Fibromyalgia pain genetic

Common Questions and Answers about Fibromyalgia pain genetic


2150896 tn?1337513198 The autoimmune disorders definitely run in families. They can also come in groups of two or more in the same person. My hubby's close relative now has RA (well known in the women in the family), Lupus, and Reynaud's. I have a distant relative who has fibromyalgia-like pain, as do a few of her female relatives on her mother's side. She sent me a copy of a fascinating study of a new breakthrough discovery.
Avatar f tn Although, I imagine many serious illness do cause muscle-like pain, fibromyalgia, or chronic pain. But I do not consider those as a true diagnosis. I have seen neurologists. Just the wrong ones.I like people that say they don't know the answer when they don't know the answer, rather than make up an ambiguous diagnosis that does not resolve anything. Although, I would prefer to find someone that does indeed KNOW the answer.
Avatar m tn Is there a medical condition where a person have a very low sensitivity to pain, despite the kind of pain whether its a inner pain like stomach pain and broken bones or external pain like the amputation of a limb or a deep cut in skin ? I read about the term " Threshold of pain " ... which talks about the point where a person start to feel pain. Can someone have a very low point, that is to say, he won't be bothered with a broken bone ? or amputation of a arm or leg ?
Avatar m tn If you know you aren't depressed..... then ignore these physicians and consider firing them. If you do have some signs of depression (which can go along with being ill and being ignored by the medical community), then consider getting counseling to help you with your depression symptoms. At least this way, your counselor can help decide if you are so depressed that your symptoms are due to depression. Fibromyaliga is not genetic.
Avatar f tn My doctors are considering a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, contingent upon the results of a recent biopsy to determine if Sjogren's is a factor. Can fibromyalgia be the cause of my symptoms that cycle (recurring fevers, rash, fatigue, pain, blurry vision, and numbness in hands and feet)? I've heard of it being a factor in regard to fatigue and pain, but am unsure about vision, rash, numbness, and especially fevers.
Avatar f tn A discussion of fibromyalgia wouldn't be complete without considering what SV40, the monkey virus in the polio vaccine does to glial cells. Suffice it to say, SV40 doesn't just cause cancer. That's pretty much it's final stage, it does much more to get there.
Avatar n tn Hello, Some of the conditions with widespread body and joint aches are fibromyalgia(a disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain and tactile allodynia(pain even on touching) ,chronic fatigue syndrome(often manifests with widespread myalgia and arthralgia, cognitive difficulties, chronic mental and physical exhaustion) ,polymyositis (means 'many muscle inflammation') and polymyalgia rheumatica(an inflammatory disorder that causes widespread muscle aching and stiffne
Avatar n tn t know what else to do after trying so many things. She has suffered with pain since she was 8 and she is now 21 and in so much pain constantly she is suicidal but we can't find a doctor to help her. She was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and has many of the symptoms but has gotten very little relief with medicine that are supposed to help Fibro. Can you help us or tell us how to find a doctor to help her. She is barely able to get out of bed or shower by herself.
1023657 tn?1251844941 One of them is exercise. Fibromyalgia pain is muscle pain and the most important therapy for muscle pain is regular, gentle and low-impact exercise. It keeps muscles conditioned and healthy and decreases the amount of discomfort. It is very important to try low-stress exercises such as walking, swimming, water aerobics, and biking rather than straining exercises such as weight training. Heavy exercises worsen the symptoms.
Avatar n tn Hello, These symptoms can be due to parastheisa skin due to diabetes or peripheral vascular disease, fibromyalgia(a disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain and tactile allodynia (pain even on touching) ,chronic fatigue syndrome(often manifests with widespread myalgia and arthralgia, cognitive difficulties, chronic mental and physical exhaustion) ,polymyositis (means 'many muscle inflammation') and polymyalgia rheumatica (an inflammatory disorder that causes wides
Avatar f tn long-term, body-wide pain and tender points in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Fibromyalgia has also been linked to fatigue, morning stiffness, sleep problems, headaches, numbness in hands and feet, depression, and anxiety." On the other hand though, it can occur in your 20's. I was diagnosed after years of pain when I was 25.
Avatar f tn Fibromyalgia can be caused by trauma, stress, an illness, PTSD, or fever. And yes, it can run in families. Fibromyalgia should be suspected by the pcp when the pt has widespread pain for more than 3 months. There are trigger/tender points in the same places on both sides of the body. Wrists, ankles, neck, shoulders, elbows, buttocks, knees are the most common. Also migraine headaches and stomach issues such as IBS. Muscle spasms are also common.
Avatar f tn s, fibromyalgia, and a variant on the MEFV gene. My doctor prescribed Elmiron which I just started. Is there a connection between interstitial cystitis and Sjogren's, fibromyalgia, or the inflammatory response from the genetic variant? I'm wondering if there are other treatment options besides the medication that will also address the other issues.
1549643 tn?1495759353 Even with the autoantibody present. No evidence of swelling/inflammation, just pain and stiffness. This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Autoimmune-Disorders/Concerned-about-ANA-1640/show/1854450">Concerned about ANA 1:640</a>.
573297 tn?1304709140 There is no test for fibromyalgia this syndrome masks alot of things like RA, Lupis, Lymes disease, cervical spine stenosis and once your doc does the tests for these things if they all come back neg you def have fibromyalgia. I have 4 kids and my fibromyalgia pain is so bad some days Id rather be giving birth. It def *****. I am in pain 24/7 it never ends. Fibromyalgia causes anxiety, depression, mood swings, nausea, constipation, etc.....
Avatar f tn I'm a 58 y/o female who had a left total knee replacement 15 months ago with a subsequent MRSA sepsis. I underwent a second surgery where the left knee was debrided and the plastic part of the joint replacement was changed. I was treated with 8 weeks of IV Vanco and oral Rifampin. Now I have continual pain in my left buttock with "sores" only on the left side only. I continue with pain in the left buttock muscle, as well as most of my other joints.
Avatar n tn One thing to note, I have Fibromyalgia. My G.I. doc says a LOT of people with FM have GI problems. FM is caused by a genetic liver/kidney disfunction, so there could be a connection.... Does anyone else with these symptoms ALSO have Fibromyalgia? Has anyone found ANYTHING to succesfully treat the GI symptoms mentioned above? There is no cure for Fibromyalgia, but there HAS to be something to at least TREAT the GI symptoms!
Avatar m tn Hello, Some of the conditions with widespread body aches are fibromyalgia(a disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain and tactile allodynia(pain even on touching) ,chronic fatigue syndrome(often manifests with widespread myalgia and arthralgia, cognitive difficulties, chronic mental and physical exhaustion) ,polymyositis (means 'many muscle inflammation') , vitamin D deficiency and polymyalgia rheumatica(an inflammatory disorder that causes widespread muscle aching
Avatar f tn Thank you for your suggestion. The pain I talked about has increased in frequency and intensity over the past year. It can show up in any part of my body. It varies from a mild ache to a stabbing, throbbing...almost unbearable pain. It can last from minutes to hours. Basically every day I have some degree of pain somewhere in my body. It feels like it starts in a muscle and if it's going to intensify it will spread out from there.
Avatar f tn Yes, chest pain is another one of symptoms of Fibromyalgia. It's mostly in the pectoral area. There are several trigger points tests doctors use to see if you have Fibromyalgia. Mine started inside my knees. Keep in mind that "Fibro" pain is bilateral which means that it occurs on both sides of the body. I have all of the "trigger points" like, both sides of my neck, back of shoulders, thighs, inside of my knee and tenderness in my upper arms.
5586759 tn?1370435272 I've had Fibromyalgia since I was a teenager and I have gone through one pregnancy already, but at the time I hadn't been diagnosed properly for the ailments that I have. It's now round two, I am pregnant again, and I'm wondering about good suggestions to help maintain lower levels of pain. Last time I was put on bed rest at 8 1/2 months and that was torture for my sciatica nerve. I'm trying to stay active and strong.
Avatar n tn For years, I've had pain & fatigue, & symptoms of twitches from my torso down, pain in my right arm & hand, numb feet while running, uncontrollable toe-spreading, horrible nighttime nerve pain that makes it nearly impossible to sleep, & feelings of "flu-like" fatigue during the day, Four years ago went to our doc, who thought I might have MS & was sent to a neurologist. Had nerve conduction test, blood work-up, MRI of neck and brain, etc.
Avatar f tn Is there a link between fibromyalgia and joint problems? I didn't think there was, however my body seems to be having more and more pain in my joints. I feel as if my general body tone is not strong. I am in constant pain of some type: from fibro, bursitis (in hip, knees, and one elbow), low back pain from scoliosis, and now tendonitis from computer use.
Avatar m tn I've been having muscle pain, and seems always around joints, random sudden throbs of pain in joints sometimes, but others, just muscle pain that lasts. I'm always tired, hard time sleeping, fibro runs in the family, my aunt and grandmother have it (on my mom's side) about a year ago, I hurt myself pretty bad, fell and cracked a rib and fractured my breastbone from my ribs, I still get pain from that, but that's when I really started noticing pain in other places as well.