Heart attack or heart attack

Common Questions and Answers about Heart attack or heart attack


Avatar n tn This feeling is like what I imagine the crushing feeling that people who have had a heart attack describe in their chest. Has anyone experienced or been diagnosed because of this symtom?
Avatar n tn GIven you age it is very unlikely that you did have a heart attack. It is more likely that this was a gallbladder attack, or something related to the GI tract as this occurred after eating. The bottom line is that I cannot make the diagnosis over a computer and you need to be seen by a doctor. In most cities there are free clinics where physicians will see patients pro bono. In your case the tests involved are not very expensive a( EKG and gallbladder ultrasound).
Avatar n tn Go to the ER NOW! Tell them your having chest pain or had chest pain like you described and they'll put you right in past everyone. They do an EKG and test your blood for heart enzymes released during a heart attack. They'll be able to tell you right then if that's what happened. That pain you felt could have been a heart attack. If you've had similar pain for a year it could be angina. Don't delay.
Avatar n tn That is an impossible question to answer with the given (or lack of) information. You say the main heart vessel which I assume is a coronary artery. There are three main coronary arteries. A cardiologist will make his/her decision based on the condition of the artery concerned. A) How long is the blockage and is it hard or soft. B) Is the blockage on a curved section of the artery making it more risky for Stents. C) Is the area around the main blockage diseased distally.
Avatar m tn I'm not a doctor, but I understand people can be having a heart attack and still have a normal or near normal blood pressure. Heart attacks in women don't always include the same/typical symptoms as they do in men. Also, it's fairly common in women that symptoms of a heart attack come and go--so just because the clear up doesn't mean you're not having a heart attack. Better safe than sorry, right? I would seek medical attention immediately. First, take a 325 mg.
Avatar f tn I am a 47 year old female, family history of heart attack. I have been on bp meds for 5 years. I have not been feeling well for a few months. My BP fluctuates - it is better after taking my bp med Lysoprine. Last night I had a spell and my legs were shaky, clammy, sweaty, and nauseous. then I yawned uncontrollably for 10-15 minutes. My neck became sore and stiff. The feeling passed, but a Blood pressure check a couple of hours later revealed 180/109. I checked it 3 times.
Avatar f tn Hi I'm 39 and had a heart attack a month ago got the usual meds but not a lot of support I'm just wondering how I'm meant to feel or what everybody feels when it happens to them ?
Avatar n tn The next day his chest and arm was very sore and he was very tired. Is this symptoms of a heart attack? I made him a Doctors appointment but he cancelled it. He doesn't believe it was anything to really worry about. He said..... it's just stress. I'm worried!!!!!! Heart disease runs in his family.
Avatar m tn Next time would go to the emergency room where they can do labs and EKG. Cardiac enzymes from a heart attack do not show up till 48-72 hrs after a heart attack so they will need to redo the labs then. Many times heart attacks and strokes are caused from the same thing (clots.
Avatar f tn you need to go to a hospital today whether or not you are still having symtoms so that they can do a simple blood test and run an EKG test on you to see if or if not you had a heart attack the other nite. Your symtoms definately throw a red flag here.....
Avatar f tn An EKG is not a very reliable source to detect heart muscle damage and a prior heart attack. However,non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) is a heart attack, or MI (myocardial iinfarction), and there should have been chemical markers in the blood that indicate damage has occurred to the heart muscle. In NSTEMI, the blockage may be partial or temporary, and so the extent of the damage is relatively minimal.
Avatar n tn My Dad had a Stent placed after a heart attack one week ago. He has been having jaw pain all day. Should we be worried?
Avatar n tn s more commonly called an angiogram or heart cath. They look to see what or if the heart attack caused damage. In my case, the new blockages weren't bad enough to require any intervention. (Stents or bypass surgery). I was kept in the CCU and watched for the next 3 days. It is common to be just "watched" during this time frame. Stay hopeful. I think your friend will be fine and sent home soon. Of course, there will be many lifestyle changes and need for meds.
1814992 tn?1316890851 The symptoms are very similar to that of a heart attack and very uncomfortable. What helps me are things like maalox, nexium, tums or some form of an antacid. When you feel them coming on-sit up and if you can, try raising your bed up a little at night so the acid doesn't come up into your esophagus. If it makes you feel any better at all, I've had a heart attack and although everyone's symptoms are different, I had NONE of those.
Avatar f tn It may not have been a heart attack, but it could have been an insufficient supply of blood to heart cells with exertion of going up a stairway. Sometimes that can cause heart cell damage so you should see a doctor to have an exam to rule out out anthing serious which appears you have already done. It is difficult to know whether you should wait or have an immediate evaluation...I would call the dotor's office and ask for advice.
Avatar n tn If you go to the hospital in the next few hours, they can run a troponin blood test which will inform them if it was a heart attack or not, even if you have no pains now.
Avatar f tn Hi, im an 18 year old female I weigh about 160, my mother & sister has high blood pressure, other than that no family heart issues/attacks. For the past 4 days my left arm (upper) and my left coller bone has been aching, I wouldn't say pain.. its more like pulling a muscle feeling and also my left side of my neck, it can really feel it if I lean forward.
Avatar m tn Heart problems such as an irregular heartbeat or blockages in or near the heart that block the blood from getting to the brain. Diabetes, anxiety or panic disorders, dehydration, low blood sugar, high blood pressure etc. It is difficult to speculate what the underlying cause for your fainting eposides without further information but just to rule out a condition with just an ekg is not adequate. Unless you had a fainting episode while taking the ekg that may have been of some help.
Avatar m tn A man beside me told me that he had had a heart attack a week ago. He said that the only pain he felt was in his left arm. He also had some numbness in his arm. He went to the ER. They rushed him into the cath lab and placed a stent in one of his coronary arteries. He saved himself any real damage to the muscle of the heart, by acting on his instinct. He looked just fine to have had a heart attack a week before.
1481758 tn?1287638643 Every heart attack is different, so I believe. But it could be just different descriptions from people about the same symptom for all I know. Numb hands & feet, cold tingle, not sure about upset stomach, shacking, all don't sound like a heart attack and in fact the tight chest is the only one that is. I'd assume they drew blood which is probably where they got the ammonia idea.
Avatar f tn hi,i had a massive heart attack bk in june2010 im 36yrs old ive got 2 stents back in july i has another angiogram when they went up there to look at my stents the doctor told me i might need bypass so why are these drs not going to do it? also they never listened to me b4 i had my heart attack.im confused i dont knw what to do..anything would help....
1798872 tn?1346164585 This is because one of the chemicals released by heart cells when they are starving for blood and oxygen during a heart attack, CK, is also released by the muscles of our body under extreme strain or inflammation (caused by extreme exercise, medications, musculoskeletal conditions which cause muscle cell damage).
Avatar f tn An actual heart attack, pretty close to zero.
Avatar n tn differences between 83 yr. old woman suffered heart attack need angiogram and 45 yr woman suffered heart attack need a balloon angiography who should go first and why?
Avatar f tn Im having a tingling in my left arm and i feel kinda funny behind my left breast could this be a heart attack...i do hae small vessell ichemia,,,and i also have bad anxiety,,im on ativan,risperdal and remeron.....
Avatar f tn I am on Plavix for my Heart Attack and my husband is on Coumadin for a blood clot he had 3 years ago 1 month after he had broken his ankle and had to have surgery. I say he should be off the Coumadin already. He went back to work full time after the broken ankle and also lost 60 lbs. He says the Plavix is just as bad.
Avatar f tn Most heart attacks (myocardium infarction) occur as result of soft plaque that ruptures through the inner layer of the coronary vessel into vessel channel (lumen) and this presentation represents about 90% of fatal heart attacks. The soft plaque builds up within the layers of the vessel and is not always detected with the usual heart tests such as echocardiogram, stress test, cath, etc.