuprofen, but if you're not used to eating spicy foods then it could have disagreed with you, not necessarily meaning food poisoning. you should never drink and take NSAIDs at the same time.
3122657 tn?1357432602 Ibuprofen is bad for our livers. Try getting a massage if you can. Bromelian, a natural supplement made from pineapples helps reduce swelling but it takes time to work. Also, make sure you're drinking lots of water, and getting some exercise. Try some yoga too. Pot brownies worked the best for my back pain.
Avatar f tn I have a infected broke off wisdom tooth during my last pregnancy my face swelled up and I was out of Tylenol so I took a 800 mg ibuprofen. Bad call for me but I was in pain and it was only once and everything turned out fine with baby so I was lucky.
1386405 tn?1291587800 hi this i defo something no about with my last pregnancy i had severe headaches and i was taking ibuprofen i was taken them all the time but i finally went to the doctors because the pain wouldn't settle and the doctor said DO NOT take ibuprofen just take cocodomal i think thats how you spell it lol.
Avatar f tn Can Ibuprofen cause dizziness, ear pain, stuffiness, and feelings of passing out if taken several times a week?
7758733 tn?1402589420 Killer headaches, and never any Tylenol around. Ibuprofen can't be that bad huh? Got to go to work and this headache must go.