Graves disease and walking

Common Questions and Answers about Graves disease and walking


877337 tn?1249844450 I just googled graves disease and weight and came across this link: Hope it helps.
Avatar m tn It is much ore like what our bodies make. Did you have Graves disease is an autoimmune disease that affects your thyroid as we know. Do you have a positive ANA now that you have had the radiation?
Avatar f tn Anyway I have Severe Graves Thyroid Eye Disease Hyper ahd hypothyrpidism and lastly Thyrotoxic Myopathy. I have always been in relatively good health although I never ate or slept and was constantly on the go. As an Event manager I always had something to plan so I went at it 500000 miles an hour. Now though I am using a walking stick, my hair has fallen out, I have lost my face to TED and I feel faint lethargic and my legs buzz all night long.
1428646 tn?1330978063 graves disease will attack and organ. the first time I had graves disease it was attacking my heart making my heart beat faster. I was on medication for about 2 years. then it went into remission now it is back. graves disease could attack any organ , graves disease is your immune system attacks your organs not virus or bacteria.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Grave's about 5 weeks ago. Doc put me on Methimizole and I had a sever allergic reaction. Took me off meds and went in for follow-up 1 wk ltr. Was told that I can do Radioactive Iodine Treatment or Surgery...I'm soooo confused. My numbers are literally BORDERLINE hyperthyroidism...doc said I should not wait too long to make decision. If I am borderline, why do something so drastic? Does this mean if I decide not to do either treatment, my numbers will go higher.
Avatar n tn I know that muscle cramping is a symptom of hyPOparathyroidism, but can it also be a symptom of hyPERparathyroidism? I've been having lower right abdomen cramps and increased leg cramps, esp. at night. I've pretty much got the diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism, we're just looking for a good localization scan. Thanks so much!
Avatar f tn I have been having difficulties quite sometime now and labs show normal but I feel terrible and eye doctor suspects graves disease (I never mentioned anything to him regarding thyroid issues). I also have insulin resistance and arthritis. Fatigue, bone pain, irritability and extreme stiffness after doing physical housework, walking and other activity are everyday symptoms I have learned to live with. Lab results were as follows: TPO AB 7 TSH 0.93 T3 Uptake 24 antithyroglobulin AB <1.
Avatar f tn You need a second opinion. Based on what you describe, you have autoimmune thyroid disease with markers for Graves' (TSI) and the other common antibodies (TPO and Tg) that are usually associated with hashimoto's. Graves' and Hashi should be considered as entities on two ends of a spectrum, not two completely different diseases. This may cause fluctuating thyroid function to hypo and hyper and back but this is not common.
Avatar f tn M PCP told me i had graves disease and referred me to an endo. The endo said that all of my symptoms "were in my head and nothing was wrong". A few years go by and I see my PCP again and asked how I have been treating my thyroid problems and I said "I don't have one". He showed me the consult report from the Endo confirming my PCP diagnosis. My question is this, What am I to do now? I have lost about 20 lbs. when i only weighed 110 2years ago and hair loss.
Avatar f tn My mother was diagnosed in her early 40s with graves disease and her thyroid was removed, around the same time she was diagnosed with stage 3-4 colon cancer. I'm aware there are connections between autoimmune diseases and thyroid and intestinal diseases/conditions. As I'm getting older I'm noticing I'm following in the same physiological footsteps my mother did before she was diagnosed.
Avatar n tn I have graves disease, but was in remission. Then I had cancer and chemotherapy. My TSH level is hyper again and my other tests normal. The doctors won't say if chemo can activate your graves disease. They do say that a physical or emotional change to my body can trigger it. My thoughts, Cancer and chemotherapy are big time physical and emotional changes.
Avatar f tn 19 year old son was getting hives mainly at night. Diagnosed with Graves disease a couple weeks ago and on meds now. is this normal with graves?
Avatar f tn They have removed me off of my medicine one time to see if my Graves disease had went into remission and within two months it came back with TSH levels of 0.003...basically non-existant TSH levels. They put me back on my 10mg Methmazole and within 3 weeks my levels were normal. That is pretty much a health summary of my graves disease for the past five-six years lol.
Avatar m tn Hello everyone.. i love the information on this site and wanted to tell you all about my situation and what you guys think. I have had diabetes for 3 years and good glucose control. This past january they found grave's disease as well. Recently i have been suffering Pots like symptoms but don't know if its graves and pots or just graves.. How similar are they. My heart races when i stand up, I get weird pulse pressure throughout the day. it has made me anxious alot.
Avatar m tn It should be pointed out that, especially in the US literature, the term ‘hashitoxicosis’ is sometimes used to describe an autoimmune thyroid disease overlap syndrome of Gravesand Hashimoto’s disease.2 In this article the term is strictly limited to the ‘leakage’ symptoms of active Hashimoto’s disease." *** I've had both Hashi's and Graves antibodies simultaneously but I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis previously.
Avatar n tn Can you have graves disease so bad that it would seem like bipolar and I thought Graves disease was an overactive thyroid, so how can you be hypro?
Avatar f tn Graves Disease is an Autoimmune Disease and usually when one autoimmune disease is found, there is usually a 2nd one found (this one being Diabetes). The Graves and Hyperthyroidism can be treated by either anti-thyroid meds or pernmanant treatment which will eventually stablaise the Diabetes although this is extremely hard if the Diabetes has been undetected for a long time. And something to watch for is ...Metformin can interefer with thyroid medications.
Avatar f tn I was recently diagnosed with Graves Disease which is an autoimmune disease associated with ur thyroid. I have noticed that I'm needing more pain meds than normal to relieve my pain. My question is, does this disease affect the relief I am supposed 2 be receiving from my normal dose? Basically, does my pain meds need to be increased or does my thyroid affect the digestion process of the meds?
Avatar f tn Hello My daughter is 26yrs old and is pregnant and found out she has Graves disease. I am going crazy, I've never been Depress I am so sad she lost weight .. She just starting to do testts for this and that.
Avatar n tn Graves is an autoimmune disease and unfortunately for life. Controlling whether they raise or suppress is key to beating the symptoms of the disease. If you are on Levo now - your labs must be abnormal and now lean towards hypoT levels. You would feel like cr@p right now with the swinging patterns you have been on. "Once Graves.... always Graves" is the saying here. But I am positive your endo or ???
Avatar n tn Usually, surgery is the preferable option if someone has Graves thyroid disease (because RAI can sometimes make eye disease worse if already present). Graves Eye Disease is caused by different antibodies than the thyroid disease. They are related, but having one doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the other.
Avatar f tn Hi I have graves disease and in the last 2 months I have been losing mass amounts of hair. Why all the sudden am I losing my hair?