Eye infection on cats

Common Questions and Answers about Eye infection on cats


Avatar n tn It is most likely an allergic reaction at its peak. Call your vet to make an appointment ASAP just in case; but if it an allergic reaction, the doctor should not be overly worried as long as the cat keeps eating and doesn't seem lethargic. It may be a bug bite, plant, spider.... I also got this from a website. You might want to read it all. Viral infections - the most common one that causes mouth sores, drooling, and foul breath is a serious infection called calici.
Avatar n tn my cats inor eyelid is covering half his eye I want to know if there is somthing I can do to fix it
Avatar n tn i would think that there might be an eye infection, or an eye abrasion if it is only on one eye. is the eye crusty or weepy? and have you been doing any work around the house? does the cat sneeze alot? those are things that come with a sinus infection. if he;s being extra lovey then there might be a problem more serious. diabeedes and orgn failures start with some ulcers in the mouth, but i would assume that they could be found near the eyes as well.
Avatar f tn My 7 year old Female cat has been sneezing on and off for 2 weeks, and has had one watery eye for two days. She is currently on clavamox. There are no other symptoms. She eats and plays normally and is up to date on all vaccines. The vet did a complete blood work and only found the cats white blood cell count to be slightly elevated and her lungs sound clear. She displays no other symptoms. What could this be?
Avatar m tn My cat has an infection in her left eye that is concering me. She has had it for about 2 weeks now. Her acual eye looks fine but, she has a green discharge coming from her eye. She can open her eye but, she mainly keeps it closed. I don't see any swollen tissue in or around her eye. I was going to put "Equate's" version on neosporen on her eye because I read online someones vet said it has the same ingrediants as a medication they use for their eyes.
1356258 tn?1277664250 We took him to the Vet yesterday, and he thought the same thing (that it was an abscess from a bite from his brother, even though there was not an obvious wound). So, he gave him more of the antibiotics that he had been on for the eye infection (Clavimox), and it has pretty much gone back to normal.
1124398 tn?1263071731 I absolutely agree with the above comments. It is possibly an upper respitory infection or even herpes. Herpes will cause a cats eyes to run. Yes, some cats eyes just run, but from the sounds of your post, this is something new and unusual for Max. Really, the only way to know for sure is to take Max to the vet. If it's an infection, he will likely be put on Clavamox which is a common antibiotic for cats and not very expensive. Good luck!
7588086 tn?1400793414 The danger is toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection carried by cats, transmitted in cat feces, and found in gardens where cats poop. If you get toxoplasmosis when you're pregnant, your baby can get it, too, in utero, and it can cause significant neurological damage. So if you know you've never had toxoplasmosis and have cats, you shouldn't change the litter box, and you'll want to be careful about gardening.
740516 tn?1360942486 If I were you, I'd wash my hands real good before touching food dishes or anything cat related :)
Avatar n tn In the past 2 days both eyes were hazel, now one eye is normal and the other eye was hazel, now as time passes the one eye that was hazel is now half blue/half hazel in just the one eye! That makes one normal eye and one half normal eye! Once again the basic question, can being immunized give temporary symptoms of the possible diseases in this manner?
Avatar f tn Hello, I had a little of Savannah kittens and when they were a few days old I noticed pus coming out of their eyes. I took them to the vet and got Pentamycetin eye drops to help whatever it is. I noticed the father (in a separate room) also starting to have teary eyes. I then took him to the vet and got blood work done. Nothing showed up. Then I had another vet recommend an eye swab for the kittens. It came back positive for D355 Mycoplasma. I then checked my other cats and they have it too.
647911 tn?1373314647 There are viruses that people and cats can both get, for one example, chlamydia, and it manifests as a respiratory/eye infection in the cat (but I can't remember if it manifests that way in a person or not). You might check with the vet and see if the cat should be treated.
Avatar f tn If that is the kitty in question then I do know that with orange cats it is normal for them to get black spots on their lips, tongue and even their nose. It is a collection of pigment cells.
Avatar n tn Just keep an eye on them an talk to your vet to discuss arrangements to take kitty in somewhere if the situation changes and you need to take immediate action (before the visit).
746399 tn?1233070072 we get in our eyes or could be as serious as an upper respiratory infection. Many cats also carry a latent herpesvirus that can cause similar symptoms along with sneezing. April2: Using a steroid ointment in an eye that is scratched or abraded could be a big problem. It's also best, as you said, to get the eye checked before applying any medication. If the discharge continues or if your kitty goes off food, definitely go see your DVM.
Avatar n tn The discharge from the eye could be caused by glaucoma or an eye infection, both of which can cause blindness if you let it go. Sorry, there is no magical cure that we can offer to spare you the expense of a vet.
Avatar f tn thanks you guys! the vet said it wasnt an eye infection but they could tell he was sick so they gave him an antibiotic shot that lasts for 2 weeks...he seems to be fine and it kinda looks like its going away...darn kids lol!!
Avatar m tn For now we have used some left over ointment that we had for another of our cats that fight against bacterial infection and used on the eye. Also, after passing overnight, it looks exactly the same, so at least there's that.
Avatar f tn Thx for updating us. How old are all yr kitties? Just curious, my one himmie Bailey would sneeze blood, just occasionally at first, she was 15 our Vet here couldn't find a reason why. I finally took her to see a specialist at a nearby Vet teaching hospital and they found a polyp deep in her naval cavity that turned out to be cancer. Because of the location they couldn't do anything for her.
Avatar n tn Upper respiratory problems can be very frustrating and can take a long time to get under control. Some cats have chronic eye and/or nasal discharge. I have not used the PCR testing because my understanding is that they can be misleading. If the test identifies a bacteria or virus which leads to successful treatment then that is great. However, I have read that they can have false positives and negatives, which means that the results may not be completely reliable.
Avatar f tn I have a 5 year old cat with what I believe to be an eye ulcer. He has a cloudy gray-ish colour covering the outer cornea of his eye. He does not squint it very often, only in sun light. There is no discharge from the eye and he doesn't appear to be in pain. He is an outdoor cat and there are two other cats in the house. He's had this on his eye for over six months. I took him to my vet a few months ago when he was squinting it more and she gave me fusidic eye gel.
Avatar f tn Is this going to go away what do I need to do...I had taken both cats to the vet for an eye infection that seems to get better , but its like fighting off lice with no shampoo they are still sneezing and the older one seems to have a weird coughing going on like somethings stuck in him throat, but he doesn't do this all the time I've only seen and heard this a couple of times since he got the infection which is white in the corner of the eyes but still pink.
Avatar f tn s weight which is a fraction of a humans. Second, you have no idea what KIND of infection your kitty may or may not have, making whatever you are giving useless as it might not be an infection at all. This sounds like Herpes that *might* have gone into an Upper Respiratory Infection, in which case, I would suggest you see your Vet for the correct antib's. And you would know the difference between hearing a cough or sneeze, as a cough sounds loud and scary like a seal barking.