
Hernia surgery numbness

Common Questions and Answers about Hernia surgery numbness


Avatar n tn Possibly not. But soft tissue injuies in back region can lead to groin pain,which means they are related.
Avatar n tn Numbness from an abdominoplasty or just liposuction is not uncommon, but usually resolves after one year or so. At ten years, the persistent numbness is permanent. If your doctor feels he can improve your contour and this is important for you, then I would consider this procedure. There is no one who can predict if additional permanent numbness will occur after additional surgery.
Avatar n tn After I had open inguinal hernia surgery the left side under the incision became numb and is still part numb after two weeks. But the left testicle has become enlarged has not gone down. Could their be something gonig on other than post op swelling?
749700 tn?1234838207 They cannot find anything to show a hernia but I have had five hernia surgeries in the past, a small bowel obstruction repair, parathryoids removed, a mesh net put in place, a esophogeal repair. I am tired of this pain and it's getting worse, sunlight is bothering me along with noise and am tired all the time. Help!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar m tn No improvement of pain in area. Doctor said to see hernia specialist, answer no hernia. To make a long story short, after many different doctor and therapyst visits and MRI's.Cat Scans and blood tests I was told to see hernia specialist again (different one) answer no again. I am in severe pain and unable to walk more than 15 minutes before burning pain starts. I am desperate for an answer.
Avatar m tn I had hernia surgery and my nerves were stitched up. What kind of damage/problem could this cause?
611964 tn?1223767720 No more picking up heavy weights! By the way, even if you do have the surgery, your hernia is still there! They will just cut the excess out. So don't be fooled in that it can't come back. It can. I didn't know that, and am now feeling it creeping back into my lfe! If you're not in a lot of pain, I think you should try some other kind of therapy before you opt for surgery. Stretching excercises can help alot.
Avatar m tn t know if the testicular pain is coming from my back herniated disc or from the hernia. My nerologist thinks it is the hernia,although my GP thinks it os the back injury.I am scheduled to have the hernia repaired,hopin it might cure the testicular pain.Any thoughts?I am also constipated these days although do't know if there is any connection.
Avatar n tn -I have also been told I have raynauds-tarsel tunnel,IBS,hiatal hernia,,,and on it goes.I do get the tingling, numbness in my hand and legs.the headacches that radiate from the neck and back of the head. Please check the ASAP site for more info and dr info and the chiari institute for info as well. I do not know what area u r in, so I don't know if any of the drs listed will be near u.
Avatar f tn She has trouble swallowing and occasionally will have numbness in her legs. She was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia before Thanksgiving and underwent laparoscopic surgery just after Christmas to correct it. Anyways, around the time her hernia was diagnosed, we noticed extreme personality changes, mostly occurring at night, and after a few glasses of wine. Her affect would shift drastically, and her face and presentation would become very flat.
Avatar m tn upon having the x rays which came cleared the hernia specialist also sent me back home.I know for sure this numbness has something to do with my lower left back pain,the numbness comes and goes and i also feel a lill pain sometimes while having sex.I had gained about 20 lbs and after stopping the work out my started to get the belly and I feel it might be the pressure on the nerve.could i have a blood clots,please help me understand this and guide me through to the right physician.
Avatar m tn Is this a result of surgery, the accident or both. I don’t understand how a car accident can cause a hernia.
Avatar n tn My husband had the surgery many years ago and he did just fine. You will have to take it easy for awhile though. Depending on how extensive the hernia is, I would'nt be too surprised if they do the surgery out patient. Of course you'll receive pains meds and the Dr will send you home with a script for pain meds.
Avatar n tn Anyway my question is has anyone had a surgery other than the nissen fundo to repair the hernia. I am interested in having mine fixed but do NOT want my stomach wrapped around my esophagus. I'd like for a surgeon to just go in and pull the stomach to its proper position and sew up the hole in the diaphram essentially returning everything to its natural order.
306389 tn?1213487696 I am 18 weeks along, due Aug 26th.. And lets start by saying, three c-sections, and incision hernia surgery in Aug '09. I have had three ultrasounds, and just saw the doctor last week and heard the heartbeat. I have had three kids and always have felt alot of movement by now. I feel close to nothing. Just some swishing. Has anyone had hernia surgery? The doctor really cant tell me anything. He said my uterus might be numb, and I might have air pockets? I am really worried..
1580703 tn?1651904887 The doctor examined me and found a groin hernia and I'm scheduled for surgery in sept. I think I want laproscopic but am I going to end up with permanent pain? will the mesh or non-tension method fail to stop the hernia from progressing? I think it's from the gym or coughing from this tracheotomy I'm getting this crippling nausea sometimes and sometimes protonix helps. is it from the hernia or diabetes or GERD? thanks!
Avatar m tn Have been on Plavix for 13 months and find I need Hernia surgery now as I am having having many problems due to the Hernia. What is the possibility of having surgery? If I have surgery is the Plavix stopped for a number of days and then resumed?
Avatar m tn upon having the x rays which came cleared the hernia specialist also sent me back home.I know for sure this numbness has something to do with my lower left back pain,the numbness comes and goes and i also feel a lill pain sometimes while having sex.could i have a blood clots,please help me understand this and guide me through to the right physician.I am 34 male,smoker,168lbs 6.0 ft.I feel that numbness is severe if i am under stress or after the long drives or sometimes after smoking marijuana.
Avatar f tn Aside from your Gastroparesis, probably caused by your medication for your Barrett’s disease and acid reflux. Your stomach hernia can be repaired through minimal invasive, laparoscopic surgery which will help in minimizing acid reflux and worsening of Barrett’s disease. As for the diabetic neuropathy, in effect, not treated, it is progressive and affects the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and feel. There is specific medication available by Bayer Laboratories to revert these symptoms.
Avatar m tn I recently developed shortness of breath that has that started on the 18th of January 2014 and has gotten to the point of feeling SOB 24hours a day. I'm a 32 year old male, ex smoker (Roughly 16 pack years. Quit 3 months ago). On Jan 8th 2014 I had a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair that was deemed successful by my surgeon. The pain seemed normal and subsided after a period of 9 days or so.
1103592 tn?1274753561 Any every have a hernia while pregnant? I was complaining the baby's head was so low it was hurting - saw my dr today & it turns out it's a hernia! Grrr- at least baby sounds great (got to hear her hiccups on doplar!). Guess I'll goggle hernias until my surgery consult in 2 weeks.
Avatar n tn Hi Jenny, I have a hiatal hernia, but do not require surgery...I have known about my hernia since I was in my teens. I had a few flares that required meds...but, with proper diet and lifestyle I am able to keep it under control without meds. I just got my self off meds after being on them 2 yrs....I had flares from 3 diff surgeries....the meds they use to put u under alone can upset a balanced system.
Avatar f tn I am 43 yrs old and having ACDF surgery with plate and a cadaver bone, this is my first surgery! I am extremely nervous to say the least. I am told that this will be done as an out patient surgery but most say that isn't typical. I am wondering what I should expect after surgery. Any help or advice would be great, Thank you!